LINQ for Visual C# 2008


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Chapter 1: LINQ to Objects

In this chapter we’ll study LINQ fundamentals by exploring its features for querying in memory objects. We’ll start with some simple examples to get an idea of what programming with LINQ to Objects involves, then we’ll look at examples for all of LINQ’s standard query operators.

在这一章,我们将通过探寻LINQ的memory objects查询特征来学习它的基本原理。我们将以一个简单的例子开始,来获得LINQ to Objects 的编程思想,然后我们将探究所有的LINQ的标准查询操作。
Data domains are different from object domains. When we deal with objects like arrays and collections, we use iteration to retrieve their elements. If we’re looking for a particular element based on its content rather than its index, we have to use a loop and process each element individually. For example, for an array of strings there is no built-in method to retrieve all elements whose length is equal to a particular value.



LINQ addresses this challenge by providing a uniform way to access data from any data source using familiar syntax. It lets us focus on working with data rather than on accessing it.LINQ to Objects can be used with any class that implements the IEnumerable<T> interface. Let’s look at how it works.


 LINQ通过提供一个统一的方法,使用我们熟知的语法来访问任何一种数据源的数据 应对了这个挑战。它使我们集中于使用使用数据而不是访问数据。LINQ to Objects 可以被用在任何继承IEnumerable<T>泛型接口的类中。让我们看看它是怎么工作的。
A Simple C# 3.0 LINQ to Objects Program
Listing 1-1 is a console program snippet that uses LINQ to Objects to
display a specific element in an array.

  1. Listing 1-1. Using LINQ to Objects with List<T>
  2. List<Person> people = new List<Person> {
  3. new Person() { ID = 1,
  4. IDRole = 1,
  5. LastName = "Anderson",
  6. FirstName = "Brad"},
  7. new Person() { ID = 2,
  8. IDRole = 2,
  9. LastName = "Gray",
  10. FirstName = "Tom"}
  11. };
  12. var query = from p in people
  13. where p.ID == 1
  14. select new { p.FirstName, p.LastName };
  15. ObjectDumper.Write(query);

In Listing 1-1 you define a collection of Person objects and insert a couple of elements. List<T> is a generic class that implements IEnumerable<T>, so it’s suitable for LINQ querying.

Next you declare a variable, query, to hold the result of a LINQ query.Don’t worry about the var keyword right now; it will be discussed later in this chapter, in “Implicitly Typed Local Variables.”


接着,你声明了一个变量query来放LINQ查询的结果。现在不要考虑var这个关键字,它将在本章后面的“Implicitly Typed Local Variables.(隐式声明局部变量)”中讨论。

You initialize query to a LINQ’s query expression. The from clause specifies a data source. The variable p represents an object in the people collection. The where clause specifies a condition for selecting from the
data source. You want to retrieve just the person whose ID equals 1, so youspecify a Boolean expression, p.ID == 1. Finally, the select clause specifies what Person data you’re interested in retrieving.



The ObjectDumper class is a convenient utility for producing formatted output. It has only one method, Write(), which has three overloads. (Both the ObjectDumper.cs source code and the ObjectDumper.dll assembly come
with the book’s source code download.)



This very simple example uses new features from C# 3.0. The first is a query expression that is similar to the one used in SQL and allows developers to use query language syntax that they are already accustomed
to. When the compiler finds a query expression in the code, it transforms that expression into C# method calls.




Listing 1-2. Transformed LINQ to Object Code


  1. var query = people
  2. .Where(p => p.ID == 1)
  3. .Select(p => new { p.FirstName, p.LastName } );

The from keyword has been removed, leaving just the collection, people,against which to perform the query. The where and select clauses are transformed into two method calls: Where<T>() and Select<T>(),
respectively. They have been concatenated so that the Where method’s result is filtered by the Select method.


from关键字被删除,只剩下people集合来执行查询。where 和select子句被分别转换成两个方法调用Where<T>() and Select<T>(),它们被连接起来,where方法的结果被select方法过滤掉了。


You may wonder how this is possible. C# 2.0 doesn’t provide these methods for the List<T> class or the new C# 3.0 version. C# 3.0 doesn’t add these new methods to every class in .NET Framework 3.5. The answer
is a new C# 3.0 feature called extension methods.


你可能会疑惑,怎么可能!C# 2.0 没有为List<T>类 提供这些方法 。C# 3.0没有在.NET Framework 3.5中添加这些方法到任何类中。答案是 C# 3.0 的新特性叫做扩展方法。

下一节   扩展方法

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