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原创 NHibernate OneToOne 映射下使用延迟加载

环境:NHibernate 3.3在NH下,one to one映射时目前不能支持延迟加载,即:假设A为主表,B为副表,B中有外键指向A,使用OneToOne将B映射进Class A,则在加载A时会单独再加载与之关联的B;例如如果是:(From A).SetMaxResults(5).List();则会产生6条SQL语句,一句是 select top 5 * from A另

2013-03-24 21:02:55 1953

转载 Running NHibernate3.3&CouchBase successfully

将NHibernate升级到3.3,并使用最新的Couchbase,二级缓存不起作用,该文章可解决这个问题,我自己实验已经配置好可用nhibernate-caches-couchbase2nd level caching provider for NHibernate using Couchbase.This provider is a port of the Enyim.Ca

2013-03-20 11:55:23 1239

原创 未能加载文件或程序集“NHibernate.ByteCode.Castle”或它的某一个依赖项。系统找不到指定的文件

将NHibernate更新到3.3后会报错:未能加载文件或程序集“NHibernate.ByteCode.Castle”或它的某一个依赖项。系统找不到指定的文件。最新版本的NHibernate内置了bytecode的provider,所以不再需要单独提供该provider,解决这个问题只需将该项配置移除 NHibernate.ByteCode.Castle.ProxyFac

2013-03-20 11:49:00 2090

转载 How to Install SugarCRM with SQL Server 2008 and IIS 7.0

The post copied from http://jassemshakil.blogspot.com/2010/08/how-to-install-sugarcrm-with-sql-server.htmlHi!Welcome to my blog again. So, here is something useful for you. The following

2013-03-08 16:27:08 1723

原创 使用SQL返回按小时排序的统计数据

使用 datepart(hour,createddate)select personviews = count(*),datepart(hour,createddate)+1from Orderswhere createddate  between @StartDate and @EndDate group by datepart(hour,createddate)or

2013-03-05 16:19:50 2471

转载 老鸟,也会坠机

老鸟,也会坠机作者:杜书伍 (联强国际集团总裁兼执行长)人往往会因为熟悉,产生自信,反过来产生轻忽。组织内的「资深人员」,特别容易出现此一盲点。组织在进用人才时,经常会从外部引进有经验、甚至相当资深的人员。这类资深人员,因为面对新的环境,多数也有体认了解新环境的重要;然而,却因其对此类工作内容非常熟悉,经验十分丰富,无意中产生「从表面上来看都很类似」的感觉,从而

2013-01-26 11:09:58 458

转载 HTTP Response Compression in a URL rewrite enabled IIS installation

HTTP Response Compression in a URL rewrite enabled IIS installationIt is normally a good and recommended practice to enable HTTP Response Compression regardless of the server you use to host a

2012-11-09 16:20:12 1146

转载 IIS6下.net伪静态html图文教程

来自:http://www.yunnanidc.net/info/yunnanidc/yunnanshujugang/fuwuqiwenti/201203151246.htmlInternet Information Services,是由微软公司提供的基于运行Microsoft Windows的互联网基本服务。最初是Windows NT版本的可选包,随后内置在Windows 2000

2012-08-02 15:27:39 872

原创 解决iphon,ipad上2次点击

//解决iphon,ipad上2次点击$(document).ready(function () {    var sUserAgent = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase();    var bIsIpad = sUserAgent.match(/ipad/i) == "ipad";    var bIsIphoneOs = sUserAgent.

2011-12-07 09:08:07 840

转载 Resizing a Photographic image with GDI+ for .NET

http://www.codeproject.com/KB/GDI-plus/imageresize.aspxThis article describes the various techniques used to resize a photographic image with GDI+ and C#+ for .NET.IntroductionOne of t

2011-12-06 21:03:17 638

转载 Failover Clustering & NLB Documents and Resources

Hi Cluster Fans, Resources can be hard to find, so every few months we will be publishing an updated list of over 300 useful documents, guides, information and utilities to this blog (http://blogs

2011-12-01 15:47:51 1824

转载 技术管理者需要具备哪些领导力?


2011-11-25 09:52:51 697

转载 11个有用的移动网页开发App和HTML5框架-记录下来


2011-11-25 09:16:53 2014

转载 国外的53个优秀技术博客-53 Of The Best Tech Blogs Out There

Post by David Pierce. Find me on Twitter.On Twitter yesterday, I asked my followers for some of their favorite blogs. I got some great answers, which I’ll share, but what was more interesting to m

2011-11-22 09:50:11 1004

原创 如何解决sql连接错误HResult 0x2, Level 16, State 1 Could not open a connection to SQL Server [2].

HResult 0x2, Level 16, State 1Named Pipes Provider: Could not open a connection to SQL Server [2].Error: Microsoft SQL Native Client : An error has occurred while establishing a connection to the

2011-11-14 10:32:16 3711

转载 SQL Server 2005 Connectivity Issue Troubleshoot - Part I

Article from: http://blogs.msdn.com/b/sql_protocols/archive/2005/10/22/483684.aspxThis post provides some tips to troubleshoot Sql Server connection problems based on various displayed error messa

2011-11-14 10:23:18 1549

转载 sql取中间连续记录的方法例如去20条到30条的记录

摘录于论坛和网上:取n到m行1.select top m *from tablenamewhere id not in (selecttop n id from tablename order by idasc/*|desc*/)2.select top m *into 临时表(或表变量)from tablenameord

2011-11-08 21:48:23 6885

转载 大数据量下not in, not exists, left join的比较

原文:http://blog.csdn.net/feegle_develop/article/details/5861551/*IN、EXISTS和LEFT JOIN,NOT IN、NOT EXISTS和INNER JOIN在存在与不存在的查询效率*/ IF OBJECT_ID('A') IS NOT NULL  DROP TABLE AGOCREATE

2011-11-08 21:41:53 8679

转载 基于html5的更好的web form

http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/magazine/hh547102.aspxBuilding HTML5 ApplicationsBetter Web Forms with HTML5 Forms下载示例如果你是一个互联网开发者,或许您已经创建过html表单了。事实上,您已经做过很多html的表单了。你一般都会采用传统的输入控件类

2011-11-08 19:39:14 3121

转载 能力的内涵(转)


2011-11-08 19:10:24 516

转载 沟通能力的基础(转)

沟通能力的基础作者:杜书伍 (联强国际集团总裁兼执行长)「不善沟通」,是很多人亟欲改善、提升的能力要项之一。然而,自认拙于沟通者在自我检视的过程中,容易反射性的推论,问题出在自己口才不佳,缺乏自信,容易紧张,个性内向,从而,便自我要求「要增加自信」

2011-09-26 11:42:45 554

转载 使用JTBC轻松构建多语言版网站(ASP版)

第一步使网站使用多种语言,需要翻译语言文件,语言文件保存在根目录与模块目录下的 common/language 文件夹,只需要依次翻译即可,假如网站的后台不需要多语言版本的支持,那么可以只翻译前台的语言文件。翻译案例:        ite

2011-07-30 02:11:03 1503

原创 如何在64位系统IIS7下运行MVC网站 The steps need to check when you want to run a MVC site under 64 bit OS+IIS7

If you deploy your MVC site under a 64 bit OS + IIS7, you may offen encount exceptions, I just collect the gerernal list & steps to check when fix those exceptions based on my personal experiences:1

2011-07-28 16:56:08 1637

原创 How to fix the issue: An error occurred while validating. HRESULT = '80004005'

The exception: An error occurred while validating. HRESULT = '80004005'when you build a setup project by Visual Studio 2008, you may got the

2011-07-20 15:35:54 3200 1

原创 Some experienced note of bugs

1. One exception can cause a nother DB blocking issue,when use NH, if below code:NHibernateProvider.Save(new class()); string str = string.e

2011-07-09 16:10:16 529

转载 双方拍拍肩,双方打屁股

双方拍拍肩,双方打屁股 作者:杜书伍 (联强国际集团总裁兼执行长) 管理有个相当重要的课题,即如何维持组织的公平与正义。经常我们会不解,为何制度推行起来的效果相当有限?其问题往往就出在组织的基础环境,亦即所谓的组织气候不佳,而所有人最基本的要求,便是公平正义。

2011-06-21 11:07:00 14506

原创 The ways to paging

In projects, you must have the experience of how to paging datas. you would have below options:1. Fetch all the data first, then do the paging in BE logic.    such as Linq:    List results = (fr

2011-06-20 11:36:00 444

转载 Javasciprt Visual Event

http://www.sprymedia.co.uk/article/Visual+Event IntroductionWhen working with events in Javascript, it is often easy to loose track of what events are subscribed where. This is particularly

2011-06-16 10:37:00 688

原创 A internal server error like "stack overflow" can cause the exception of "Validation of viewstate MAC faild"

<br />The exception: Validation of viewsate MAC faild. If this application is hosted by a Web Farm or cluster, ensure that <machineKey> configuration specifies the same validationkey and validation algorithm. AutoGenerate cannot be used in a cluster.<br />

2011-05-09 19:17:00 777

原创 How to fix the bug: Retrieving the COM class factory for component with CLSID{00000000-...} faild due to the following error: 80

How to fix the bug: Retrieving the COM class factory for component with CLSID{00000000-...} faild due to the following error: 80040154

2011-05-09 19:11:00 1678

转载 ASP.NET Mobile Handset Detection, Redirection & Development Made Easy

<br />The original source link: http://www.codeproject.com/KB/aspnet/MobileHandsetDetection.aspx<br /> Download sample source - 1.07 MB Download Enhancement Library - 148.37 KB Introduction<br />This article explains two approaches to determine if an HTTP

2011-04-18 14:53:00 1564

转载 Using NHibernate with Multiple Databases

http://www.codeproject.com/KB/aspnet/NHibernateMultipleDBs.aspxIntroduction<br />A previous CodeProject article described using NHibernate with ASP.NET; it offered guidelines for communicating with a single database. But, it is sometimes necessary to commu

2011-04-07 00:09:00 1295

转载 Combating the Select N + 1 Problem In NHibernate

<br />Source link: http://ayende.com/Blog/archive/2006/05/02/CombatingTheSelectN1ProblemInNHibernate.aspx<br /> <br />Combating the Select N + 1 Problem In NHibernate<br /> Homeprevious: The Prison Domain Modelnext: That Boring UI...<br />Using an O/RM can

2011-04-06 23:55:00 540

转载 无能者的借口:简答「公司规定」(转自联强EMBA广告邮件)

无能者的借口:简答「公司规定」 作者:杜书伍 (联强国际集团总裁兼执行长) <br />偶而,在公司内部,我们会发现某些人很习惯用「公司规定」这句话,来回答别人的问题,甚至直接回答客户的问题。<br /> <br />接受到这个答复后,有的人并不善罢干休,会持续追问「为什么?」但是这类人依然以「就是公司规定」回答。个性较追根究柢者,会主动另循管道找寻答案;但是,个性较不积极者,经常就默默接受了。然后,当被他人问及同一问题时

2011-03-21 13:09:00 1504

转载 ASP.NET MVC – Create easy REST API with JSON and XML(转)

ASP.NET MVC – Create easy REST API with JSON and XML<br />From: http://aleembawany.com/2009/03/27/aspnet-mvc-create-easy-rest-api-with-json-and-xml/<br /> <br />Mar 27th, 2009JSON and XML Action Filter CodeUsage ExampleSample Output<br />So I just hopped o

2011-01-19 18:11:00 2074 1

转载 XML Serialization Using C#

<br />Source URL:http://www.dotnetjohn.com/articles.aspx?articleid=173 <br /> <br />XML Serialization Using C#...<br /> Object serialization is a process through which an object's state is transformed into some serial data format, such as XML or a bin

2010-12-28 17:36:00 1591

原创 Big impact when set property type in-properly

<br />In sqlserver DB, for the string, we have types: NVARCHR, VARCHAR.<br />In mapping class, if you use default set the type to "string" but the column type is varchar in DB, that will cause a transfer in DB side when searching comparing, if unfortunatel

2010-12-22 17:09:00 527

转载 能力的内涵 转

当我们谈论到一个人的「能力」时,一般人通常认为这是指个人在某一领域的专业知识而言,因此,在追求能力的成长时,也只专注于专业知识的不断吸收与提升。但是,我们常会发现,两个专业知识水平相当的人去处理、执行相同的事物,产生的结果与成效却往往并不一样;甚至有些专业知识相对较低的人,其处理起事物来反而得到比较好的结果,为什么会如此呢?<br /><br />仔细分析「能力」的内涵,其实包含了三大部分,「专业知识」固然是其中之一,但除此之外,还包括执行、处理事物的方法与经验(即「执行能力」);以及学习、反省检讨的能力(

2010-12-05 18:40:00 381

转载 ASP.NET WebForms and MVC together in one project

ASP.NET WebForms and MVC together in one projecthttp://blogs.taiga.nl/martijn/2009/06/03/aspnet-webforms-and-mvc-together-in-one-project/This post briefly describes a solution to mix ASP.NET WebForms and MVC in one project. You can download a sample proj

2010-10-21 13:07:00 1217

转载 How to bind a GridView to a list of multiple types? NHibernate proxy causing problems with databinding [From stack overflow]

NHibernate proxy causing problems with databindingI have a gridview that is bound to the result from an nhibernate query. If the first item in the list is edited the following exception is thrown:System.Reflection.TargetException: Object does not match

2010-10-12 14:37:00 738



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