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原创 冒泡排序法
Private Sub Command1_Click()ClsDim a(10) As IntegerDim i As IntegerDim j As IntegerFor i = 1 To 10a(i) = Int(Rnd * 100)Print a(i);Next iPrint For i = 1 To 9 For j = 1 To 10
2016-05-07 18:07:07 213
原创 选择排序法
Private Sub Command1_Click()ClsDim a(10) As IntegerDim i As IntegerDim j As IntegerFor i = 1 To 10a(i) = Int(Rnd * 100)Print a(i);Next iPrintFor i = 1 To 9 For j = i + 1 To 10
2016-05-07 18:01:10 194
原创 16进制
Private Sub Command1_Click()Dim a As IntegerDim b As IntegerDim s As StringDim yushu As Bytea = 1230b = 16While a yushu = a Mod b a = a \ b If yushu s = yushu & s Else
2016-05-07 17:46:38 170
原创 16进制
Private Sub Command1_Click()Dim a As IntegerDim b As IntegerDim s As StringDim yushu As Bytea = 1230b = 16While a yushu = a Mod b a = a \ b If yushu s = yushu & s Else
2016-05-07 17:40:47 294
原创 二进制
Private Sub Command1_Click()Print erjin(230)End SubPrivate Function erjin(m As byte) As StringDim n As byteDim shang As Byten = mConst er As Byte = 2Dim returnS As StringDim yushu(1 To
2016-04-28 17:15:56 262
原创 10个随机数的和
Private Sub Command1_Click()ClsDim i As IntegerDim x(10) As IntegerDim sun As IntegerRandomizeFor i = 1 To 10x(i) = Int(1000 * Rnd)Sum = Sum + x(i)Next iPrint SumEnd Subfor 这
2016-04-09 19:27:53 485
原创 任意输出15个数字
ClsDim n As IntegerDim xier(15) As Integern = 1While n xier(n) = Int(Rnd * 1000)n = n + 1Wendn = 1While n Print xier(n)n = n + 1WendEnd Sub1.不要忘记 xier(15) 的
2016-04-01 15:13:07 354
原创 任意数字的排列
Option Base 1Private Sub Command1_Click()ClsFont.size = 20Dim n As IntegerDim size As Integersize = Int(Val(Me.Text1.Text))Dim xier() As IntegerReDim xier(size) n = LBound(xier)
2016-04-01 14:55:58 669
原创 15个数字排列从小到大
Private Sub Command1_Click()ClsDim a As IntegerDim xier(15) As Integern = 1While n xier(n) = Int(Rnd * 1000)n = n + 1WendDim swap As Integerm = 1While m n = 1While n If
2016-03-31 21:04:56 1626
原创 15数字排序 最后一个最小
Private Sub Command1_Click()ClsDim a As IntegerDim xier(15) As Integern = 1While n xier(n) = Int(Rnd * 1000)n = n + 1WendDim swap As Integern = 1While n If xier(n) swap =
2016-03-31 20:43:44 284
原创 15
Private Sub Command1_Click()ClsDim a As IntegerDim b As IntegerDim c As IntegerDim d As IntegerDim e As IntegerDim f As IntegerDim g As IntegerDim h As IntegerDim i As IntegerDim
2016-03-24 17:28:18 233
原创 红糖水白糖水的交换
1.点击右侧按钮,在窗体上拖动,进行两次,分别显示Label1 Label2 。2.点击Label1,在右侧属性区域,将Caption 改为白糖水,背景颜色BackColor改为黑色,字体颜色 Forecolor 改为白色。类似的步骤 更改Label2,将字体颜色改为红色。3.点击按钮,在窗体上拖动,出现。在右侧属性栏,将Caption 改为 交换。 4.在窗体双击 交
2016-03-23 19:39:17 219
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