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转载 How to use .Net Remoting Configuration files

 .NET Remoting configuration files allow you to specify parameters for most aspects of the remoting framework. These files can define tasks as simple as registering a channel and specifying a Type

2006-07-18 22:07:00 1001

转载 .NET设计模式系列文章


2006-07-17 21:12:00 500

转载 通过避免下列 10 个常见 ASP.NET 缺陷使网站平稳运行

发布日期: 2006-07-11 | 更新日期: 2006-07-11Jeff Prosise本文将讨论: • 缓存和 Forms 身份验证 •

2006-07-17 13:46:00 633

转载 创建以Microsoft .NET Remoting为基础的分布式应用架构

专栏作品创建以Microsoft .NET Remoting为基础的分布式应用架构卢彦 引言在论坛里经常看见有人问:使用.NET Remoting如何从服务器主动发出事件通知客户端?的确,初接触.NET Remoting的人多半会有这样的疑问,因为大部分的文章和书籍在介绍.NET Remoting时都只介绍了通道,对象,激活和生存周期等等概念,在谈到如何进行远程通信的时候,

2006-07-16 20:29:00 631

转载 Microsoft .NET Remoting:技术概述

Microsoft .NET Remoting:技术概述 Piet Obermeyer 和 Jonathan HawkinsMicrosoft Corporation摘要:本文提供了 Microsoft .NET Remoting 框架的技术概述,其中包括了使用 TCP 通道或 HTTP 通道的示例。目录简介远程对象代理对象通道激活对象的租用生存期总结附录 A:使用 TCP 通

2006-07-16 15:44:00 550

转载 编码,charset,乱码,unicode,utf-8与net简单释义


2006-07-16 10:53:00 997

转载 .Net服务组件(ServicedComponent)简介及其使用

 Enterprise Services (COM+)服务组件开发异常分析 这里简要描述一下在开发和调用COM+企业服务组件过程中,出现的一些异常信息及其可能原因和解决办法。 当使用.Net Remoting对象(由IIS承载)或XML Web Services对象调用COM+对象时,出现如下异常信息:An unhandled exception of type Syst

2006-07-15 08:43:00 960

转载 AJAX程序的跟踪工具:fireBug0.4

AJAX程序的跟踪工具:fireBug0.4 Posted on 2006-05-29 10:45 随心所欲 阅读(962) 评论(2)  编辑 收藏 收藏至365Key 所属分类: AJAX : Atlas <!--<rdf:RDF xmlns:rdf="http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#"xmlns:dc="http://p

2006-07-12 22:05:00 609

转载 一键式安装.Net FrameWork,MSDE,Web安装程序,Windows安装程序,还原数据库文件,注册表导入

一键式安装.Net FrameWork,MSDE,Web安装程序,Windows安装程序,还原数据库文件,注册表导入 何为"一键式安装"? 我的解释就是,运行安装程序的时候,把.Net FrameWork、Sql Server(MSDE)、Web应用程序、其它安装文件、注册表修改、数据库还原等操作一次安装完成,不需要客户做其它任何操作,而且安装过程中不用客户做任何操作,系统自动替代用户操作,比

2006-07-12 21:45:00 1102

转载 MVC和MVP的区别

MVC vs. MVPBy now you shouldve heard of the Model-View-Controller design pattern. If youve read OOP with ActionScript by Branden and Sam then youre also somewhat familiar with the Model-View-Pr

2006-07-12 21:04:00 1461

转载 著名的SQL流量注入(SQL注入)攻击法

著名的SQL流量注入(SQL注入)攻击法之所以旧事重提,只是想给那些还没接触到的人提个醒,顺便听听众位高手们的看法,好学习学习。我们在编程过程中,经常会把用户输入的数据拼成一个SQL语句,然后直接发送给服务器执行,比如:string SqlStr = "select * from customers where CompanyName Like %" + textBox1.Tex

2006-07-12 20:40:00 747

IBM Cognos Software Development Kit

This document is intended for use with IBM® Cognos® Software Development Kit. This document is intended for use with the IBM Cognos Software Development Kit, which allows you to manage IBM Cognos processes and implement custom reporting solutions by using the cross-platform Web services, libraries, and programming interfaces provided with the IBM Cognos Software Development Kit. As a developer, you can use the Software Development Kit to create and modify reports and queries, schedule and deploy reports and other objects, and administer IBM Cognos Business Intelligence servers and security. This document describes in detail how you can develop applications using the IBM Cognos Software Development Kit. It also contains detailed reference information about the Software Development Kit.


IBM Cognos Software Development Kit(英文版)

This document is intended for use with IBM® Cognos® Software Development Kit. This document is intended for use with the IBM Cognos Software Development Kit, which allows you to manage IBM Cognos processes and implement custom reporting solutions by using the cross-platform Web services, libraries, and programming interfaces provided with the IBM Cognos Software Development Kit. As a developer, you can use the Software Development Kit to create and modify reports and queries, schedule and deploy reports and other objects, and administer IBM Cognos Business Intelligence servers and security. This document describes in detail how you can develop applications using the IBM Cognos Software Development Kit. It also contains detailed reference information about the Software Development Kit.



Actuate系统管理员手册, 详细介绍了Actuate服务器组件



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