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转载 如何理解K线所包含的奥秘

http://www.net767.com/gupiao/k/200806/8744.htmlK线是股市技术分析中最基本的方法之一,虽然种类不多,但就像音乐里的五线谱一样,能够组合成千姿百态的技术分析图形。  可以以 K 线的实体和影线来划分 K 线的种类。  第一大类:没有上下影线只有实体的 K 线被称为光头光脚的 K线,表明买卖双方中有一方占上风,成为当天市场交易的主宰

2014-10-31 23:00:39 822

转载 通过Yahoo Finance API获取股票数据


2014-10-31 15:01:45 7760

转载 股票API之----------雅虎财经频道

http://blog.csdn.net/smstong/article/details/6375483本文介绍Yahoo财经频道获取股票数据的API。可以通过此API获取实时数据。实时数据请求请求地址[text] view plaincopyhttp://finance.yahoo.com/d/quotes.csv?

2014-10-31 15:00:35 1319

转载 股票stackoverflow合集

How can I get stock quotes using Google Finance API?

2014-10-31 14:58:23 799

转载 Dynamic historical stock data with d3.js and YQL

http://bl.ocks.org/d3noob/9576689d3noob’s block #9576689 March 16, 2014Dynamic historical stock data with d3.js and YQLOpen in a new window.This is a chart as used as an exampl

2014-10-31 14:52:54 957

转载 Spring依赖注入(DI)的三种实现方式


2014-10-29 13:02:19 908

转载 Spring读书笔记-----Spring核心机制:依赖注入

http://blog.csdn.net/chenssy/article/details/8171427Java应用(从applets的小范围到全套n层服务端企业应用)是一种典型的依赖型应用,它就是由一些互相适当地协作的对象构成的。因此,我们说这些对象间存在依赖关系。加入A组件调用了B组件的方法,我们就可以称A组件依赖于B组件。我们通过使用依赖注入,Java EE应用中的各种组件不

2014-10-29 12:54:07 542

转载 Creating Custom share buttons: Facebook, Twitter, Google+

Connection social media to any website is one of the important parts in building a website, and any website without those share buttons wouldn’t survive a lot. But sometimes the Default share/tweet

2014-10-29 01:46:46 1484

转载 How to make absolute positioned elements overlap their overflow hidden parent

http://front-back.com/how-to-make-absolute-positioned-elements-overlap-their-overflow-hidden-parentPosted on 15 May 2012 by jknebEvery front-end dev encountered one day this situation.

2014-10-28 23:59:15 1140

转载 Java中的destructor

http://stackoverflow.com/questions/171952/is-there-a-destructor-for-javaBecause Java is a garbage collected language you cannot predict when (or even if) an object will be destroyed. Hence t

2014-10-25 00:30:06 1269

转载 REST与SOAP样式Web 服务的区别

http://tscjsj.blog.51cto.com/412451/84810从基本原理层次上说,REST 样式和 SOAP 样式 Web 服务的区别取决于应用程序是面向资源的还是面向活动的。面向资源服务集中于明确的数据对象,一些基本、标准的操作可以依据这些数据对象而执行。如权威的 Gang of Four(GoF) 设计模式这本书所述,对于熟悉面向对象设计模式概念的开发者来说

2014-10-25 00:21:34 787

转载 REST vs. SOAP: How to choose the best Web service

http://searchsoa.techtarget.com/tip/REST-vs-SOAP-How-to-choose-the-best-Web-serviceDo similar questions trouble you? Ever wondered what could be the solution to such problems? To date, we have b

2014-10-24 23:35:51 820

转载 理解 JavaScript 中的 Function.prototype.bind

http://blog.jobbole.com/58032/函数绑定(Function binding)很有可能是你在开始使用JavaScript时最少关注的一点,但是当你意识到你需要一个解决方案来解决如何在另一个函数中保持this上下文的时候,你真正需要的其实就是 Function.prototype.bind(),只是你有可能仍然没有意识到这点。第一次遇到这个问题的时候

2014-10-23 00:50:05 736

转载 Java程序编译和运行的过程相关

http://allenhk.iteye.com/blog/1866288    Java整个编译以及运行的过程相当繁琐,本文通过一个简单的程序来简单的说明整个流程。                 如下图,Java程序从源文件创建到程序运行要经过两大步骤:1、源文件由编译器编译成字节码(ByteCode)  2、字节码由java虚拟机解释运行。因为java程序既要编译同时

2014-10-22 13:35:11 677

转载 jsp页面引入(包含)其他页面的三种实现方式

http://blog.csdn.net/hu_shengyang/article/details/7381230[html] view plaincopyjsp页面实现引入其他页面的三种方式如下所示:  [html] view plaincopy%@ page language="java" 

2014-10-20 14:19:15 968

转载 JSP中include指令和include动作区别详解

developer.51cto.com/art/200902/111134.htm我们都知道在JSP中include有两种形式,分别是<%@ include file=” ”%><jsp:include page=” ” flush=”true”/>前者是指令元素,后者是动作元素。具体它们将在何处用?如何用及它们有什么区别?这应该是很多人看到它都会想到的问题。下

2014-10-20 14:17:37 581

转载 Difference between JSP include directive and JSP include action

is the JSP include directive.At JSP page translation time, the content of the file given in the include directive is ‘pasted’ as it is, in the place where the JSP include directive is used. Then the

2014-10-20 14:14:51 759

转载 Java基本概念:集合类(Collection)List/Set/Map... 的区别和联系

http://zhaosoft.iteye.com/blog/243586Collection:List、SetMap:HashMap、HashTable如何在它们之间选择一、Array , ArraysJava所有“存储及随机访问一连串对象”的做法,array是最有效率的一种。1、效率高,但容量固定且无法动态改变。array还有一个缺点是,无法判断其中

2014-10-18 03:53:11 670

转载 JAVA中HashMap和Hashtable区别


2014-10-18 02:38:02 524

转载 Java中Vector、LinkedList和ArrayList的区别


2014-10-18 02:33:08 491

转载 Java Thread 多线程同步、锁、通信


2014-10-17 07:59:57 802

转载 Java多线程中的同步(synchronized)与锁

一段synchronized的代码被一个线程执行之前,他要先拿到执行这段代码的权限,在 java里边就是拿到某个同步对象的锁(一个对象只有一把锁); 如果这个时候同步对象的锁被其他线程拿走了,他(这个线程)就只能等了(线程阻塞在锁池 等待队列中)。 取到锁后,他就开始执行同步代码(被synchronized修饰的代码);线程执行完同步代码后马上就把锁还给同步对象,其他在锁池中 等待的某个线程就可以

2014-10-17 07:55:09 744

转载 Difference between Stack and Heap memory in Java

http://javarevisited.blogspot.com/2013/01/difference-between-stack-and-heap-java.htmlDifference between stack and heap memory is common programming question asked by beginners learning Java or a

2014-10-13 06:55:29 663

转载 两个div并列

div1 div2 body{ margin: 0; width: 100%;}#div1{ height: 30px; width: 10%; border: solid 1px #000000; background-color: #0066CC; float: left;}#div2{ height: 30px; width: 9

2014-10-11 00:37:02 617

转载 img在div中居中

http://jsfiddle.net/kizu/4RPFa/4570/ .frame { height: 25px;

2014-10-11 00:33:20 958

转载 How can I check if one string contains another substring in JavaScript?

http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1789945/how-can-i-check-if-one-string-contains-another-substring-in-javascriptvar s = "foo";alert(s.indexOf("oo") > -1);

2014-10-11 00:27:10 574

转载 Get current URL with JavaScript?


2014-10-11 00:22:55 525

转载 Multiple Backgrounds with CSS


2014-10-11 00:14:43 562

转载 Change placeholder text without jQuery


2014-10-11 00:07:10 453

转载 Link inside of input tag

http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6959484/link-inside-of-input-tagYou have two options.Place the image as a background of the input, but this won't be clickable.Absolutely position the

2014-10-10 23:59:25 495

转载 多个图片平均分布

http://jsfiddle.net/thirtydot/JTcGZ/ #thumbs { width: 540px; margin-top:90px; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; text-align: justify; -ms-text

2014-10-10 01:53:05 1171

转载 CSS round buttons

CSS3, with its great border-radius property, allows creation of fixed-size and responsive CSS round buttons. This article explains how to create circular buttons using CSS3 only. Add animation, shadow

2014-10-10 01:51:22 911

原创 不同类型的input选择器


2014-10-04 04:07:42 1165

转载 填表时禁止回车提交表单

http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2215462/html-form-when-i-hit-enter-it-refreshes-pageDisabling the submit event isn't a good idea. Now you can never submit the form by pressing the button

2014-10-04 03:55:57 581

转载 The 30 CSS Selectors you Must Memorize


2014-10-04 01:16:34 849

转载 select中option被选中事件响应

http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6540541/trying-to-get-a-jquery-event-to-fire-onclick-on-a-select-option-formChoose your Proptions…Yes or NoBefore or On/AfterMore than or Less thanBetter or

2014-10-04 01:14:29 3765

转载 Javascript中以$开头的变量


2014-10-04 01:07:04 2695

转载 Truthy and Falsy Values in JavaScript

Originally published in A Drip of JavaScriptLongtime JavaScript developers often toss around the terms "truthy" and "falsy", but for those who are newer to JavaScript these terms can be a bit myst

2014-10-03 05:01:53 675

转载 convert div into image

AGE Patient age, in years Value Freq

2014-10-01 07:47:44 742

转载 图片在div中垂直居中

li a img {position: absolute;top: 50%;width: 20px;height: 20px;margin-top: -10px;}

2014-10-01 07:43:43 474



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