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原创 区间重叠问题 Size Balanced Tree Gym - 101755C

Pavel is developing a game. To do that, he needs functions available in a third-party library too famous to be called. It is known that the function i first appeared in version ai and existed until ve...

2018-07-31 15:13:55 290

原创 扩展欧几里得求乘法逆元

好久没发博客了,总结下今晚学的扩展欧几里得吧虽然现在也没学会ax + by = c扩展欧几里得知道a b c 求x y求乘法逆元a*x = 1(mod m)知道a和m 求x先复习一下欧几里得求最大公约数吧inr gcd(int x,int y){ if(y==0) return x; else return gcd(y,x%y);}求 ax...

2018-07-30 21:03:13 352

原创 Coins and Queries CodeForces - 1003D

Polycarp has nn coins, the value of the ii-th coin is aiai. It is guaranteed that all the values are integer powers of 22 (i.e. ai=2dai=2d for some non-negative integer number dd).Polycarp wants to kn...

2018-07-13 22:07:57 190

原创 Intense Heat CodeForces - 1003C

The heat during the last few days has been really intense. Scientists from all over the Berland study how the temperatures and weather change, and they claim that this summer is abnormally hot. But an...

2018-07-13 22:07:17 168

原创 Binary String Constructing CodeForces - 1003B

You are given three integers aa, bb and xx. Your task is to construct a binary string ssof length n=a+bn=a+b such that there are exactly aa zeroes, exactly bb ones and exactlyxx indices ii (where 1≤i&...

2018-07-13 22:06:18 206

原创 Polycarp's Pockets CodeForces - 1003A

Polycarp has nn coins, the value of the ii-th coin is aiai. Polycarp wants to distribute all the coins between his pockets, but he cannot put two coins with the same value into the same pocket.For exa...

2018-07-13 22:05:35 241

原创 Points and Powers of Two CodeForces - 988D

There are n distinct points on a coordinate line, the coordinate of i-th point equals to xi. Choose a subset of the given set of points such that the distance between each pair of points in a subset i...

2018-07-05 21:12:53 132

原创 Equal Sums CodeForces - 988C

You are given k sequences of integers. The length of the i-th sequence equals to ni.You have to choose exactly two sequences i and j (i≠j) such that you can remove exactly one element in each of them ...

2018-07-05 21:12:16 190

原创 Substrings Sort CodeForces - 988B

You are given n strings. Each string consists of lowercase English letters. Rearrange (reorder) the given strings in such a way that for every string, all strings that are placed before it are its sub...

2018-07-05 21:11:38 170

原创 Diverse Team CodeForces - 988A

There are n students in a school class, the rating of the i-th student on Codehorses is ai. You have to form a team consisting of k students (1≤k≤n) such that the ratings of all team members are disti...

2018-07-05 21:10:54 265

原创 Alphabetic Removals CodeForces - 999C

You are given a string s consisting of n lowercase Latin letters. Polycarp wants to remove exactly k characters (k≤n) from the string s. Polycarp uses the following algorithm k times: if there is at l...

2018-07-05 21:09:27 206

原创 Reversing Encryption CodeForces - 999B

A string s of length n can be encrypted by the following algorithm: iterate over all divisors of n in decreasing order (i.e. from n to 1#include <iostream>#include <cstdio>#include <c...

2018-07-05 21:08:39 190

原创 Mishka and Contest CodeForces - 999A

Mishka started participating in a programming contest. There are n problems in the contest. Mishka's problem-solving skill is equal to k.Mishka arranges all problems from the contest into a list. Beca...

2018-07-05 21:07:55 162

ACM国际大学生程序设计竞赛:知识与入门 俞勇



ACM国际大学生程序设计竞赛:算法与实现 俞勇




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