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转载 js实用表单模糊搜索和自动提示插件

http://www.html5cn.org/article-7774-1.html摘要: fuzzysearch是一款实用的表单模糊搜索和自动提示js插件。该js插件允许你只输入部分字符串,根据这部分字符串自动搜索和匹配,并给出自动替代选项。适用于各种数据的快速检索。 在线演示 安装 可以使用npm来 ...fuzzysearch是一款实用的表

2016-05-30 12:16:20 547

转载 js实用表单模糊搜索和自动提示插件

http://www.html5cn.org/article-7774-1.html摘要: fuzzysearch是一款实用的表单模糊搜索和自动提示js插件。该js插件允许你只输入部分字符串,根据这部分字符串自动搜索和匹配,并给出自动替代选项。适用于各种数据的快速检索。 在线演示 安装 可以使用npm来 ...fuzzysearch是一款实用的表

2016-05-30 12:16:16 1457

转载 编写简易的JS输入框模糊查询匹配(附有源码和demo)

http://www.cnblogs.com/tugenhua0707/p/3434730.html前言:JS输入框模糊匹配插件以前在工作写过一个类似的 所以这次写轻松很多,这次写优化了几个方面:1. 添加动态加载css文件 不需要引入css css全部在JS动态生成。2. 不需要额外的标签 只需要一个input输入框 并且默认指定一个class类名为 "input

2016-05-30 12:15:09 7073

转载 使用 JavaScript 实现简单候选项推荐功能(模糊搜索)

http://yujiangshui.com/javascript-levenshtein-distance/当我们使用 Google 等搜索功能时,会出现与搜索内容有关的候选项。使用 JavaScript 搜索字符串,通常会使用 indexOf 或者 search 函数,但是非常僵硬,只能搜索匹配特定词语。比如使用关键词 今天是星期几 想要检索 今天是星期五 这个内容,就无法实现

2016-05-30 12:05:55 923

转载 jQuery事件:bind、delegate、on的区别

http://harttle.com/2015/06/26/jquery-event.html最近在AngularJS的开发中,遇到一个神奇的事情:我们用到livebox来预览评论列表中的图片, 然而评论列表是由Angular Resource动态载入的。不可思议的是,点击这些动态载入的图片仍然会触发lightbox的图片预览。 难道lightbox使用先进的MutationO

2016-05-25 12:00:49 397

转载 Javascript的变量与delete操作符

http://charlee.li/javascript-variables-and-delete-operator.html刚刚看到一篇好文(原文链接), 对Javascript中的delete操作符分析得很透彻。在这里简单地介绍一下内容。虽然是一个小小的delete操作符,其行为却异常复杂。# Javascript的变量实际上Javascript中,

2016-05-25 11:58:08 294

转载 【原创翻译】生动详细解释javascript的冒泡和捕获,包懂包会


2016-05-25 11:56:38 390

转载 JavaScript 垃圾回收

http://www.cnblogs.com/dolphinX/p/3348468.html在公司经常会听到大牛们讨论时说道内存泄露神马的,每每都惊羡不已,最近精力主要用在了Web 开发上,读了一下《JavaScript高级程序设计》(书名很唬人,实际作者写的特别好,由浅入深)了解了一下JavaScript垃圾回收机制,对内存泄露有了一定的认识。和C#、Java一样Java

2016-05-25 11:53:48 270

转载 Practical NoSQL - Solving a Real Problem with MongoDB and Redis

08 May 2011 - By Karl SeguinWhen I wrote The Little MongoDB Book (hey, it's free) I presented the point of view that, broadly speaking, NoSQL was about expanding our toolset with respect t

2016-05-23 09:31:48 505

转载 NOSQL练习 – 用 MONGODB 和 REDIS 解决一个现实问题

http://www.cnphp6.com/archives/28202Practical NoSQL – Solving a Real Problem with MongoDB and Redis。还是牛逼的Karl Seguin写的,08 May 2011。作者好牛逼啊,我不懂的他都懂。Practical NoSQL – Solving a Real

2016-05-23 09:31:09 777

转载 优秀的代码 vs. 糟糕的代码

http://harttle.com/2015/04/13/elegant-and-bad.html可持续开发不仅在于项目架构设计,还与代码质量密切相关,代码的整洁度和质量成正比。—— Robert C. Martin, “Clean Code”如果你还没有发现代码质量的区别,如果你从未见过优秀的代码,或者从未见过糟糕的代码,那么本文将以直观地对比,告诉你代码质量究

2016-05-23 09:28:23 514

转载 Caching a MongoDB Database with Redis

https://www.sitepoint.com/caching-a-mongodb-database-with-redis/Today, performance is one of the most important metrics you need to evaluate when developing a web service. Keeping customer

2016-05-23 09:27:44 673

转载 Nodejs Error: EMFILE

http://stackoverflow.com/q/13192660/2177408I need to open a directory containing files.. open readstream for each and write the data from all the files into a single file. But I keep getting

2016-05-22 16:14:35 1293

转载 How to get only direct child elements by jQuery function

http://stackoverflow.com/a/3687663/2177408You can use find():tbl.find("> tbody > tr")

2016-05-22 15:35:25 593

转载 For..In loops in javascript - key value pairs

http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7241878/for-in-loops-in-javascript-key-value-pairs1. for(var key in dict)for (var k in target){ if (target.hasOwnProperty(k)) { alert("Key i

2016-05-19 14:53:58 724

转载 Fullscreen API

https://davidwalsh.name/fullscreenBy David Walsh on December 23, 2013  As we move toward more true web applications, our JavaScript APIs are doing their best to keep up.  One ver

2016-05-17 11:58:20 566

转载 intermediate javascript: assign a function with its parameter to a variable and execute later

http://stackoverflow.com/a/7776322I have a function in javascript:function alertMe($a){ alert($a);}Which I can execute like this: alertMe("Hello");I want to do is assign alertMe("He

2016-05-17 11:54:32 428

转载 URL的井号

www.ruanyifeng.com/blog/2011/03/url_hash.html作者: 阮一峰日期: 2011年3月 9日去年9月,twitter改版。一个显著变化,就是URL加入了"#!"符号。比如,改版前的用户主页网址为  http://twitter.com/username改版后,就变成了  http://twi

2016-05-17 11:52:18 403

转载 callback to handle completion of pipe

http://stackoverflow.com/q/11447872/2177408I am using the following node.js code to download documents from some url and save it in the disk. I want to be informed about when the document is d

2016-05-17 11:45:52 679

转载 polymer 1.0 dom-repeat filter only runs once

http://stackoverflow.com/q/31857241/2177408When I change the year using the drop-down, I want the list to re-filter and display the info for that chosen year. What am I missing? Changing the y

2016-05-17 11:44:02 838

转载 So, You Want A FullScreen Browser, Huh?

http://www.htmlgoodies.com/beyond/dhtml/article.php/3470521#openBy Joe BurnsUse these to jump around or read it all...[Open In FullScreen Mode][Close It Up][Click To Full Screen Mode

2016-05-17 11:41:16 413

转载 promise Q.all 方法使用 及 spread 分散返回结果

http://yijiebuyi.com/blog/ff153c94cb841f36b8e5da98242871e0.html一介布衣  2015-11-12  nodejs  779promise 规范点击查看此博文了解 promise规范让你解脱callback回调噩梦promise 规范 开源包 Q 使用点击查看博文 n

2016-05-17 11:39:13 2092

转载 Javascript常用方法函数集

http://www.ccwebsite.com/javascript-function-sets-common-method/1.字符串长度截取function cutstr(str, len) {var temp,icount = 0,patrn = /[^\x00-\xff]/,strre = "";for (var i = 0; i str.

2016-05-17 11:35:17 432

转载 What is a Key Mirror?

https://sdgluck.github.io/2015/08/12/key-mirrors/Sam GluckIt is very likely that in your day-to-day JavaScript programming you will have encountered the problem that is ‘how can I mainta

2016-05-17 08:18:45 629



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