Beginning Perl for Bioinformatics 总结提升

1 Biology and Computer Science
2 Getting Started with Perl
3 The Art of Programming
4 Sequences and Strings

5 Motifs and Loops
Example 5­3. Searching for motifs 
#!/usr/bin/perl ­w 
# Searching for motifs 
# Ask the user for the filename of the file containing 
# the protein sequence data, and collect it from the keyboard 
print "Please type the filename of the protein sequence data: ";
$proteinfilename = <STDIN>; 
# Remove the newline from the protein filename 
chomp $proteinfilename; 
# open the file, or exit 
unless ( open(PROTEINFILE, $proteinfilename) ) { 
print "Cannot open file \"$proteinfilename\"\n\n"; 
# Read the protein sequence data from the file, and store it 
# into the array variable @protein 
@protein = <PROTEINFILE>; 
# Close the file ­ we've read all the data into @protein now. 
# Put the protein sequence data into a single string, as it's easier 
# to search for a motif in a string than in an array of 
# lines (what if the motif occurs over a line break?) 
$protein = join( '', @protein); 
# Remove whitespace 
$protein =~ s/\s//g; 
# In a loop, ask the user for a motif, search for the motif, 
# and report if it was found. 
# Exit if no motif is entered. 
do { 
print "Enter a motif to search for: "; 
$motif = <STDIN>; 
# Remove the newline at the end of $motif 
chomp $motif; 
# Look for the motif 
if ( $protein =~ /$motif/ ) { 
print "I found it!\n\n"; 
} else { 
print "I couldn\'t find it.\n\n"; 
# exit on an empty user input 
} until ( $motif =~ /^\s*$/ ); 
# exit the program 

#!/usr/bin/perl ­w 
# Determining frequency of nucleotides, take 2 
# Get the DNA sequence data 
print "Please type the filename of the DNA sequence data: "; 
$dna_filename = <STDIN>; 
chomp $dna_filename; 
# Does the file exist? 
unless ( ­e $dna_filename) { 
print "File \"$dna_filename\" doesn\'t seem to exist!!\n"; 
# Can we open the file? 
unless ( open(DNAFILE, $dna_filename) ) { 
print "Cannot open file \"$dna_filename\"\n\n"; 
close DNAFILE; 
$DNA = join( '', @DNA); 
# Remove whitespace 
$DNA =~ s/\s//g; 
# Initialize the counts. 
# Notice that we can use scalar variables to hold numbers. 
$count_of_A = 0; 
$count_of_C = 0; 
$count_of_G = 0; 
$count_of_T = 0; 
$errors     = 0; 
# In a loop, look at each base in turn, determine which of the 
# four types of nucleotides it is, and increment the 
# appropriate count. 
for ( $position = 0 ; $position < length $DNA ; ++$position ) { 
$base = substr($DNA, $position, 1);
if     ( $base eq 'A' ) { 
} elsif ( $base eq 'C' ) { 
} elsif ( $base eq 'G' ) { 
} elsif ( $base eq 'T' ) { 
} else { 
print "!!!!!!!! Error ­ I don\'t recognize this base: 
# print the results 
print "A = $count_of_A\n"; 
print "C = $count_of_C\n"; 
print "G = $count_of_G\n"; 
print "T = $count_of_T\n"; 
print "errors = $errors\n"; 
# exit the program 
Here's the output of Example 5­6: 
Please type the filename of the DNA sequence data: small.dna 
!!!!!!!! Error ­ I don't recognize this vase: V 
A = 40 
C = 27 
G = 24 
T = 17 
errors = 1 

6 Subroutines and Bugs
7 Mutations and Randomization
8 The Genetic Code
9 Restriction Maps and Regular Expressions

10 GenBank
Extract annotation and sequence from GenBank file 
# Extract annotation and sequence from GenBank file 
use strict; 
use warnings; 
use BeginPerlBioinfo;     # see Chapter 6 about this module 
# declare and initialize variables 
my @annotation = (  ); 
my $sequence = ''; 
my $filename = ''; 
parse1(\@annotation, \$sequence, $filename); 
# Print the annotation, and then 
#   print the DNA in new format just to check if we got it okay. 
print @annotation; 
print_sequence($sequence, 50); 
sub parse1 { 
my($annotation, $dna, $filename) = @_; 
# $annotation­­reference to array 
# $dna 
­­reference to scalar 
# $filename  ­­scalar 
# declare and initialize variables 
my $in_sequence = 0; 
my @GenBankFile = (  ); 
# Get the GenBank data into an array from a file 
@GenBankFile = get_file_data($filename); 
# Extract all the sequence lines 
foreach my $line (@GenBankFile) { 
if( $line =~ /^\/\/\n/ ) { # If $line is end­of­record line 
last; #break out of the foreach loop. 
} elsif( $in_sequence) { # If we know we're in a sequence, 
$$dna .= $line; # add the current line to $$dna. 
} elsif ( $line =~ /^ORIGIN/ ) { # If $line begins a sequence, 
$in_sequence = 1; # set the $in_sequence flag. 
} else{ # Otherwise 
push( @$annotation, $line); # add the current line to 
# remove whitespace and line numbers from DNA sequence 
$$dna =~ s/[\s0­9]//g; 

Extract annotation and sequence from Genbank record 
# Extract the annotation and sequence sections from the first 
#   record of a GenBank library 
use strict; 
use warnings; 
use BeginPerlBioinfo;
# Declare and initialize variables 
my $annotation = ''; 
my $dna = ''; 
my $record = ''; 
my $filename = ''; 
my $save_input_separator = $/; 
# Open GenBank library file 
unless (open(GBFILE, $filename)) { 
print "Cannot open GenBank file \"$filename\"\n\n"; 
# Set input separator to "//\n" and read in a record to a scalar 
$/ = "//\n"; 
$record = <GBFILE>; 
# reset input separator 
$/ = $save_input_separator; 
# Now separate the annotation from the sequence data 
($annotation, $dna) = ($record =~ /^(LOCUS.*ORIGIN\s*\n)(.*)\/\/\n/s); 
# Print the two pieces, which should give us the same as the 
#  original GenBank file, minus the // at the end 
print $annotation, $dna; 

Parsing GenBank annotations using arrays 
# Parsing GenBank annotations using arrays 
use strict; 
use warnings; 
use BeginPerlBioinfo;     # see Chapter 6 about this module 
# Declare and initialize variables 
my @genbank = (  ); 
my $locus = ''; 
my $accession = ''; 
my $organism = ''; 
# Get GenBank file data 
@genbank = get_file_data('');

# Let's start with something simple.  Let's get some of the 
# information, let's say the locus and accession number (here the 
# thing) and the definition and the organism. 
for my $line (@genbank) { 
if($line =~ /^LOCUS/) { 
$line =~ s/^LOCUS\s*//; 
$locus = $line; 
}elsif($line =~ /^ACCESSION/) { 
$line =~ s/^ACCESSION\s*//; 
$accession = $line; 
}elsif($line =~ /^  ORGANISM/) { 
$line =~ s/^\s*ORGANISM\s*//; 
$organism = $line; 
print "*** LOCUS ***\n"; 
print $locus; 
print "*** ACCESSION ***\n"; 
print $accession; 
print "*** ORGANISM ***\n"; 
print $organism; 

Listing the contents of a folder (or directory) 
#   Demonstrating how to open a folder and list its contents 
use strict; 
use warnings; 
use BeginPerlBioinfo;     # see Chapter 6 about this module 
my @files = (  ); 
my $folder = 'pdb'; 
# open the folder 
unless(opendir(FOLDER, $folder)) { 
print "Cannot open folder $folder!\n"; 
# read the contents of the folder (i.e. the files and subfolders) 
@files = readdir(FOLDER); 
# close the folder 
# print them out, one per line 
print join( "\n", @files), "\n"; 

Extract sequence chains from PDB file 
#  Extract sequence chains from PDB file 
use strict; 
use warnings; 
use BeginPerlBioinfo;

# Read in PDB file:  Warning ­ some files are very large! 
my @file = get_file_data('pdb/c1/pdb1c1f.ent'); 
# Parse the record types of the PDB file 
my %recordtypes = parsePDBrecordtypes(@file); 
# Extract the amino acid sequences of all chains in the protein 
my @chains = extractSEQRES( $recordtypes{'SEQRES'} ); 
# Translate the 3­character codes to 1­character codes, and print 
foreach my $chain (@chains) { 
print "****chain $chain **** \n";

print "$chain\n"; 
print iub3to1($chain), "\n"; 

# parsePDBrecordtypes 
#­­given an array of a PDB file, return a hash with 
#    keys   = record type names 
#    values = scalar containing lines for that record type 
sub parsePDBrecordtypes { 
my @file = @_; 
use strict; 
use warnings; 
my %recordtypes = (  ); 
foreach my $line (@file) { 
# Get the record type name which begins at the 
# start of the line and ends at the first space 
my($recordtype) = ($line =~ /^(\S+)/); 
# .= fails if a key is undefined, so we have to 
# test for definition and use either .= or = depending 
if(defined $recordtypes{$recordtype} ) { 
$recordtypes{$recordtype} .= $line; 
$recordtypes{$recordtype} = $line; 
return %recordtypes; 
# extractSEQRES 
#­­given an scalar containing SEQRES lines, 
#    return an array containing the chains of the sequence

sub extractSEQRES { 
use strict; 
use warnings; 
my($seqres) = @_; 
my $lastchain = ''; 
my $sequence = ''; 
my @results = (  ); 
# make array of lines 
my @record = split ( /\n/, $seqres); 
foreach my $line (@record) { 
# Chain is in column 12, residues start in column 20 
my ($thischain) = substr($line, 11, 1); 
my($residues)  = substr($line, 19, 52); # add space at end 
# Check if a new chain, or continuation of previous chain 
if("$lastchain" eq "") { 
$sequence = $residues; 
}elsif("$thischain" eq "$lastchain") { 
$sequence .= $residues; 
# Finish gathering previous chain (unless first record) 
}elsif ( $sequence ) { 
push(@results, $sequence); 
$sequence = $residues; 
$lastchain = $thischain; 
# save last chain 
push(@results, $sequence); 
return @results; 
# iub3to1 
#­­change string of 3­character IUB amino acid codes (whitespace 
#    into a string of 1­character amino acid codes 
sub iub3to1 { 
my($input) = @_;

my %three2one = ( 
'ALA' => 'A', 
'VAL' => 'V', 
'LEU' => 'L', 
'ILE' => 'I', 
'PRO' => 'P', 
'TRP' => 'W', 
'PHE' => 'F', 
'MET' => 'M', 
'GLY' => 'G', 
'SER' => 'S', 
'THR' => 'T', 
'TYR' => 'Y', 
'CYS' => 'C', 
'ASN' => 'N', 
'GLN' => 'Q', 
'LYS' => 'K', 
'ARG' => 'R', 
'HIS' => 'H', 
'ASP' => 'D', 
'GLU' => 'E', 
# clean up the input 
$input =~ s/\n/ /g; 
my $seq = ''; 
# This use of split separates on any contiguous whitespace 
my @code3 = split(' ', $input); 
foreach my $code (@code3) { 
# A little error checking 
if(not defined $three2one{$code}) { 
print "Code $code not defined\n"; 
$seq .= $three2one{$code}; 
return $seq; 

Extract annotation and alignments from BLAST output file 
# Extract annotation and alignments from BLAST output file 
use strict; 
use warnings; 
use BeginPerlBioinfo;     
# declare and initialize variables
my $beginning_annotation = ''; 
my $ending_annotation = ''; 
my %alignments = (  ); 
my $filename = 'blast.txt'; 
parse_blast(\$beginning_annotation, \$ending_annotation, \%alignments, 
# Print the annotation, and then 
#   print the DNA in new format just to check if we got it okay. 
print $beginning_annotation; 
foreach my $key (keys %alignments) { 
print "$key\nXXXXXXXXXXXX\n", $alignments{$key}, 
print $ending_annotation; 

# parse_blast 
# ­­parse beginning and ending annotation, and alignments, 
#     from BLAST output file 
sub parse_blast { 
my($beginning_annotation, $ending_annotation, $alignments, 
$filename) = @_; 
# $beginning_annotation­­reference to scalar 
# $ending_annotation  ­­reference to scalar 
# $alignments 
­­reference to hash 
# $filename 
# declare and initialize variables 
my $blast_output_file = ''; 
my $alignment_section = ''; 
# Get the BLAST program output into an array from a file 
$blast_output_file = join( '', get_file_data($filename));

# Extract the beginning annotation, alignments, and ending 
($$beginning_annotation, $alignment_section, $$ending_annotation) 
= ($blast_output_file =~ /(.*^ALIGNMENTS\n)(.*)(^ 
# Populate %alignments hash 
# key = ID of hit 
# value = alignment section 
%$alignments = parse_blast_alignment($alignment_section); 
# parse_blast_alignment 
# ­­parse the alignments from a BLAST output file, 
#       return hash with 
#       key = ID 
#       value = text of alignment 
sub parse_blast_alignment { 
my($alignment_section) = @_; 
# declare and initialize variables 
my(%alignment_hash) = (  ); 
# loop through the scalar containing the BLAST alignments, 
# extracting the ID and the alignment and storing in a hash 
# The regular expression matches a line beginning with >, 
# and containing the ID between the first pair of | characters; 
# followed by any number of lines that don't begin with > 
while($alignment_section =~ /^>.*\n(^(?!>).*\n)+/gm) { 
my($value) = $&; 
my($key) = (split(/\|/, $value)) [1]; 
$alignment_hash{$key} = $value; 
return %alignment_hash; 

13 Further Topics

With its highly developed capacity to detect patterns in data, Perl has become one of the most popular languages for biological data analysis. But if you're a biologist with little or no programming experience, starting out in Perl can be a challenge. Many biologists have a difficult time learning how to apply the language to bioinformatics. The most popular Perl programming books are often too theoretical and too focused on computer science for a non-programming biologist who needs to solve very specific problems., Beginning Perl for Bioinformatics is designed to get you quickly over the Perl language barrier by approaching programming as an important new laboratory skill, revealing Perl programs and techniques that are immediately useful in the lab. Each chapter focuses on solving a particular bioinformatics problem or class of problems, starting with the simplest and increasing in complexity as the book progresses. Each chapter includes programming exercises and teaches bioinformatics by showing and modifying programs that deal with various kinds of practical biological problems. By the end of the book you'll have a solid understanding of Perl basics, a collection of programs for such tasks as parsing BLAST and GenBank, and the skills to take on more advanced bioinformatics programming. Some of the later chapters focus in greater detail on specific bioinformatics topics. This book is suitable for use as a classroom textbook, for self-study, and as a reference., The book covers:, Programming basics and working with DNA sequences and strings, Debugging your code, Simulating gene mutations using random number generators, Regular expressions and finding motifs in data, Arrays, hashes, and relational databases, Regular expressions and restriction maps, Using Perl to parse PDB records, annotations in GenBank, and BLAST output
The files here are gzipped tar files of examples and exercise solutions for the book Beginning Perl for Bioinformatics by James Tisdall, published by O'Reilly & Associates in 2001. All the code here is copyright (c) 2002 by James Tisdall. If you have trouble downloading these files, contact MODULE module containing subroutines from the text You'll need the module for most of the examples and exercises. Place it in the same directory (or folder) as the programs you're trying to run; if you'd prefer, other places to install the module can be found in the book or in the Perl documentation. EXAMPLES The file begperlbio_examples.tar.gz contains all the numbered examples from the book in ASCII format. EXERCISES The exercises are in a few different files: Chapters 4 to 8: begperlbio_exercises_part1.tar.gz Chapter 9: begperlbio_exercises_ch09.tar.gz Chapter 10: begperlbio_exercises_ch10.tar.gz Chapter 11: begperlbio_exercises_ch11.tar.gz Chapter 12: begperlbio_exercises_ch12.tar.gz I expect to post revised forms of these solutions, as readers find bugs or improvements in the code. But I should remind you that since this is a book for beginners, the code may promote clarity and simplicity to the detriment of completeness, or robustness in the presence of unexpected input; this is by design. SEND ME YOUR SOLUTIONS I also invite you to send in your favorite solutions to selected exercises. After I've collected enough of them, I'll post some of them -- with due credit given -- in this place, for the dual purpose of encouraging your work, and for showing how alternate solutions to a programming problem can all be "correct". Thanks for your interest, and good luck with the material! Sincerely, Jim




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