

Lesson 1 Signals: Audio, Image and Video

spatial adj. 空间的
interval n. 间歇,间隙
convert vt. 转换
normalize vt. 标准化,归一化
arbitrary adj. 任意的
in terms of… 依照…
ambient adj. 环境的,周围的
depict vt. 描绘
successive adj. 连续的,相继的
light intensity 光强度
block diagram 框图
lookup table 查找表
grayscale picture 灰度图像
discrete-time signal 离散信号
magnitude 幅值
domain 定义域
range 值域,范围
backlog 待办事项
vertical axis and horizontal axis 纵轴和横轴

Signals are functions that carry information, often in the form of temporal and spatial patterns.

Lesson 2 Systems: Linear and Nonlinear

notation n. 记号
mechanism n. 机制,方法
compensate vi. 补偿
acoustics n. 传声效果
extraction n. 提取
spurious adj. 虚假的
encoder and decoder 编码器和译码器(codec编解码器)
resonate vi. 谐振
active and passive 有源和无源
intermodulation n. 互调,交调
sinusoid n. 正弦曲线
harmonic n. 谐波,泛音
attenuation n. 衰减
crossover n. 交越失真
spectral component 频率分量
signal distortion 信号失真,信号畸变
linear distortion-free transmission 线性无失真传输
amplitude/frequency response 幅度响应/频率响应

A system may enhance a signal by emohasizing some of the information it carries and deemphasizing some other information. In reansmission, signals are often degraded by noise or reverse the distortion. When the signal is carrying digital informationover a physical channel, the extraction of the digital information from the degraded signal is called detection.

Linear versus Nonlinear Behaviour

Linear BehaviourNonlinear Behaviour
input and output frequencies are the same (no additional frequencies created)output frequency may undergo frequency shift (e.g: with mixers)
output frequency only undergoes magnitude and phase changeadditional frequencies created (harmonics, intermodulation)



Lesson 3 Modern Electronic Communication System

sequence n. 序列
porpagate vt. 传播
irrelevant adj. 无关的
medium n. 介质
simultaneous adj. 同时的
allocation n. 分配
scheme n. 方案,体系
maintenance n. 维护
coherent adj. 相干的,相关的
incorporate vt. 包含
interpretation n. 理解
traffic 通信量,业务量
source and destination 信源和信宿
overhead 开销
timing 定时的
simplex and duplex 单工和全双工
acknowledgement 确认,应答
optical fiber 光纤
coaxial cable 同轴电缆
twisted pair 双绞线
local loop/subscriber line 本地环/用户线
data synchronization 数据同步
error detection 错误检测
RF (radio frequency) 射频
POTS (plain old telephone service) 固定电话业务
clock recovery circuit 时钟恢复电路

Information can be defined as ant physical pattern that is meaningful to both sender and receiver. The transmitter converts the information from its original form to some kind of signal, usually an electrical or electromagnetic signal, so that it can travel through a channel, such as cables, or through space, to a receiver. The receiver converts the electrical signal back to its original form.

Bandwidth(BW) is the range of frequencies that can be transmitted with minimal distortion. BW is also a measure of the tranmission capacity of the communications medium.There is a general rule that relates BW nad information capacity – Hartley’s Law, which is represented by I=ktBW ,where I = amount of information that can be transmitted; k = a constant that depends on the type of modulation; t = transmission time in seconds; BW = channel bandwidth.
带宽是能够在最小失真条件下进行通信的频率范围,也是度量通信介质传输能力的指标之一。在带宽和通信容量之间存在着一般关系,即“哈特来定律”。该定律表示为I=ktBW,其中 I 是能够发送的信息量;k 是一个取决于调制方法的常数; t 是通信时间(单位为秒); BW是信道带宽。

Simplex refers to communications in only one direction from the transmitter to the receiver. Half-duplex refers to two-way communications but in only one direction at a time. Full-duplex refers to simultaneous two-way transmission. For example, radio or TV broadcast is a simplex system, transfer of inventory data from a warehouse to an accounting office is a half-duplex system, and videoconferencing represents a full-duplex application.


The Fourier theorem states that any periodic function or waveform can be expressed as the sum of sine waves with frequencies at integer or harmonic multiples of the fundermental frequency of the waveform, with approproate maximum amplitudes and phases.

The Nyquist sampling theorem states that if a waveform is sampled at a rate at least twice the maximum frequency component in the waveform, then it is possible to reconstruct that waveform from the periodic samples without any distortion. Therefore, if the maximum frequency compponent in the signal is f, then the optimum sampling rate equals 2f. The sampling rate is sometimes called the Nyquist rate or Nyquist frequency.

Here is the end for the Unit One. Hope you can learn more or less from this article. May you have a good day. Thank you for your supporting.

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