mit 6.00 introduction to computer science using Python video note

8:37 2013-6-13 Thursday
1. declarative knowledge
2. imperative knowledge
8:47 2013-6-13
what is computation?
imperative knowledge,
example: how to find square root of 2?
8:49 2013-6-13
fixed-program computer
stored-program computer
9:27 2013-6-13
general language <-> targeted language
9:35 2013-6-13
static semantics
9:37 2013-6-13
numbers, strings
9:38 2013-6-13
9:47 2013-6-13
9:48 2013-6-13
python video 1 done!
10:04 2013-6-13
type checking
10:11 2013-6-13
type discipline
10:15 2013-6-13
operator precedence
10:16 2013-6-13
assignment statement
10:16 2013-6-13
when in doubt, use parenthesis
10:19 2013-6-13
variable binding
10:20 2013-6-13
variable binding is dynamic in python
10:25 2013-6-13
print statement, assignment statement
10:32 2013-6-13
bind x to the value of 9
10:34 2013-6-13
straight line programs
10:36 2013-6-13
branching program
10:41 2013-6-13
10:55 2013-6-13
computational complexity
10:57 2013-6-13
11:02 2013-6-13
infinite loop
start lec 03
11:11 2013-6-13
loop mechanism
11:13 2013-6-13
iterative programs
11:15 2013-6-13
set up end test.
11:22 2013-6-13
flow chart
11:30 2013-6-13
linear process
11:32 2013-6-13
11:37 2013-6-13
test sets
11:43 2013-6-13
defensive programming
11:47 2013-6-13
programming higiene
12:02 2013-6-13
tuple: ordered sequence of elements
12:07 2013-6-13
foo = (1,2,3,4) # this is tupe
foo[0] # selecting
foo[1:3] # slicing
12:25 2013-6-13
what's the difference between list & tuple?
a = [1,2,3] # list
b = [4,5,6] # tuple
12:29 2013-6-13
looping constructs
12:29 2013-6-13
Turing complete
12:31 2013-6-13
12:36 2013-6-13
create new primitives
12:41 2013-6-13
syntax <-> semantics
12:42 2013-6-13
12:42 2013-6-13
formal parameter
12:42 2013-6-13
12:45 2013-6-13
12:45 2013-6-13
12:46 2013-6-13
good programming discipline
12:48 2013-6-13
invoke function(function invocation)
12:49 2013-6-13
this binding is local
12:50 2013-6-13
"local binding"
12:52 2013-6-13
local binding <-> global binding
12:53 2013-6-13
local table(stack diagram?)
13:00 2013-6-13
modularity(abstract away the details)
13:02 2013-6-13
system of linear equations
13:09 2013-6-13
suppress away that details
13:16 2013-6-13
brute force algorithms
13:17 2013-6-13
nested loops
13:33 2013-6-13
13:36 2013-6-13
base case
& recursive decomposition
16:02 2013-6-13
successive refinement
16:04 2013-6-13
arbitrary precision integers
16:05 2013-6-13
long integer
16:06 2013-6-13
integer division
16:08 2013-6-13
floating point numbers
16:09 2013-6-13
IEEE 754 floating point
16:09 2013-6-13
IEEE == I triple E
16:09 2013-6-13
scientific notation
16:09 2013-6-13
mantissa, exponent
16:11 2013-6-13
binary system
16:12 2013-6-13
16:12 2013-6-13
1 <= mantissa <= 2
16:14 2013-6-13
64 bits == 1 bit sign + 11 bit exponent + 52 bit mantissa
16:17 2013-6-13
base 10 <-> base 2
16:18 2013-6-13
0.125 == 0.001(binary notation)
16:19 2013-6-13
binary approximation.....
16:20 2013-6-13
16:24 2013-6-13
error accumulates
16:25 2013-6-13
automatic rounding
16:25 2013-6-13
rounds-off error balance each other out
16:33 2013-6-13
worry about == on floating point
16:37 2013-6-13
enumerate all the possible answers
16:39 2013-6-13
state space
16:39 2013-6-13
guess -> check -> improve
this is called "successive approximationn"
16:45 2013-6-13
finding roots
16:45 2013-6-13
bisection method
16:57 2013-6-13
meets the specification
17:01 2013-6-13
finding roots
bisection, Newton/Rampson
17:09 2013-6-13
assert statement
17:10 2013-6-13
test case
17:13 2013-6-13
regression testing
17:18 2013-6-13
why program failed?
because sqaure root of 0.25 is 0.5,
can not find target in range[0, 0.25]!
incorrect state space
17:22 2013-6-13
speed of convergence
17:27 2013-6-13
Why Newton/Rampson method?
for example, to find root of 16,
f(guess) == guess ** 2 - 16
that is, find intersection point of f() & x coordinate
17:29 2013-6-13
differentialble function
17:29 2013-6-13
using tangent line
17:32 2013-6-13
PID == Proportion Integration Derivative
17:35 2013-6-13
17:38 2013-6-13
NR == Newton Rampson
17:44 2013-6-13
computational complexity
17:44 2013-6-13
speed of convergence
17:48 2013-6-13
overflow, underflow
17:50 2013-6-13
non-scalar types:
tuples, strings
17:50 2013-6-13
17:51 2013-6-13
mutable types(things you can change):
17:51 2013-6-13
what's the difference between list & tuples?
1. list is mutalble
2. list can contain not only characters
17:53 2013-6-13
example of list
>>> Techs = ['MIT', 'CalTech']
>>> Techs
['MIT', 'CalTech']
>>> type(Techs)
<type 'list'>
17:55 2013-6-13
17:58 2013-6-13
>>> Techs = ['MIT', 'CalTech']
>>> Ivys = ['Havard', 'Yale', 'Brown']
>>> Univs = []
>>> Univs.append(Ivys)
>>> Univs
[['Havard', 'Yale', 'Brown']]
18:01 2013-6-13
>>> Univs.append(Ivys)
>>> Univs
[['Havard', 'Yale', 'Brown'], ['Havard', 'Yale', 'Brown']]
18:01 2013-6-13
list of list
18:03 2013-6-13
flattening the list
18:05 2013-6-13
>>> print Techs + Ivys
['MIT', 'CalTech', 'Havard', 'Yale', 'Brown']
18:07 2013-6-13
What is special about list?
it can contain all sorts of items.
18:08 2013-6-13
>>> L = ['a', 'MIT', 10.2, 100, ['hello', 'world']]
>>> L
['a', 'MIT', 10.199999999999999, 100, ['hello', 'world']]
18:09 2013-6-13
>>> L.remove('MIT')
>>> L
['a', 10.199999999999999, 100, ['hello', 'world']]
18:10 2013-6-13
list is mutable
tuple is immutable
6:50 2013-6-14 Friday
list can be heterogeneous!
6:54 2013-6-14
>>> L1 = [1,2,3];
>>> L2 = L1
>>> L1
[1, 2, 3]
>>> L2
[1, 2, 3]
>>> L1[0] = 4
>>> print L1
[4, 2, 3]
>>> print L2
[4, 2, 3]
6:54 2013-6-14
bound L2 to the same object
6:59 2013-6-14
>>> a = 1
>>> b = a
>>> a = 2
>>> a
>>> b
7:02 2013-6-14
7:04 2013-6-14
generalized indexing
7:08 2013-6-14
key-value pairs
7:22 2013-6-14
express convenience
7:24 2013-6-14
data structure & algorithms
7:27 2013-6-14
7:27 2013-6-14
flow of control(control flow)
7:30 2013-6-14
screw up
7:35 2013-6-14
capture the module inside a function
7:48 2013-6-14
space & time
7:52 2013-6-14
basic step
7:53 2013-6-14
Ramdom Access Model
8:03 2013-6-14
iterative exponentiation
8:09 2013-6-14
Asymptotic notation
8:09 2013-6-14
Big Oh notation
8:11 2013-6-14
input size
8:12 2013-6-14
growth pattern
8:16 2013-6-14
recurrence relation
8:17 2013-6-14
base case
8:23 2013-6-14
order of growth
17:56 2013-6-15 Saturday
recurrence relation
17:58 2013-6-15
primitive operation
18:05 2013-6-15
18:08 2013-6-15
quadratic: O(n*n)
18:28 2013-6-15
worst case behavior
18:30 2013-6-15
search a sorted list
18:43 2013-6-15
linear search
18:43 2013-6-15
binary search
20:33 2013-6-15
linear access
20:45 2013-6-15
sorted list
20:46 2013-6-15
sub-linear time
20:53 2013-6-15
amortize the cost
21:03 2013-6-15
selection sort
21:04 2013-6-15
loop invariant
21:04 2013-6-15
prefix + suffix
21:07 2013-6-15
bubble sort
21:24 2013-6-15
let me set the stage
21:25 2013-6-15
divide and conquer
21:29 2013-6-15
ordered list -> binary search
unordered list -> linear search
21:33 2013-6-15
divide & conquer algorithms
21:36 2013-6-15
merge sort
21:40 2013-6-15
singleton list
21:52 2013-6-15
mergesort: nlog(n)
22:01 2013-6-15
trade space for time
22:06 2013-6-15
successive approximation
22:07 2013-6-15
knapsack problem
22:08 2013-6-15
22:10 2013-6-15
unhandled exceptions
22:13 2013-6-15
22:14 2013-6-15
raise an exception
22:16 2013-6-15
22:22 2013-6-15
exception <-> assert
22:22 2013-6-15
assert statement
22:23 2013-6-15
assertion -> precondition, postcondition (normal)
22:24 2013-6-15
exception: to handle unexpected things
22:25 2013-6-15
discipline coding
22:34 2013-6-15
testing, debugging
22:35 2013-6-15
increase confidence
22:37 2013-6-15
validation -> debugging
22:38 2013-6-15
function & performance debugging
22:39 2013-6-15
defensive programming:
to facilitate both validation & debugging
22:42 2013-6-15
unit testing: functions, classes
22:42 2013-6-15
integration testing
22:46 2013-6-15
test suite
22:46 2013-6-15
boost confidence
22:53 2013-6-15
bug-free program
22:54 2013-6-15
22:55 2013-6-15
print statement, reading
22:56 2013-6-15
reducing the search space
22:57 2013-6-15
23:00 2013-6-15
scientific method
23:03 2013-6-15
refute hypothesis
23:04 2013-6-15
expected results
23:12 2013-6-15
pruning the search space
23:21 2013-6-15
8:34 2013-6-16 Sunday
object vs value equality
8:35 2013-6-16
deep vs shallow copy
9:20 2013-6-16
haste makes waste
9:23 2013-6-16
save older versions
9:24 2013-6-16
to formulate the problem
9:24 2013-6-16
optimization problem
9:27 2013-6-16
shortest path
9:27 2013-6-16
TSP == Travelling Sales Person
9:29 2013-6-16
Bin packing
9:29 2013-6-16
9:29 2013-6-16
NLP == Natrual Language Processing
9:30 2013-6-16
sequence alignment
9:30 2013-6-16
9:31 2013-6-16
problem reduction
9:32 2013-6-16
new problem -> maps onto "older problem"
15:50 2013-6-16
back from xi'an now
16:02 2013-6-16
knapsack problem
16:03 2013-6-16
continuous knapsack problem
16:06 2013-6-16
1. function to optimize
2. a set of constraint
16:07 2013-6-16
greedy algorithms
16:39 2013-6-16
0-1 knapsack problem
16:41 2013-6-16
greedy thief(not optimal)
16:44 2013-6-16
slow thief(optimize)
16:51 2013-6-16
1 -> take
0 -> not take
16:53 2013-6-16
exponential growth
16:55 2013-6-16
smart thief(dynamic programming)
16:57 2013-6-16
overlapping sub-problems
16:57 2013-6-16
optimal substructure
17:00 2013-6-16
Fib(n) = Fib(n-1) + Fib(n-2)
17:00 2013-6-16
redundant computation
17:00 2013-6-16
overlapping sub-problems
17:29 2013-6-16
overlapping subproblems
17:30 2013-6-16
17:40 2013-6-16
table lookup
17:42 2013-6-16
optimal substructure
17:43 2013-6-16
0-1 knapsack problem
17:45 2013-6-16
decision tree
17:50 2013-6-16
don't take branch
17:50 2013-6-16
depth first, left first
17:50 2013-6-16
17:57 2013-6-16
recursive backtracking
18:05 2013-6-16
aw == available weight
18:18 2013-6-16
dynamic programming(recursive backtracking)
can solve seemingly exponential problems
really quickly.....
19:24 2013-6-16
decision tree
w == weight
v == value
19:29 2013-6-16
BST == Binary Search Tree
19:29 2013-6-16
Binary Decision Tree
19:30 2013-6-16
optimal substructure
19:32 2013-6-16
memorization: key idea of dynamic programming
19:46 2013-6-16
size of the problem
size of the solution
19:50 2013-6-16
19:53 2013-6-16
pseudo polynomial
19:54 2013-6-16
brute force
19:56 2013-6-16
trading time for space
19:56 2013-6-16
don't be intimidated by exponential problems
19:57 2013-6-16
dynamic programming is broadly useful
19:59 2013-6-16
problem reduction
20:02 2013-6-16
20:04 2013-6-16
dot notation
20:05 2013-6-16
OOP == Object Oriented Programming
20:11 2013-6-16
20:13 2013-6-16
message pass metaphor
20:28 2013-6-16
optimal substructure
20:34 2013-6-16
overlapping subproblems
20:36 2013-6-16
have I already solved this problem before?
20:36 2013-6-16
idea is simple, implementation is also simple
20:39 2013-6-16
ADT == Abstract Data Type
20:47 2013-6-16
class: template for creating instance of an object
20:48 2013-6-16
CP == Cartesian Point
20:50 2013-6-16
internal attribute
20:54 2013-6-16
shallow equality, deep equality
20:54 2013-6-16
deep equality: we need to define
20:56 2013-6-16
object equality, value equality
20:59 2013-6-16
__init__ -> create instance
21:10 2013-6-16
data hiding
21:10 2013-6-16
21:11 2013-6-16
predefined method
21:17 2013-6-16
__cmp__ -> comparison
21:20 2013-6-16
operator overloading
21:21 2013-6-16
send a message to the instance
21:26 2013-6-16
attribute: method + fields
21:29 2013-6-16
21:37 2013-6-16
21:45 2013-6-16
data hiding
21:46 2013-6-16
computational higiene
22:01 2013-6-16
inheritate from
22:01 2013-6-16
superclass, subclass
22:14 2013-6-16
22:15 2013-6-16
shadowing == overriding
22:16 2013-6-16
track up to chain
21:46 2013-6-20 Thursday
data hiding
21:48 2013-6-20
inheritance hierarchy
22:13 2013-6-20
UG == UnderGraduate
22:16 2013-6-20
22:29 2013-6-20
dictionary == key, value pair
22:50 2013-6-20
22:56 2013-6-20
computational model
22:59 2013-6-20
dealing & exploiting the randomness
23:01 2013-6-20
23:01 2013-6-20
making sense of data
23:12 2013-6-20
23:12 2013-6-20
start simple
23:12 2013-6-20
without loss of generality
23:15 2013-6-20
simulate random walk
23:16 2013-6-20
23:16 2013-6-20
random walk
23:17 2013-6-20
data abstraction
23:18 2013-6-20
23:21 2013-6-20
pseudo random
23:24 2013-6-20
global variable
19:57 2013-6-21
informal problem description ->
formal problem statement
19:58 2013-6-21
formal == rigorous
20:06 2013-6-21
evaluating quality of answers
20:07 2013-6-21
BFS == Breadth First Search
20:16 2013-6-21
random walk
20:16 2013-6-21
20:17 2013-6-21
data abstraction
20:20 2013-6-21
defensive programming
20:22 2013-6-21
20:38 2013-6-21
default value
20:38 2013-6-21
programming paradigm
22:09 2013-6-21
Brownian motion
22:27 2013-6-21
22:37 2013-6-21
22:52 2013-6-21
Biased random walks
23:03 2013-6-21
biased walk
23:13 2013-6-21
superclass <-> subclass
23:17 2013-6-21
one interface, multiple implementation
23:36 2013-6-21
23:36 2013-6-21
23:41 2013-6-21
normal distribution == Gaussian distribution
23:42 2013-6-21
23:44 2013-6-21
make sense of the data
23:49 2013-6-21
23:59 2013-6-21
computer simulation
23:59 2013-6-21
nuclear detonation
0:00 2013-6-22
Monte Carlo simulation
0:00 2013-6-22
close form analytic solution
0:02 2013-6-22
experimental device
0:05 2013-6-22
simulation is descriptive, not prescriptive

11:02 2013-6-22 Saturday
stochastic & deterministic simulation
11:03 2013-6-22
static vs dynamic simulation
11:06 2013-6-22
Queueing network(a kind of dynamic simulation)
11:09 2013-6-22
discrete & continuous simulation
11:13 2013-6-22
inferential statistics
11:14 2013-6-22
random draw some sample
13:01 2013-6-22
biased sample
13:17 2013-6-22
spring constant(stiffness)
13:28 2013-6-22
Hook's law
13:46 2013-6-22
13:47 2013-6-22
least square fit
13:52 2013-6-22
14:05 2013-6-22
linear regression
14:09 2013-6-22
coefficient of determination
14:09 2013-6-22
EE == Errors in Estimation
14:10 2013-6-22
DV == Data Variance
14:12 2013-6-22
experimental error
14:12 2013-6-22
lurking variables
14:19 2013-6-22
R squared Error
14:24 2013-6-22
predictive power
14:35 2013-6-22
14:40 2013-6-22
fair dice
14:44 2013-6-22
Normal distribution
== Gaussian distribution
== Bell distribution
14:47 2013-6-22
mean, standard deviation
14:48 2013-6-22
stable distribution
14:48 2013-6-22
statistical dispersion
14:55 2013-6-22
empirical rule for normal distribution
14:56 2013-6-22
probability distribution
15:07 2013-6-22
the game of crap
15:13 2013-6-22
thought experiment
15:15 2013-6-22
symmetric distribution
15:16 2013-6-22
uniform distribution
15:23 2013-6-22
exponential distribution
15:31 2013-6-22
correlation does not imply causation
15:32 2013-6-22
logical fallacy
15:35 2013-6-22
lurking variable
15:36 2013-6-22
statistical worry 1: lurking variable
15:39 2013-6-22
statistical worry 2:
unrepresentative sample
15:40 2013-6-22
statistical worry 3:
data enhancement
15:42 2013-6-22
place data in context
15:42 2013-6-22
context extrapolation
15:50 2013-6-22
data enhancement
15:53 2013-6-22
Texas sharp shooter fallacy
16:05 2013-6-22
indexed portfolio
managed portfolio
16:10 2013-6-22
informationally efficient
16:10 2013-6-22
efficient market hypothesis
16:11 2013-6-22
random walk down Wall Street
16:12 2013-6-22
stock market
16:13 2013-6-22
unit test
16:21 2013-6-22
what lambda does is creating on fly a function
16:34 2013-6-22
16:35 2013-6-22
past behavior has no effect on current behavior
17:07 2013-6-22
computational thinking
17:08 2013-6-22
layed abstraction
17:09 2013-6-22
A == Abstraction
A == Automation
17:12 2013-6-22
thinking recursively
17:14 2013-6-22
optimization problem -> knapsack problem
17:39 2013-6-22
17:39 2013-6-22
seizure detection
17:40 2013-6-22
machine learning
17:40 2013-6-22
highly specific
17:41 2013-6-22
neural stimulator
17:54 2013-6-22
closed form solution
17:54 2013-6-22
problem statement -> computational formulation
18:02 2013-6-22
successively approximation
18:03 2013-6-22
order of growth
18:03 2013-6-22
amortized analysis......

8:31 2013-6-23 Sunday
8:54 2013-6-23
without loss of generality
8:57 2013-6-23
8:57 2013-6-23
random walk
9:02 2013-6-23
data abstraction
9:04 2013-6-23
psedo random
9:04 2013-6-23
pylab == python's matlab
9:38 2013-6-23
do it in a more organized way
12:54 2013-6-23
probability distribution
12:57 2013-6-23
mean, standard deviation
12:58 2013-6-23
stable distribution
12:58 2013-6-23
standard deviation == statistical dispersion
12:59 2013-6-23
spead out(standard deviation is large)
13:02 2013-6-23
empirical rule for the normal distribution
13:23 2013-6-23
house <-> player
13:23 2013-6-23
what if games
13:23 2013-6-23
thought experiment
13:25 2013-6-23
normal distribution
13:25 2013-6-23
uniform distribution
13:27 2013-6-23
symmetric distribution
13:27 2013-6-23
asymmetric distribution
13:32 2013-6-23
13:38 2013-6-23
correlation does not imply causation!
13:38 2013-6-23
1st statistical worry:
lurking variable
13:38 2013-6-23
logical fallacy
13:39 2013-6-23
hormone replacement therapy
13:41 2013-6-23
social economic position
13:42 2013-6-23
very important moral to remember
13:42 2013-6-23
2nd statistical worry:
nonresponse biase(nonrepresentative samples)
13:43 2013-6-23
average life expectancy
13:44 2013-6-23
unrepresentative sample
13:45 2013-6-23
data enhancement (context extrapolation)
13:50 2013-6-23
holiday death
13:51 2013-6-23
place data in context
  • 0
  • 0
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### 回答1: 《计算机科学的数学(MIT)》是麻省理工学院开设的一门课程。这门课程旨在教授计算机科学中的数学原理和应用。在计算机科学领域,数学是一门基础学科,其理论和方法对于设计和分析算法、数据结构、计算复杂性以及人工智能等领域至关重要。 课程内容包括:数学的基础概念、离散数学、图论、数论、概率论、统计学以及线性代数等。学生将学习如何应用这些数学概念和技巧来解决计算机科学中的实际问题。 数学在计算机科学中的应用十分广泛。例如,离散数学的概念和技术被广泛应用在网络安全、密码学和网络通信等领域。图论和网络理论用于解决路由问题和图形可视化等。数论在密码学和数据加密中也扮演着重要角色。概率论和统计学在机器学习和数据挖掘等领域被广泛使用。线性代数则应用于图像处理、计算机图形学和计算机视觉等。 通过学习《计算机科学的数学(MIT)》,学生将深入理解数学与计算机科学的紧密关系,并掌握将数学原理应用于实际计算机科学问题的能力。这门课程提供了一个坚实的数学基础,为学生在计算机科学领域的学习和研究奠定了重要基础。 ### 回答2: 《计算机科学数学(MIT)》是麻省理工学院(MIT)开设的一门课程,旨在为学习计算机科学的学生提供数学基础知识和技能。 这门课程的主要目标是帮助学生建立数学和计算机科学之间的联系,以便他们能够更好地理解和应用数学概念和原理在计算机科学领域中的应用。 该课程关注的数学主题包括集合论、排列组合、图论、数论和抽象代数等。学生将学习如何使用这些数学工具来解决计算机科学中的具体问题。此外,他们还将学习在计算机科学中常用的数学方法和技巧,如计算机算法的分析和设计、离散数学以及概率论等。 课程还强调数学推理和证明的重要性。学生将学习如何进行数学证明,并掌握一些常见的证明技巧和方法。这将有助于他们在计算机科学问题中的分析和解决,以及在研究和开发新的计算机科学应用时的创新能力。 通过学习《计算机科学数学(MIT)》,学生将能够培养数学思维和计算机科学思维的结合能力,使他们能够更深入地理解和应用计算机科学的理论和方法,提高解决复杂计算机科学问题的能力。这门课程对于计算机科学学生来说是非常重要的基础课程,可以为他们未来的学习和职业发展奠定坚实的基础。 ### 回答3: 《计算机科学中的数学(MIT)》是麻省理工学院开设的一门课程,旨在为学生提供在计算机科学领域所需的数学基础知识。这门课程不仅仅是简单地介绍数学的基本概念和技术,更重要的是教授学生如何将数学应用于计算机科学中的各种问题和挑战。 在这门课程中,学生将学习到数论、离散数学、图论、概率论和统计学等数学领域的基本原理及其在计算机科学中的应用。通过学习这些数学原理,学生可以更好地理解和解决计算机科学中的问题,从而提高他们的编程和算法设计能力。 这门课程强调实践和应用,帮助学生将数学原理与计算机科学实践相结合。学生将通过编写程序和解决实际问题的方式,加深对数学原理的理解,并掌握如何将它们应用于实际的计算机科学项目中。 除了数学知识外,学生还将培养解决问题和逻辑思考的能力。在这门课程中,他们将学会如何使用数学方法和技巧来分析和解决计算机科学中的各种问题,培养他们的抽象思维和逻辑推理能力。 总之,《计算机科学中的数学(MIT)》是一门重要的课程,它为学生提供了必不可少的数学基础知识,并帮助他们将数学应用于计算机科学中的各种实践项目。通过这门课程的学习,学生可以提高他们的计算机科学能力,并为自己的未来职业发展打下扎实的数学基础。


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