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The Terminator to Android Hardening Services Outline Background DexHunter Analysis of major products Related work Dex File Java source code -> Java class -> dex Java class: each file contains one class dex: one file contains all classes Reorganize constant pools in each class file into shared and type-specific constant pools ...


An Examination of Bloom Filters and their Applications

slides of An Examination of Bloom Filters and their Applications Author: Jacob Honoro Outline Bloom Filter Overview Traditional Applications Hierarchical Bloom Filters Paper Less Traditional Applications & Extensions


A Tour of TensorFlow

Abstract—Deep learning is a branch of artificial intelligence employing deep neural network architectures that has significantly advanced the state-of-the-art in computer vision, speech recognition, natural language processing and other domains. In November 2015, Google released TensorFlow, an open source deep learning software library for defining, training and deploying machine learning models. In this paper, we review TensorFlow and put it in context of modern deep learning concepts and software. We discuss its basic computational paradigms and distributed execution model, its programming interface as well as accompanying visualization toolkits. We then compare TensorFlow to alternative libraries such as Theano, Torch or Caffe on a qualitative as well as quantitative basis and finally comment on observed use-cases of TensorFlow in academia and industry.


Getting started with RxSwift and RxCocoa

Getting started with RxSwift and RxCocoa It’s great when code does exactly what you tell it to (unlike my cat). Change something in the program, tell the code to update, and it does. Good code! Most programming in the Object-Oriented era has been imperative like that: Your code tells your program what to do and has many ways to listen to changes—but you generally must actively tell the system when something changes. That’s fine as far as it goes, but wouldn’t it be even better if you could set things up so that when something in your app changes, the code updates automatically? That’s the basic idea of reactive programming: your application can react to changes in the underlying data without you telling it to do so directly. This makes it easier to focus on the logic at hand rather than maintaining a particular state.


A New Stream Cipher HC-256 ( source code embeded )

HC-256 is a software-efficient stream cipher. It generates keystream from a 256-bit secret key and a 256-bit initialization vector. The encryption speed of the C implementation of HC-256 is about 1.9 bits per clock cycle (4.2 cycle/byte) on the Intel Pentium 4 processor. A variant of HC-256 is also introduced in this paper.


Smashing The Stack For Fun And Profit

缓冲区溢出的经典之作。 Introduction Over the last few months there has been a large increase of buffer overflow vulnerabilities being both discovered and exploited. Examples of these are syslog, splitvt, sendmail 8.7.5, Linux/FreeBSD mount, Xt library, at, etc. This paper attempts to explain what buffer overflows are, and how their exploits work. Basic knowledge of assembly is required. An understanding of virtual memory concepts, and experience with gdb are very helpful but not necessary. We also assume we are working with an Intel x86 CPU, and that the operating system is Linux. Some basic definitions before we begin: A buffer is simply a contiguous block of computer memory that holds multiple instances of the same data type. C programmers normally associate with the word buffer arrays. Most commonly, character arrays. Arrays, like all variables in C, can be declared either static or dynamic. Static variables are allocated at load time on the data segment. Dynamic variables are allocated at run time on the stack. To overflow is to flow, or fill over the top, brims, or bounds. We will concern ourselves only with the overflow of dynamic buffers, otherwise known as stackbased buffer overflows.


GNU as manual

Using as -- The gnu Assembler (GNU Binutils) Version 2.19.1 This manual is a user guide to the gnu assembler as.


A Compact Guide to Lex & Yacc (code)

A Compact Guide to Lex & Yacc 的源代码


A Compact Guide to Lex & Yacc

A COMPACT GUIDE TO LEX & YACCby Tom NiemannContentsContents.............2Preface.............3Introduction............4Lex..............6Theory.............6Practice............7Yacc.............12Theory............12Practice, Part I...........13Practice, Part II...........16Calculator.............19Description............19Include File............22Lex Input.............23Yacc Input...........24Interpreter............27Compiler...........28Graph............30More Lex............34Strings............34Reserved Words..........35Debugging Lex...........35More Yacc............36Recursion............36If-Else Ambiguity............36Error Messages...........37Inherited Attributes..........38Embedded Actions..........38Debugging Yacc...........39Bibliography............40



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