
 * Title:        CloudSim Toolkit
 * Description:  CloudSim (Cloud Simulation) Toolkit for Modeling and Simulation of Clouds
 * Licence:      GPL - http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html
 * Copyright (c) 2009-2010, The University of Melbourne, Australia

package org.cloudbus.cloudsim;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;

import org.cloudbus.cloudsim.core.CloudSim;
import org.cloudbus.cloudsim.core.CloudSimTags;
import org.cloudbus.cloudsim.core.SimEntity;
import org.cloudbus.cloudsim.core.SimEvent;
import org.cloudbus.cloudsim.lists.CloudletList;
import org.cloudbus.cloudsim.lists.VmList;

 * DatacentreBroker represents a broker
 * acting on behalf of a user. It hides VM management,
 * as vm creation, sumbission of cloudlets to this VMs
 * and destruction of VMs.
 * @author		Rodrigo N. Calheiros
 * @author		Anton Beloglazov
 * @since		CloudSim Toolkit 1.0
public class DatacenterBroker extends SimEntity {

	// TODO: remove unnecessary variables

	/** 需要创建的vm列表The vm list. */
	private List<? extends Vm> vmList;

	/** 已经创建的vm列表The vms created list. */
	private List<? extends Vm> vmsCreatedList;

	/** cloudlet列表The cloudlet list. */
	private List<? extends Cloudlet> cloudletList;

	/** 已经提交的cloudlet列表The cloudlet submitted list. */
	private List<? extends Cloudlet> cloudletSubmittedList;

	/** 接受到的完成的cloudlet,The cloudlet received list. */
	private List<? extends Cloudlet> cloudletReceivedList;

	/** 已经提交的cloudlet数,不包括已经完成返回的cloudletThe cloudlets submitted. */
	private int cloudletsSubmitted;

	/** 已经请求建立的vms,The vms requested. */
	private int vmsRequested;

	/** vm建立恢复数量The vms acks. */
	private int vmsAcks;

	/** The vms destroyed. */
	private int vmsDestroyed;

	/** The datacenter ids list. */
	private List<Integer> datacenterIdsList;

	/** 已经请求过的数据中心列表The datacenter requested ids list. */
	private List<Integer> datacenterRequestedIdsList;

	/** The vms to datacenters map. */
	private Map<Integer, Integer> vmsToDatacentersMap;

	/** The datacenter characteristics list. */
	private Map<Integer, DatacenterCharacteristics> datacenterCharacteristicsList;

	 * Created a new DatacenterBroker object.
	 * @param name 	name to be associated with this entity (as
	 * required by Sim_entity class from simjava package)
	 * @throws Exception the exception
	 * @pre name != null
	 * @post $none
	public DatacenterBroker(String name) throws Exception {

		setVmList(new ArrayList<Vm>());
		setVmsCreatedList(new ArrayList<Vm>());
		setCloudletList(new ArrayList<Cloudlet>());
		setCloudletSubmittedList(new ArrayList<Cloudlet>());
		setCloudletReceivedList(new ArrayList<Cloudlet>());


		setDatacenterIdsList(new LinkedList<Integer>());
		setDatacenterRequestedIdsList(new ArrayList<Integer>());
		setVmsToDatacentersMap(new HashMap<Integer, Integer>());
		setDatacenterCharacteristicsList(new HashMap<Integer, DatacenterCharacteristics>());

	 * 提交创建vm列表
	 * This method is used to send to the broker the list with
	 * virtual machines that must be created.
	 * @param list the list
	 * @pre list !=null
	 * @post $none
	public void submitVmList(List<? extends Vm> list) {

	 * This method is used to send to the broker the list of
	 * cloudlets.
	 * @param list the list
	 * @pre list !=null
	 * @post $none
	public void submitCloudletList(List<? extends Cloudlet> list){

	 * Specifies that a given cloudlet must run in a specific virtual machine.
	 * 绑定一个cloudlet到一个虚拟机上
	 * @param cloudletId ID of the cloudlet being bount to a vm
	 * @param vmId the vm id
	 * @pre cloudletId > 0
	 * @pre id > 0
	 * @post $none
	public void bindCloudletToVm(int cloudletId, int vmId){
		CloudletList.getById(getCloudletList(), cloudletId).setVmId(vmId);

     * Processes events available for this Broker.
     * @param ev    a SimEvent object
     * @pre ev != null
     * @post $none
	public void processEvent(SimEvent ev) {
		//Log.printLine(CloudSim.clock()+"[Broker]: event received:"+ev.getTag());
		switch (ev.getTag()){
			// Resource characteristics request
			case CloudSimTags.RESOURCE_CHARACTERISTICS_REQUEST:     //收到 请求characteristic事件
				processResourceCharacteristicsRequest(ev);           //获得数据中心列表,向数据中心发送请求
			// Resource characteristics answer
	        case CloudSimTags.RESOURCE_CHARACTERISTICS:              //得到回答,
	        	processResourceCharacteristics(ev);                  //处理,记录,请求建立虚拟机
	        // VM Creation answer
	        case CloudSimTags.VM_CREATE_ACK:                         //记录,请求建立更多vm,提交任务
	        //A finished cloudlet returned
	        case CloudSimTags.CLOUDLET_RETURN:
	        	processCloudletReturn(ev);                           //收到了一个完成的cloudlet,加入到cloudreceivedlist中
	        // if the simulation finishes
	        case CloudSimTags.END_OF_SIMULATION:
	        	shutdownEntity();                                      //关闭
            // other unknown tags are processed by this method

	 * 处理从datacenter中心返回的请求characteristic事件
	 * Process the return of a request for the characteristics of a PowerDatacenter.
	 * @param ev a SimEvent object
	 * @pre ev != $null
	 * @post $none
	protected void processResourceCharacteristics(SimEvent ev) {
		DatacenterCharacteristics characteristics = (DatacenterCharacteristics) ev.getData();
		getDatacenterCharacteristicsList().put(characteristics.getId(), characteristics);
		if (getDatacenterCharacteristicsList().size() == getDatacenterIdsList().size()) {
			setDatacenterRequestedIdsList(new ArrayList<Integer>());

	 * 处理一个characteristic请求事件
	 * Process a request for the characteristics of a PowerDatacenter.
	 * @param ev a SimEvent object
	 * @pre ev != $null
	 * @post $none
	protected void processResourceCharacteristicsRequest(SimEvent ev) {
		setDatacenterCharacteristicsList(new HashMap<Integer, DatacenterCharacteristics>());

		Log.printLine(CloudSim.clock()+": "+getName()+ ": Cloud Resource List received with "+getDatacenterIdsList().size()+" resource(s)");
		for (Integer datacenterId : getDatacenterIdsList()) {
			sendNow(datacenterId, CloudSimTags.RESOURCE_CHARACTERISTICS, getId());

	 * 发送请求建立虚拟机服务收到确定回答事件后,处理该事件
	 * 主要是记录,请求建立更多vm,提交任务
	 * Process the ack received due to a request for VM creation.
	 * @param ev a SimEvent object
	 * @pre ev != null
	 * @post $none
	protected void processVmCreate(SimEvent ev) {
		int[] data = (int[]) ev.getData();
		int datacenterId = data[0];
		int vmId = data[1];
		int result = data[2];

		if (result == CloudSimTags.TRUE) {
			getVmsToDatacentersMap().put(vmId, datacenterId);
			getVmsCreatedList().add(VmList.getById(getVmList(), vmId));
			Log.printLine(CloudSim.clock()+": "+getName()+ ": VM #"+vmId+" has been created in Datacenter #" + datacenterId + ", Host #" + VmList.getById(getVmsCreatedList(), vmId).getHost().getId());
		} else {
			Log.printLine(CloudSim.clock()+": "+getName()+ ": Creation of VM #"+vmId+" failed in Datacenter #" + datacenterId);

		incrementVmsAcks();        //++vmAcks,用于记录收到了多少发送vm创建返回的回答

		if (getVmsCreatedList().size() == getVmList().size() - getVmsDestroyed()) { // all the requested VMs have been created
		} else {
			if (getVmsRequested() == getVmsAcks()) { // all the acks received, but some VMs were not created
					// find id of the next datacenter that has not been tried
				for (int nextDatacenterId : getDatacenterIdsList()) {
					if (!getDatacenterRequestedIdsList().contains(nextDatacenterId)) {

				//all datacenters already queried
				if (getVmsCreatedList().size() > 0) { //if some vm were created
					submitCloudlets();                 //提交云任务
				} else { //no vms created. abort
					Log.printLine(CloudSim.clock() + ": " + getName() + ": none of the required VMs could be created. Aborting");

	 * 收到了一个完成的cloudlet,加入到cloudreceivedlist中
	 * Process a cloudlet return event.
	 * @param ev a SimEvent object
	 * @pre ev != $null
	 * @post $none
	protected void processCloudletReturn(SimEvent ev) {
		Cloudlet cloudlet = (Cloudlet) ev.getData();
		getCloudletReceivedList().add(cloudlet);        //记录
		Log.printLine(CloudSim.clock()+": "+getName()+ ": Cloudlet "+cloudlet.getCloudletId()+" received");
		if (getCloudletList().size()==0&&cloudletsSubmitted==0) { //结束all cloudlets executed
			Log.printLine(CloudSim.clock()+": "+getName()+ ": All Cloudlets executed. Finishing...");
		} else { //some cloudlets haven't finished yet
			if (getCloudletList().size()>0 && cloudletsSubmitted==0) {    //创建新的虚拟机
				//all the cloudlets sent finished. It means that some bount
				//cloudlet is waiting its VM be created


	 * Overrides this method when making a new and different type of Broker.
	 * This method is called by {@link #body()} for incoming unknown tags.
	 * @param ev   a SimEvent object
	 * @pre ev != null
	 * @post $none
    protected void processOtherEvent(SimEvent ev){
        if (ev == null){
            Log.printLine(getName() + ".processOtherEvent(): " + "Error - an event is null.");

        Log.printLine(getName() + ".processOtherEvent(): " + "Error - event unknown by this DatacenterBroker.");

     * Create the virtual machines in a datacenter.
     * 创建一些虚拟机在datacenter中心,尽最大努力建立
     * @param datacenterId Id of the chosen PowerDatacenter
     * @pre $none
     * @post $none
    protected void createVmsInDatacenter(int datacenterId) {
		// send as much vms as possible for this datacenter before trying the next one
		int requestedVms = 0;
		String datacenterName = CloudSim.getEntityName(datacenterId);
		for (Vm vm : getVmList()) {
			if (!getVmsToDatacentersMap().containsKey(vm.getId())) {
				Log.printLine(CloudSim.clock() + ": " + getName() + ": Trying to Create VM #" + vm.getId() + " in " + datacenterName);
				sendNow(datacenterId, CloudSimTags.VM_CREATE_ACK, vm);         //发送到datacenter创建

     * vm被建立后可以提交cloudlets了,提交的cloudlets从等待队列中移进sumittedlist中
     * Submit cloudlets to the created VMs.
     * @pre $none
     * @post $none
	protected void submitCloudlets() {
		int vmIndex = 0;
		for (Cloudlet cloudlet : getCloudletList()) {
			Vm vm;
			if (cloudlet.getVmId() == -1) { //没有指定则直接选择第一个可用虚拟机if user didn't bind this cloudlet and it has not been executed yet
				vm = getVmsCreatedList().get(vmIndex);
			} else { //submit to the specific vm
				vm = VmList.getById(getVmsCreatedList(), cloudlet.getVmId());
				if (vm == null) { // vm was not created
					Log.printLine(CloudSim.clock()+": "+getName()+ ": Postponing execution of cloudlet "+cloudlet.getCloudletId()+": bount VM not available");

			Log.printLine(CloudSim.clock()+": "+getName()+ ": Sending cloudlet "+cloudlet.getCloudletId()+" to VM #"+vm.getId());
			sendNow(getVmsToDatacentersMap().get(vm.getId()), CloudSimTags.CLOUDLET_SUBMIT, cloudlet);
			vmIndex = (vmIndex + 1) % getVmsCreatedList().size();

		// remove submitted cloudlets from waiting list
		for (Cloudlet cloudlet : getCloudletSubmittedList()) {

	 * 清理在数据中心的虚拟机
	 * Destroy the virtual machines running in datacenters.
	 * @pre $none
	 * @post $none
	protected void clearDatacenters() {
		for (Vm vm : getVmsCreatedList()) {
			Log.printLine(CloudSim.clock() + ": " + getName() + ": Destroying VM #" + vm.getId());
			sendNow(getVmsToDatacentersMap().get(vm.getId()), CloudSimTags.VM_DESTROY, vm);


	 * Send an internal event communicating the end of the simulation.
	 * @pre $none
	 * @post $none
	private void finishExecution() {
		sendNow(getId(), CloudSimTags.END_OF_SIMULATION);

	/* (non-Javadoc)
	 * @see cloudsim.core.SimEntity#shutdownEntity()
	public void shutdownEntity() {
        Log.printLine(getName() + " is shutting down...");

	/* (non-Javadoc)
	 * @see cloudsim.core.SimEntity#startEntity()
	public void startEntity() {
		Log.printLine(getName() + " is starting...");
		schedule(getId(), 0, CloudSimTags.RESOURCE_CHARACTERISTICS_REQUEST);

	 * Gets the vm list.
	 * @param <T> the generic type
	 * @return the vm list
	public <T extends Vm> List<T> getVmList() {
		return (List<T>) vmList;

	 * Sets the vm list.
	 * @param <T> the generic type
	 * @param vmList the new vm list
	protected <T extends Vm> void setVmList(List<T> vmList) {
		this.vmList = vmList;

	 * Gets the cloudlet list.
	 * @param <T> the generic type
	 * @return the cloudlet list
	public <T extends Cloudlet> List<T> getCloudletList() {
		return (List<T>) cloudletList;

	 * Sets the cloudlet list.
	 * @param <T> the generic type
	 * @param cloudletList the new cloudlet list
	protected <T extends Cloudlet> void setCloudletList(List<T> cloudletList) {
		this.cloudletList = cloudletList;

	 * Gets the cloudlet submitted list.
	 * @param <T> the generic type
	 * @return the cloudlet submitted list
	public <T extends Cloudlet> List<T> getCloudletSubmittedList() {
		return (List<T>) cloudletSubmittedList;

	 * Sets the cloudlet submitted list.
	 * @param <T> the generic type
	 * @param cloudletSubmittedList the new cloudlet submitted list
	protected <T extends Cloudlet> void setCloudletSubmittedList(List<T> cloudletSubmittedList) {
		this.cloudletSubmittedList = cloudletSubmittedList;

	 * Gets the cloudlet received list.
	 * @param <T> the generic type
	 * @return the cloudlet received list
	public <T extends Cloudlet> List<T> getCloudletReceivedList() {
		return (List<T>) cloudletReceivedList;

	 * Sets the cloudlet received list.
	 * @param <T> the generic type
	 * @param cloudletReceivedList the new cloudlet received list
	protected <T extends Cloudlet> void setCloudletReceivedList(List<T> cloudletReceivedList) {
		this.cloudletReceivedList = cloudletReceivedList;

	 * Gets the vm list.
	 * @param <T> the generic type
	 * @return the vm list
	public <T extends Vm> List<T> getVmsCreatedList() {
		return (List<T>) vmsCreatedList;

	 * Sets the vm list.
	 * @param <T> the generic type
	 * @param vmsCreatedList the vms created list
	protected <T extends Vm> void setVmsCreatedList(List<T> vmsCreatedList) {
		this.vmsCreatedList = vmsCreatedList;

	 * Gets the vms requested.
	 * @return the vms requested
	protected int getVmsRequested() {
		return vmsRequested;

	 * 新请求的vms
	 * Sets the vms requested.
	 * @param vmsRequested the new vms requested
	protected void setVmsRequested(int vmsRequested) {
		this.vmsRequested = vmsRequested;

	 * Gets the vms acks.
	 * @return the vms acks
	protected int getVmsAcks() {
		return vmsAcks;

	 * Sets the vms acks.
	 * @param vmsAcks the new vms acks
	protected void setVmsAcks(int vmsAcks) {
		this.vmsAcks = vmsAcks;

	 * Increment vms acks.
	protected void incrementVmsAcks() {

	 * Gets the vms destroyed.
	 * @return the vms destroyed
	protected int getVmsDestroyed() {
		return vmsDestroyed;

	 * Sets the vms destroyed.
	 * @param vmsDestroyed the new vms destroyed
	protected void setVmsDestroyed(int vmsDestroyed) {
		this.vmsDestroyed = vmsDestroyed;

	 * Gets the datacenter ids list.
	 * @return the datacenter ids list
	protected List<Integer> getDatacenterIdsList() {
		return datacenterIdsList;

	 * Sets the datacenter ids list.
	 * @param datacenterIdsList the new datacenter ids list
	protected void setDatacenterIdsList(List<Integer> datacenterIdsList) {
		this.datacenterIdsList = datacenterIdsList;

	 * Gets the vms to datacenters map.
	 * @return the vms to datacenters map
	protected Map<Integer, Integer> getVmsToDatacentersMap() {
		return vmsToDatacentersMap;

	 * Sets the vms to datacenters map.
	 * @param vmsToDatacentersMap the vms to datacenters map
	protected void setVmsToDatacentersMap(Map<Integer, Integer> vmsToDatacentersMap) {
		this.vmsToDatacentersMap = vmsToDatacentersMap;

	 * Gets the datacenter characteristics list.
	 * @return the datacenter characteristics list
	protected Map<Integer, DatacenterCharacteristics> getDatacenterCharacteristicsList() {
		return datacenterCharacteristicsList;

	 * Sets the datacenter characteristics list.
	 * @param datacenterCharacteristicsList the datacenter characteristics list
	protected void setDatacenterCharacteristicsList(Map<Integer, DatacenterCharacteristics> datacenterCharacteristicsList) {
		this.datacenterCharacteristicsList = datacenterCharacteristicsList;

	 * Gets the datacenter requested ids list.
	 * @return the datacenter requested ids list
	protected List<Integer> getDatacenterRequestedIdsList() {
		return datacenterRequestedIdsList;

	 * Sets the datacenter requested ids list.
	 * @param datacenterRequestedIdsList the new datacenter requested ids list
	protected void setDatacenterRequestedIdsList(List<Integer> datacenterRequestedIdsList) {
		this.datacenterRequestedIdsList = datacenterRequestedIdsList;


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