Cisio live 2011 Presentations 国内网盘下载

Cisio live 2011的资料主要都是放到国外的网盘上了,国内下载不方便。我花了将近一周才拖下来,不敢独享,就上传到国内网盘了,


Cisco Live 2011 Presentations

Cisco Live 2011 资料已可到官网上免费注册下载

Session ID Title
BRKAPP-2005 Deploying Cisco Wide Area Application Services (WAAS)
BRKAPP-2020 ACE Deployment in an Application Environment
BRKAPP-2021 Deploying and Troubleshooting Web Cache Communication Protocol (WCCP) for WAN Acceleration, Security and Content Delivery
BRKAPP-2023 Building the Elastic Data Center: Provisioning Compute, Network and Storage Resources on Demand for Maximum Scalability
BRKAPP-2024 Provide Visibility, Optimization and Control Using Cisco Application Velocity
BRKAPP-2025 What Is Really Going On? - Best Practices in Choosing, Deploying and Using DPI
BRKAPP-3003 Advanced Troubleshooting the Cisco Application Control Engine
BRKARC-2001 Cisco ASR1000 Series Routers: System & Solution Architectures
BRKARC-2002 Network Diagnosis: Prevent Prepare Repair
BRKARC-2003 Cisco ASR 9000 Architecture
BRKARC-2005 Smart Grid: Developing a Communications Architecture for the Utility of the Future
BRKARC-2007 IOS Strategy and Evolution
BRKARC-2091 Branch and Head-end of Tomorrow: Deploying Cisco ISR G2 and ASR 1000 in the Enterprise
BRKARC-2092 Cisco IT Connected Virtual Office (CVO) Video Architecture
BRKARC-2350 Routing Operations in Cisco IOS Routers
BRKARC-3001 Cisco Integrated Services Router G2 - Architectural Overview and Use Cases

and More

ResHacker(软件版权修改器) 脚本说明: ************************************************************************************** 1 VERSIONINFO FILEVERSION 2,1,0,0 PRODUCTVERSION 2,1,0,0 FILEOS 0x4 FILETYPE 0x1 { BLOCK "StringFileInfo" { BLOCK "080404B0" { VALUE "FileVersion", "2, 1, 0, 0" //文件版本 VALUE "FileDescription", "HistoryClear" //描述 VALUE "LegalCopyright", "版权所有 (C) 2006" //版权 VALUE "Comments", "bbbbbbbb" //备注 VALUE "ProductVersion", "2, 1, 0, 0" //产品版本 VALUE "ProductName", "HistoryClear 软件" //产品名称 VALUE "PrivateBuild", "ssssssss" //个人用内部版本说明 VALUE "CompanyName", "ggggggg" //公司 VALUE "LegalTrademarks", "hhhhhhhh" //合法商标 VALUE "InternalName", "HistoryClear 应用程序" //内部名称 VALUE "SpecialBuild", "tttttttt" //特殊内部版本说明 VALUE "OriginalFilename", "HistoryClear.EXE" //源文件名 } } BLOCK "VarFileInfo" { VALUE "Translation", 0x0804 0x04B0 } } ************************************************************************************** VALUE "FileVersion", "1,0,0,0" //文件版本 VALUE "FileDescription", "快速关机,3秒钟内关机!" //描述 VALUE "LegalCopyright", "版权所有 (C) 2008" //版权 VALUE "ProductVersion", "1,0,0,0" //产品版本 VALUE "ProductName", "shutdown 软件" //产品名称 VALUE "CompanyName", " software" //公司 VALUE "InternalName", "shutdown 应用程序" //内部名称 VALUE "OriginalFilename", "shutdown.exe" //源文件名
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