ADFLogger日志与weblogic 日志配置与应用





如 private static ADFLogger logger=ADFLogger.createADFLogger(DataServiceBase.class);







             log.log(Level.SEVERE, "exception", nfe);
             og.severe("Unexpected exception doing complex thing", nfe);



  1. SEVERE 严重的错误,导致系统中止。期望这类信息能立即显示在状态控制台上
  2. WARNING 潜在问题的级别,它是不符合预期的状态但还不至于成为“错误”,例如使用了废弃的API等等。期望这类信息能立即显示在状态控制台上
  3. INFO 运行时产生的有意义的一些信息,主要用于报告消息的目的。期望这类信息能立即显示在状态控制台上
  4. CONFIG 静态配置消息,用来输出一些系统配置信息。期望这类信息仅被写入日志文件中
  5. FINE 指示提供跟踪信息,简单输出一些跟踪信息。期望这类信息仅被写入日志文件中
  6. FINER 指示提供一条相当详细的跟踪消息。期望这类信息仅被写入日志文件中
  7. FINEST 指示提供一条最详细的跟踪消息。期望这类信息仅被写入日志文件中

日志记录方法划分为 5 个主要类别:

  1. 一系列的 "log" 方法,这种方法带有日志级别、消息字符串,以及可选的一些消息字符串参数。
  2. 一系列的 "logp" 方法(即 "log precise"),其与 "log" 方法相似,但是带有显式的源类名称和方法名称。
  3. 一系列的 "logrb" 方法(即 "log with resource bundle"),其与 "logp" 方法相似,但是带有显式的在本地化日志消息中使用的资源包名称。
  4. 还有跟踪方法条目("entering" 方法)、方法返回("exiting" 方法)和抛出异常("throwing" 方法)的便捷方法。
  5. 最后,还有一系列在非常简单的情况下(如开发人员只想为给定的日志级别记录一条简单的字符串)使用的便捷方法。这些方法按标准级别名称命名("severe"、"warning"、"info" 等等),并带有单个参数,即一个消息字符串。



  1. severe(java.lang.String msg)
  2. severe(java.lang.String message, java.lang.Object param)
  3. severe(java.lang.String message, java.lang.Object[] params)
  4. severe(java.lang.String sourceClass, java.lang.String sourceMethod, java.lang.String msg)
  5. severe(java.lang.String sourceClass, java.lang.String sourceMethod, java.lang.String msg, java.lang.Object param1)
  6. severe(java.lang.String sourceClass, java.lang.String sourceMethod, java.lang.String msg, java.lang.Object[] params)
  7. severe(java.lang.String message, java.lang.Throwable t)
  8. severe(java.lang.Throwable t)


其它的方法和方法的详细信息可以查看Java Doc


    private static ADFLogger log=ADFLogger.createADFLogger(TestService.class);
    public void doGet(HttpServletRequest request,
                      HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException {
        String aa="sss";
        try {
            int n = Integer.valueOf(aa);
        } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) {
            log.log(Level.SEVERE, "exception", nfe);
            log.severe("Unexpected exception doing complex thing",
        log.log(Level.WARNING, "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa");



There are two ways to get to the logging configuration screen.

第二 Open the Application Server Navigator (Ctrl + Shift + G), right mouse click on theIntegratedWeblogicServer and select  Configure Oracle Diagnostic Logging for "IntegratedWeblogicServer".

第三 From the Log window (usually docked underneath your editor) pull down the Actions menu  and selectConfigure Oracle diagnostic Logging.


Both approaches open the same editor on top of the logging.xml file. Here it is, I've expanded the first couple of levels in the tree to make it interesting:

Image of the Logging configuration Screen

 So what we see here is a hierarchy of all the packages in the running app server. Notice that some of the icons are green, these are packages or classes that have a presence in the logging.xml already and some are yellow. This latter group are transient, that is, we can temporarily set up logging on that package or class for the duration of the application server, but once the application server shuts down all the logging configuration will be reverted.. You'll notice the checkbox at the top of this screen that is labeled Hide Transient Loggers, well you can guess what that does now.

Step 3 - Configure Some Logging

 The rest is all fairly self explanatory. To configure logging at any level you click on the level column and from the pull down select the level you want to look at.  In the image above you can see that I've set the logging for the Root Logger to the INFO level. This implicitly means that any child of that node (everything in this case because it's the root) will also be logging at the INFO level unless it explicitly overrides.  Normally your root logger would log at WARNING or SEVERE, you just want to keep an eye out for any and all problems at that level.

So perhaps we wanted to switch on CONFIG level logging for everything under the oracle.demo root we would just set that in the level column. Of course with Config level Info messages would still be printed out as well. So you can be as fine grained about this as you want, controlling the logging level on a class by class or package by package basis.

If need to set up a logger on a class / package that is not visible in the structure (yet) you can use the green add (+) button at the top left of the editor to add a new one in.  The loggers you add can be persistent (stored in the logging.xml) or transient (discarded at the end of the session) Note that transient loggers can only be created when you are actually running the internal WLS instance. 

As well as the logging levels it is also possible to configure the handlers.  In logging, the handler is the thing that takes your log message and does something with it - prints it to the console, writes it to a file etc. If you select the root logger in the editor here you will see that it defines three handlers listed in the Handler Declaration section of the screen at the bottom of the editor:

  • odl-handler
  • wls-domain
  • console

The first two would be the default for a standalone WLS instance, but the console we've automatically added for you in the case of the embedded WLS so that you will be able to see the output of your carefully placed logging commands in the log window of the IDE (Hint - Now is a good time to go to Tools Preferences and increase the size of your logging buffer). I recommend that you do not change these handlers and just continue to inherit from the root. The reason for this will become evident in a later installment.

For example in the sample I'm running here  I have a few CONFIG and INFO level logging calls in the code and this generates the following output on the console:

<Library> <initSampleData> Setting up Library sample data
<MainPageBackingBean> <<init>> Creating a new Instance
<MainPageBackingBean> <handleSlotCartridgeMove> Dropping Module : 1 : Left-12
<MainPageBackingBean> <<init>> Creating a new Instance
<MainPageBackingBean> <handleSlotCartridgeMove> Dropping Module : 1 : Left-14
<TaskFlowUtils> <diagnosticInitializer> Key:"displaySlot" Value:"Module : 1 : Left-9" Type:[oracle.demo.whippet.model.Slot]

Cryptic yes - but I know what it all means in the context of this application and it's exactly the information that I need to monitor what's going on. It tells me that by backing bean classes are being created for every request, and in this case the drophander for some drag and drop processing has received the payload I expect.  Finally one of my standard pieces of instrumentation which I embed in my task flow initializer call is reporting all of the parameters passed to it. All good stuff. 

Next time we'll take a look at this output information  in more detail and explore some of the real power of this logging once you start to relate all of this information together into sequences of events.



-Djbo.debugoutput=adflogger -Djbo.adflogger.level=FINE

添加了这个选项之后,JDeveloper控制台中也会打印出日志信息,如果希望将日志信息输出到一个日志文件,可以配置logging.xml文件,添加 log_handler 来输出重定向,具体可以看上面给出的示例

二  如果在独立服务器上的话,就需要直接进行EM控制台进行日志配置

登陆EM ,打开内部应用程序,找到目标应用,右键点击,日志选日志配置,点开日志文件,然后选择创建日志,



 <log_handler name='odl-handler' class='oracle.core.ojdl.logging.ODLHandlerFactory' filter='oracle.dfw.incident.IncidentDetectionLogFilter'>
   <property name='path' value='${domain.home}/servers/${weblogic.Name}/logs/${weblogic.Name}-diagnostic.log'/>
   <property name='maxFileSize' value='10485760'/>
   <property name='maxLogSize' value='104857600'/>
   <property name='rotationFrequency' value='daily'/>
   <property name='retentionPeriod' value='week'/>
   <property name='encoding' value='UTF-8'/>
   <property name='useThreadName' value='true'/>
   <property name='supplementalAttributes' value=',,,,composite_instance_id,component_instance_id,composite_name,component_name,DSID'/>








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