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原创 21 世纪再也没有类似“11-11-11”的光棍纪念日了

人们似乎很乐中于追求,重叠数字日子,例如2008-08-08, 2011-11-11, 2012-12-12不过,这个世纪不会再有类似的带有重叠数字的日历了。等下个世纪吧。

2013-01-02 10:29:29 578

原创 IT职业广告


2011-02-07 16:32:00 508

原创 上市后的广联达

<br />广联达上市了,在预料之中...<br />广联达要来新加坡了开分公司了,必然的选择...<br /> <br />股民需要的,就是广联达要做的. <br /> <br />欢迎广联达来新加坡

2011-01-22 09:52:00 2096

原创 以XML文件存储配置数据的技术实现,c++

一般新手通常只是使用类似的Xerces, TinyXML之类的XML解析xml,这种方式实际上很浪费时间,自己编写很多代码也容易出错。因为,他们经常要写一个XML对象Entity的类,并附着一堆对象解析的code。工作量比较大。使用XML Schema工具,XSD设计工具,然后通过工具生成EntityClass和Paser class。我不知道这种技术确切的起源时间,但是我知道这种用法

2010-01-05 10:13:00 4498 4

原创 有一天我也可以说,“这个我付,我现在过得比你好...”


2009-03-16 11:15:00 667

原创 Modify the Spreadsheet Exported from RequisitePro 2007

用RequisitePro 2007做需求文档的跟踪tracking, 会遇到一个问题。无论是trace to还是trace from, 都要将制作好的view导出到word中。但是,RequistePro 导出后的数据林乱繁杂,例如,下表。并不满足要求。 SSDD -- CI Traceability Ma

2008-06-11 13:32:00 558

原创 Automation Testing Framework by c++, Practice-1: tips from POSA4

  When I am reading some chapters in "Pattern.Oriented.Software.Architecture.Volume4: A Pattern Language for Distributed Computing",one glue came into my mind if we can use some "Reflection" patte

2007-08-15 13:10:00 1566

原创 我对AJAX的一点浅薄理解

虽然没有做过Java的AJAX程序,但是从AJAX的一些理念上看一看出“AJAX ------ 一种类似于 .Net 中webControl 的东西”来看看AJAX的含义:“Ajax用来描述一组技术,它使浏览器可以为用户提供更为自然的浏览体验。在Ajax之前,Web站点强制用户进入提交/等待/重新显示范例,用户的动作总是与服务器的“思考时间”同步。 <!--D(["mb","Ajax/u003

2007-08-09 13:55:00 1372

原创 为何要读这本书《Pattern Oriented Software Architecture Volume.4.May.2007》

因为经常去大师Martin Fowler的个人blog去看,偶尔发现人家blog正在推荐这本著作。同时,本人在CB做了两年分布式系统开发后,感觉该开始总结一些所学到、遇到的case了。所以就想,不妨在研读这本书过程中,验证一下我们系统是否是存在重大的设计问题。《Pattern Oriented Software Architecture Volume.4》总结了Distributed Comput

2007-08-01 17:01:00 1655

原创 Solaris admin-commands

1. Try to start the SNMP service. --locate the folder in solaris containing snmp protocal file,"cd  /etc/init.d/init.snmpdx"--start the service "./init.snmpdx start" 2. Common commands -

2007-07-06 10:54:00 1258

原创 别小看了L10N&amp;I18N

  以下技术是一种折中方案。根据Oracle网站上罗列的技术文档,纯粹的UNICODE方案并不在如下文章打讨论范围。本人将在以后章节中,介绍如何应用Oracle纯粹的UNICODE解决方案到实际的系统中。 感谢IA students们,以及歌神,James,园园…                              技术不是万能的,但是没有技术是万万不能的。    ―

2006-08-29 23:11:00 3877 1

原创 Summaries of the Management Training from the Professor Huang

What is the responsibility for PM, to be a good man or do what he need to do?To be surprised to see, there are too many PMs and PLs showing how harder they are working. They are always working overtim

2005-06-04 00:15:00 2116 1

原创 The 6th Class of Oral English

 常用语:1、wreck ones car = car accident2、you gotta break the news to your father = tell sb3、your fathers got head on his shoulders = smart4、Im sure hell let you off the hook = you are in troubls, I c

2005-03-20 19:35:00 1618

原创 The 5th Class of Josh

 常用语:1、youre nothing but skin and bones = thin, skinny(非常地道的说法);2、theyre the spitting image of you and Micheal = look like exactly3、wink at sb = hot, handsome4、Dont even bring it up! = talk about i

2005-03-17 22:10:00 1561

原创 The 4th class of Oral English

 常用语:1、what do you say we stop in at the buger joint? = suggestion; buger restaurant2、grab a bite to eat = find something to eat3、Fat Chance! = no way4、If you think Id ever set foot in that dive agai

2005-03-15 11:34:00 1755 1

原创 An interview examination of AC company for Unix programmer?

Those stuff are the questions testing for Unix/Linux grogrammer. I have little experience on UNIX, who can figure out the anwsers? I recited those questions because I thought I should not waste the ch

2005-03-12 16:14:00 1814

原创 The 3rd class of Josh

 常用语:1、I wonder whats holding up Mike? = delay2、Hes not gonna show = appear3、what kind of line did he give you this time? = excuse4、something about his car breaking down again = stop work5、what a bu

2005-03-12 15:52:00 1522

原创 The 2nd class of oral English

常用语:1、a big bash = party2、old man = father (not polite)3、The old man must be totally loaded = rich or have a lot of money4、Chick = girl; 5、hot chick = 性感女孩6、were talkin butt ugly = 极度丑陋7、Beats me =

2005-03-11 15:22:00 1500 1

原创 The 1st class of Josh

 常用语:1、you seem totally ticked off.    =Angry or pissed off2、get out of my face  =leave me alone3、whats up  可以回答: nothing4、Chill out!  =Calm down   5、whats eating you? =whats troubling you6、blew th

2005-03-08 17:12:00 1590 3

原创 How C# Differs From C

If you have been exposed to C, or if you are an experienced Cprogrammer, you might be interested in the main differences between C# and C:C#与C之间的主要区别是:1. C# does not usually make use of pointers. Yo

2005-03-06 14:19:00 1617

原创 大家看看一道面试题,我感觉有错误

题目是: int *a[4]; int *p1,*p3; int b; for(int i = 0;i  a[i]=(int *)i; } p1 = a[1]; p3 = a[3]; b = p3 - p1; a[b]=?这是北京索贝数码科技的一道面试题,真不知道在考什么,且不说在实际编译器中会出现多少warning,就连最后问的问题都有问题。问数组指针的地址是什么?还是 "*a[b]=?"?不明

2005-03-04 16:37:00 2274 4

原创 How to handle the concurrency problems on ASP.Net Database

ACID中重要的一个环节: Data IsolationData IsolationCreating fully-isolated transactions in a multithreaded environment is a non-trivial exercise. There are three ways isolation can be violated: Lost

2005-02-25 11:16:00 1188

原创 Implement the 3D view window in a Dialog with OpenCascade

Implement the 3D view window in a Dialog with OpenCascade 【Preview】 http://www.box.net/shared/m8doih340s 【source code】 【Motivation】       In my application about simulation on

2005-01-20 14:43:00 3804 9

原创 Some snaps of my project

1: gymnasium

2004-12-22 11:06:00 1111 1

原创 IT项目管理标准作业程序 1、任务分配

总则在项目部内没有以下情况:1、“我以为…"2、“这是他们的事,与我无关...”3、  任务分配适用对象:开发、测试、需求经理建议使用工具:MS Project Server 2003原则把握:1.       根据实际完成者的能力和任务难易程度制定任务计划,期间需要任务承担者和分配者共同协商制定。2.       一般需要对一个月或者一个季度的任务

2004-12-22 10:18:00 5884 2

SQL Server XML and Web Application Architecture

introduce how to use the xml in sql server



introduce the main difference between lighttpd and nginx



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