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原创 pkg文件--一种简单的游戏资源打包格式

.pkg文件的格式[四字节] 固定的内容, 值不重要 [四字节] 文件数目(unsigned int) [四字节] 文件名表 的偏移(unsigned int) [四字节] 文件名表 的长度(字节数)(unsigned int) …… 中间一堆 各个文件的内容, 文件内容使用zlib压缩过 …… 直到 文件名表: [两字节] 文件名长度 [文件名长度那么多字节] 文件名 [四

2015-10-17 11:15:50 13618 4

原创 ssl ssh

ssl 与 ssh 都是为了解决安全通信 认证 的问题,然而他们并不是一回事。 比如 他们的技术实现不一样 ssl还需要第三方证书管理机构的参与,ssh则不需要。ssh还是一个独立运行的程序。ssh 与 ssl都可以把别的网络程序包在里边,为别的程序提供安全通信的隧道。例如stunnel

2015-09-04 10:08:48 395

原创 阻塞 与 非阻塞

初学的都是阻塞操作,调用一个函数如read recv 等,在函数完成,即在读到东西前,不可返回。然而,对于复杂的通信,异步通信,异步交互,并没有一定的对话顺序。比如A和B通信,并不总是A说一句 B再说另一句 A再回一句,完全可能是A连说三句,B再说四句,即没有一定的对话交互序列。因此写程序是就不能决定 send recv 的顺序。如果程序固定是A说一句 B再说另一句 A再回一句,那

2015-08-12 22:59:18 303

转载 OS-8

Chapter 8: Memory management: physical and virtualIn the chapter related to the GDT, we saw that using segmentation a physical memory address is calculated using a segment selector and an offset.In thi

2015-08-08 16:42:09 270

转载 OS-7

Chapter 7: IDT and interruptsAn interrupt is a signal to the processor emitted by hardware or software indicating an event that needs immediate attention.There are 3 types of interrupts:Hardware inter

2015-08-08 16:39:57 452

转载 OS-6

Chapter 6: GDTThanks to GRUB, your kernel is no longer in real-mode, but already in protected mode, this mode allows us to use all the possibilities of the microprocessor such as virtual memory managem

2015-08-08 16:39:01 381

转载 OS-4

Chapter 5: Base classes for managing x86 architectureNow that we know how to compile our C++ kernel and boot the binary using GRUB, we can start to do some cool things in C/C++.Printing to the screen c

2015-08-08 16:37:10 274

转载 OS-4

Chapter 4: Backbone of the OS and C++ runtimeC++ kernel run-timeA kernel can be programmed in C++, it is very similar to making a kernel in C, except that there are a few pitfalls you must take into ac

2015-08-08 16:36:07 272

转载 OS-3

Chapter 3: First boot with GRUBHow the boot works?When an x86-based computer is turned on, it begins a complex path to get to the stage where control is transferred to our kernel’s “main” routine (kmai

2015-08-08 16:35:43 282

转载 OS-2

Chapter 2: Setup the development environmentThe first step is to setup a good and viable development environment. Using Vagrant and Virtualbox, you’ll be able to compile and test your OS from all the O

2015-08-08 16:35:09 265

转载 OS-1

Chapter 1: Introduction to the x86 architecture and about our OSWhat is the x86 architecture? The term x86 denotes a family of backward compatible instruction set architectures based on the Intel 808

2015-08-08 16:34:38 399



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