
一 需要解耦

日志是实际应用中的一个重要部分,日志系统也有许多开源的实现,如java.util.logging, logback, log4j系列等。

logger = LogManager.getLogger("instanceName");



The Logging package is an ultra-thin bridge between different logging implementations. A library that uses the commons-logging API can be used with any logging implementation at runtime. Commons-logging comes with support for a number of popular logging implementations, and writing adapters for others is a reasonably simple task.

二 commons-logging简单日志实现:


1. 配置



2. 创建Log实例


private static final Log logger = LogFactory.getLog(CommonsLogTest.class);


3. 输出配置


static {
        // Add props from the resource
        InputStream in = getResourceAsStream("");
        if(null != in) {
            try {
            } catch( e) {
                // ignored
        showLogName = getBooleanProperty(systemPrefix + "showlogname", showLogName);
        showShortName = getBooleanProperty(systemPrefix + "showShortLogname", showShortName);
        showDateTime = getBooleanProperty(systemPrefix + "showdatetime", showDateTime);

        if(showDateTime) {
            dateTimeFormat = getStringProperty(systemPrefix + "dateTimeFormat",
            try {
                dateFormatter = new SimpleDateFormat(dateTimeFormat);
            } catch(IllegalArgumentException e) {
                // If the format pattern is invalid - use the default format
                dateTimeFormat = DEFAULT_DATE_TIME_FORMAT;
                dateFormatter = new SimpleDateFormat(dateTimeFormat);

可以从: 的关于SimpleLog的类介绍中了解配置详情:

Simple implementation of Log that sends all enabled log messages, for all defined loggers, to System.err. The following system properties are supported to configure the behavior of this logger:

  • org.apache.commons.logging.simplelog.defaultlog - Default logging detail level for all instances of SimpleLog. Must be one of (“trace”, “debug”, “info”, “warn”, “error”, or “fatal”). If not specified, defaults to “info”.
  • org.apache.commons.logging.simplelog.log.xxxxx - Logging detail level for a SimpleLog instance named “xxxxx”. Must be one of (“trace”, “debug”, “info”, “warn”, “error”, or “fatal”). If not specified, the default logging detail level is used.
  • org.apache.commons.logging.simplelog.showlogname - Set to true if you want the Log instance name to be included in output messages. Defaults to false.
  • org.apache.commons.logging.simplelog.showShortLogname - Set to true if you want the last component of the name to be included in output messages. Defaults to true.
  • org.apache.commons.logging.simplelog.showdatetime - Set to true if you want the current date
  • org.apache.commons.logging.simplelog.dateTimeFormat - The date and time format to be used in the output messages. The pattern describing the date and time format is the same that is used in java.text.SimpleDateFormat. If the format is not specified or is invalid, the default format is used. The default format is yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss:SSS zzz.

三 commons-logging解耦原理

LogFatory是一个抽象类,它负责加载具体的日志实现,分析其Factory getFactory()方法:

public static org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory getFactory() throws LogConfigurationException {
        // Identify the class loader we will be using
        ClassLoader contextClassLoader = getContextClassLoaderInternal();

        if (contextClassLoader == null) {
            // This is an odd enough situation to report about. This
            // output will be a nuisance on JDK1.1, as the system
            // classloader is null in that environment.
            if (isDiagnosticsEnabled()) {
                logDiagnostic("Context classloader is null.");

        // Return any previously registered factory for this class loader
        org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory factory = getCachedFactory(contextClassLoader);
        if (factory != null) {
            return factory;

        if (isDiagnosticsEnabled()) {
                    "[LOOKUP] LogFactory implementation requested for the first time for context classloader " +
            logHierarchy("[LOOKUP] ", contextClassLoader);

        // Load properties file.
        // If the properties file exists, then its contents are used as
        // "attributes" on the LogFactory implementation class. One particular
        // property may also control which LogFactory concrete subclass is
        // used, but only if other discovery mechanisms fail..
        // As the properties file (if it exists) will be used one way or
        // another in the end we may as well look for it first.
        // classpath根目录下寻找
        Properties props = getConfigurationFile(contextClassLoader, FACTORY_PROPERTIES);

        // Determine whether we will be using the thread context class loader to
        // load logging classes or not by checking the loaded properties file (if any).
        // classpath根目录下commons-logging.properties是否配置use_tccl
        ClassLoader baseClassLoader = contextClassLoader;
        if (props != null) {
            String useTCCLStr = props.getProperty(TCCL_KEY);
            if (useTCCLStr != null) {
                // The Boolean.valueOf(useTCCLStr).booleanValue() formulation
                // is required for Java 1.2 compatibility.
                if (Boolean.valueOf(useTCCLStr).booleanValue() == false) {
                    // Don't use current context classloader when locating any
                    // LogFactory or Log classes, just use the class that loaded
                    // this abstract class. When this class is deployed in a shared
                    // classpath of a container, it means webapps cannot deploy their
                    // own logging implementations. It also means that it is up to the
                    // implementation whether to load library-specific config files
                    // from the TCCL or not.
                    baseClassLoader = thisClassLoader;

        // 这里真正开始决定使用哪个factory
        // 首先,尝试查找vm系统属性org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory,其是否指定factory
        // Determine which concrete LogFactory subclass to use.
        // First, try a global system property
        if (isDiagnosticsEnabled()) {
            logDiagnostic("[LOOKUP] Looking for system property [" + FACTORY_PROPERTY +
                    "] to define the LogFactory subclass to use...");

        try {
            String factoryClass = getSystemProperty(FACTORY_PROPERTY, null);
            if (factoryClass != null) {
                if (isDiagnosticsEnabled()) {
                    logDiagnostic("[LOOKUP] Creating an instance of LogFactory class '" + factoryClass +
                            "' as specified by system property " + FACTORY_PROPERTY);
                factory = newFactory(factoryClass, baseClassLoader, contextClassLoader);
            } else {
                if (isDiagnosticsEnabled()) {
                    logDiagnostic("[LOOKUP] No system property [" + FACTORY_PROPERTY + "] defined.");
        } catch (SecurityException e) {
            if (isDiagnosticsEnabled()) {
                logDiagnostic("[LOOKUP] A security exception occurred while trying to create an" +
                        " instance of the custom factory class" + ": [" + trim(e.getMessage()) +
                        "]. Trying alternative implementations...");
            // ignore
        } catch (RuntimeException e) {
            // This is not consistent with the behaviour when a bad LogFactory class is
            // specified in a services file.
            // One possible exception that can occur here is a ClassCastException when
            // the specified class wasn't castable to this LogFactory type.
            if (isDiagnosticsEnabled()) {
                logDiagnostic("[LOOKUP] An exception occurred while trying to create an" +
                        " instance of the custom factory class" + ": [" +
                        trim(e.getMessage()) +
                        "] as specified by a system property.");
            throw e;

        // 第二,尝试使用java spi服务发现机制,载META-INF/services下寻找org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory实现
        // Second, try to find a service by using the JDK1.3 class
        // discovery mechanism, which involves putting a file with the name
        // of an interface class in the META-INF/services directory, where the
        // contents of the file is a single line specifying a concrete class
        // that implements the desired interface.

        if (factory == null) {
            if (isDiagnosticsEnabled()) {
                logDiagnostic("[LOOKUP] Looking for a resource file of name [" + SERVICE_ID +
                        "] to define the LogFactory subclass to use...");
            try {
                // META-INF/services/org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory, SERVICE_ID
                final InputStream is = getResourceAsStream(contextClassLoader, SERVICE_ID);

                if (is != null) {
                    // This code is needed by EBCDIC and other strange systems.
                    // It's a fix for bugs reported in xerces
                    BufferedReader rd;
                    try {
                        rd = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(is, "UTF-8"));
                    } catch ( e) {
                        rd = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(is));

                    String factoryClassName = rd.readLine();

                    if (factoryClassName != null && !"".equals(factoryClassName)) {
                        if (isDiagnosticsEnabled()) {
                            logDiagnostic("[LOOKUP]  Creating an instance of LogFactory class " +
                                    factoryClassName +
                                    " as specified by file '" + SERVICE_ID +
                                    "' which was present in the path of the context classloader.");
                        factory = newFactory(factoryClassName, baseClassLoader, contextClassLoader);
                } else {
                    // is == null
                    if (isDiagnosticsEnabled()) {
                        logDiagnostic("[LOOKUP] No resource file with name '" + SERVICE_ID + "' found.");
            } catch (Exception ex) {
                // note: if the specified LogFactory class wasn't compatible with LogFactory
                // for some reason, a ClassCastException will be caught here, and attempts will
                // continue to find a compatible class.
                if (isDiagnosticsEnabled()) {
                            "[LOOKUP] A security exception occurred while trying to create an" +
                                    " instance of the custom factory class" +
                                    ": [" + trim(ex.getMessage()) +
                                    "]. Trying alternative implementations...");
                // ignore

        // 第三,尝试从classpath根目录下的commons-logging.properties中查找org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory属性指定的factory
        // Third try looking into the properties file read earlier (if found)

        if (factory == null) {
            if (props != null) {
                if (isDiagnosticsEnabled()) {
                            "[LOOKUP] Looking in properties file for entry with key '" + FACTORY_PROPERTY +
                                    "' to define the LogFactory subclass to use...");
                String factoryClass = props.getProperty(FACTORY_PROPERTY);
                if (factoryClass != null) {
                    if (isDiagnosticsEnabled()) {
                                "[LOOKUP] Properties file specifies LogFactory subclass '" + factoryClass + "'");
                    factory = newFactory(factoryClass, baseClassLoader, contextClassLoader);

                    // TODO: think about whether we need to handle exceptions from newFactory
                } else {
                    if (isDiagnosticsEnabled()) {
                        logDiagnostic("[LOOKUP] Properties file has no entry specifying LogFactory subclass.");
            } else {
                if (isDiagnosticsEnabled()) {
                    logDiagnostic("[LOOKUP] No properties file available to determine" + " LogFactory subclass from..");

        // 最后,使用后备factory实现,org.apache.commons.logging.impl.LogFactoryImpl
        // Fourth, try the fallback implementation class

        if (factory == null) {
            if (isDiagnosticsEnabled()) {
                        "[LOOKUP] Loading the default LogFactory implementation '" + FACTORY_DEFAULT +
                                "' via the same classloader that loaded this LogFactory" +
                                " class (ie not looking in the context classloader).");

            // Note: unlike the above code which can try to load custom LogFactory
            // implementations via the TCCL, we don't try to load the default LogFactory
            // implementation via the context classloader because:
            // * that can cause problems (see comments in newFactory method)
            // * no-one should be customising the code of the default class
            // Yes, we do give up the ability for the child to ship a newer
            // version of the LogFactoryImpl class and have it used dynamically
            // by an old LogFactory class in the parent, but that isn't
            // necessarily a good idea anyway.
            factory = newFactory(FACTORY_DEFAULT, thisClassLoader, contextClassLoader);

        if (factory != null) {
             * Always cache using context class loader.
            cacheFactory(contextClassLoader, factory);

            if (props != null) {
                Enumeration names = props.propertyNames();
                while (names.hasMoreElements()) {
                    String name = (String) names.nextElement();
                    String value = props.getProperty(name);
                    factory.setAttribute(name, value);

        return factory;


  1. 从vm系统属性org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory
  2. 使用SPI服务发现机制,发现org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory的实现
  3. 查找classpath根目录commons-logging.properties的org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory属性是否指定factory实现
  4. 使用默认factory实现,org.apache.commons.logging.impl.LogFactoryImpl


四 log4j+commons-logging解耦


1. 将log4j和commons-logging依赖放入classpath:

<!-- log4j -->

2. 配置log4j.xml或者,放入类路径根目录

3. 使用commons-logging得LogFactory获取日志实例

log4j提供了LogManager.getLogger(String) 方法创建日志实例,但是为了日志实现的解耦,必须使用commons-logging提供的抽象工厂LogFactory创建日志实例:

Log logger = LogFactory.getLog(String)



  1. 从vm系统属性org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory
  2. 使用SPI服务发现机制,发现org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory的实现
  3. 查找classpath根目录commons-logging.properties的org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory属性是否指定factory实现

log4j Log类层次结构

protected Log newInstance(String name) throws LogConfigurationException {
        Log instance;
        try {
            if (logConstructor == null) {
                instance = discoverLogImplementation(name);
            else {
                Object params[] = { name };
                instance = (Log) logConstructor.newInstance(params);

            if (logMethod != null) {
                Object params[] = { this };
                logMethod.invoke(instance, params);

            return instance;

        } catch (LogConfigurationException lce) {

            // this type of exception means there was a problem in discovery
            // and we've already output diagnostics about the issue, etc.;
            // just pass it on
            throw lce;

        } catch (InvocationTargetException e) {
            // A problem occurred invoking the Constructor or Method
            // previously discovered
            Throwable c = e.getTargetException();
            throw new LogConfigurationException(c == null ? e : c);
        } catch (Throwable t) {
            handleThrowable(t); // may re-throw t
            // A problem occurred invoking the Constructor or Method
            // previously discovered
            throw new LogConfigurationException(t);


  1. 该方法首先查找用户是否指定了日志实现
  2. classesToDiscover定义如下:
    private static final String[] classesToDiscover = {
    LOGGING_IMPL_LOG4J_LOGGER, // org.apache.commons.logging.impl.Log4JLogger
private Log discoverLogImplementation(String logCategory) throws LogConfigurationException {
        if (isDiagnosticsEnabled()) {
            logDiagnostic("Discovering a Log implementation...");


        Log result = null;

        // See if the user specified the Log implementation to use
        // 查找用户是否指定了日志实现?
        String specifiedLogClassName = findUserSpecifiedLogClassName();

        if (specifiedLogClassName != null) {
            if (isDiagnosticsEnabled()) {
                logDiagnostic("Attempting to load user-specified log class '" +
                    specifiedLogClassName + "'...");

            result = createLogFromClass(specifiedLogClassName,
            if (result == null) {
                StringBuffer messageBuffer =  new StringBuffer("User-specified log class '");
                messageBuffer.append("' cannot be found or is not useable.");

                // Mistyping or misspelling names is a common fault.
                // Construct a good error message, if we can
                informUponSimilarName(messageBuffer, specifiedLogClassName, LOGGING_IMPL_LOG4J_LOGGER);
                informUponSimilarName(messageBuffer, specifiedLogClassName, LOGGING_IMPL_JDK14_LOGGER);
                informUponSimilarName(messageBuffer, specifiedLogClassName, LOGGING_IMPL_LUMBERJACK_LOGGER);
                informUponSimilarName(messageBuffer, specifiedLogClassName, LOGGING_IMPL_SIMPLE_LOGGER);
                throw new LogConfigurationException(messageBuffer.toString());

            return result;

        // No user specified log; try to discover what's on the classpath
        // Note that we deliberately loop here over classesToDiscover and
        // expect method createLogFromClass to loop over the possible source
        // classloaders. The effect is:
        //   for each discoverable log adapter
        //      for each possible classloader
        //          see if it works
        // It appears reasonable at first glance to do the opposite:
        //   for each possible classloader
        //     for each discoverable log adapter
        //        see if it works
        // The latter certainly has advantages for user-installable logging
        // libraries such as log4j; in a webapp for example this code should
        // first check whether the user has provided any of the possible
        // logging libraries before looking in the parent classloader.
        // Unfortunately, however, Jdk14Logger will always work in jvm>=1.4,
        // and SimpleLog will always work in any JVM. So the loop would never
        // ever look for logging libraries in the parent classpath. Yet many
        // users would expect that putting log4j there would cause it to be
        // detected (and this is the historical JCL behaviour). So we go with
        // the first approach. A user that has bundled a specific logging lib
        // in a webapp should use a file or a
        // service file in META-INF to force use of that logging lib anyway,
        // rather than relying on discovery.

        if (isDiagnosticsEnabled()) {
                "No user-specified Log implementation; performing discovery" +
                " using the standard supported logging implementations...");
        // 用户没有指定日志实现的情况下,按照classesToDiscover数组元素的顺序,依次创建对应Log实例,直到返回成功创建的Log实例
        for(int i=0; i<classesToDiscover.length && result == null; ++i) {
            result = createLogFromClass(classesToDiscover[i], logCategory, true);

        if (result == null) {
            throw new LogConfigurationException
                        ("No suitable Log implementation");

        return result;


  1. 该方法首先试图获取 中的org.apache.commons.logging.Log指定的日志实现
  2. 试图获取 中的org.apache.commons.logging.log指定的日志实现
  3. 试图获取vm系统属性org.apache.commons.logging.Log指定的日志实现
  4. 试图获取vm系统属性org.apache.commons.logging.log指定的日志实现
  5. 都没有返回null
private String findUserSpecifiedLogClassName() {
        if (isDiagnosticsEnabled()) {
            logDiagnostic("Trying to get log class from attribute '" + LOG_PROPERTY + "'");
        // 试图获取 中的org.apache.commons.logging.Log指定的日志实现
        String specifiedClass = (String) getAttribute(LOG_PROPERTY);

        if (specifiedClass == null) { // @deprecated
            if (isDiagnosticsEnabled()) {
                logDiagnostic("Trying to get log class from attribute '" +
                              LOG_PROPERTY_OLD + "'");
            // 试图获取 中的org.apache.commons.logging.log指定的日志实现
            specifiedClass = (String) getAttribute(LOG_PROPERTY_OLD);

        if (specifiedClass == null) {
            if (isDiagnosticsEnabled()) {
                logDiagnostic("Trying to get log class from system property '" +
                          LOG_PROPERTY + "'");
            try {
                // 试图获取vm系统属性org.apache.commons.logging.Log指定的日志实现
                specifiedClass = getSystemProperty(LOG_PROPERTY, null);
            } catch (SecurityException e) {
                if (isDiagnosticsEnabled()) {
                    logDiagnostic("No access allowed to system property '" +
                        LOG_PROPERTY + "' - " + e.getMessage());

        if (specifiedClass == null) { // @deprecated
            if (isDiagnosticsEnabled()) {
                logDiagnostic("Trying to get log class from system property '" +
                          LOG_PROPERTY_OLD + "'");
            try {
                // 试图获取vm系统属性org.apache.commons.logging.log指定的日志实现
                specifiedClass = getSystemProperty(LOG_PROPERTY_OLD, null);
            } catch (SecurityException e) {
                if (isDiagnosticsEnabled()) {
                    logDiagnostic("No access allowed to system property '" +
                        LOG_PROPERTY_OLD + "' - " + e.getMessage());

        // Remove any whitespace; it's never valid in a classname so its
        // presence just means a user mistake. As we know what they meant,
        // we may as well strip the spaces.
        if (specifiedClass != null) {
            specifiedClass = specifiedClass.trim();

        return specifiedClass;


public class Log4JLogger implements Log, Serializable



五 log4j2+commons-logging解耦


1. 导入log4j2, commons-logging, log4j-jcl依赖



2. 配置好log4j2依赖的配置


3. 创建日志实例使用

logger = LogManager.getLogger(Log4jTwoTest.class);


private final LoggerAdapter<Log> adapter = new LogAdapter();

private final ConcurrentMap<String, Object> attributes = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();

public Log getInstance(final String name) throws LogConfigurationException {
    return adapter.getLogger(name);


public L getLogger(String name) {
    LoggerContext context = this.getContext();
    ConcurrentMap loggers = this.getLoggersInContext(context);
    Object logger = loggers.get(name);
    if(logger != null) {
        return logger;
    } else {
        loggers.putIfAbsent(name, this.newLogger(name, context));
        return loggers.get(name);


protected Log newLogger(final String name, final LoggerContext context) {
    return new Log4jLog(context.getLogger(name));






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