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原创 苹果审核
苹果审核指南:https://developer.apple.com/cn/app-store/review/guidelines/3.1 业务-付款3. 1.1 Business: Payments - In-App Purchase 内购问题4.4.3 itunes上截图不符合要求5.1 法律-隐私5. 1.1 Legal: Privacy - Data Collecti...
2018-07-31 15:24:10 432
原创 App审核被拒-3.1.1
Guideline 3.1.1 - Business - Payments - In-App PurchaseYour app unlocks or enables additional functionality with mechanisms other than the App Store, which is not appropriate for the App Store.Next...
2018-07-31 15:02:49 2253
原创 App审核被拒-5.1.1
Guideline 5.1.1 - Legal - Privacy - Data Collection and StorageWe noticed that your app requests the user’s consent to access their location but does not clarify the use of this feature in the p...
2018-07-31 14:25:56 4551
原创 mac上python使用
http://blog.csdn.net/fancylovejava/article/details/39140373在mac上搭建python环境这两天重新搞了下python的环境,发现好多地方还是容易忘记,因此有了这篇文章,以后方便查看。一. 安装pythonmac系统其实自带了一个python的执行执行环境,用来运行python还行,但是开
2016-01-19 17:23:55 1895
转载 android 再按一次后退键退出应用程序
private static Boolean isExit = false; private static Boolean hasTask = false; Timer tExit = new Timer(); TimerTask task = new TimerTask() { @Override public void run
2011-06-14 15:58:00 230
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