Component Object Model (COM)

  The Component Object Model (COM) is a platform-independent, distributed, object-oriented, system for creating binary software components that can interact. COM is the foundation technology for Microsoft's OLE (compound documents), ActiveX (internet enabled components), as well as others.
  To understand COM (and therefore all COM-based technologies), it is crucial to bear in mind that it is not an object-oriented language, but a standard. Nor does COM specify how an application should be structured. Language, structure, and implementation details are left to the application programmer. COM does specify an object model and programming requirements that enable COM objects (also called COM components, or sometimes simply objects) to interact with other objects. These objects can be within a single process, in other processes, even on remote machines. They can have been written in other languages, and may be structurally quite dissimilar. That is why COM is referred to as a binary standard — it is a standard that applies after a program has been translated to binary machine code.
  The only language requirement for COM is that code is generated in a language that can create structures of pointers and, either explicitly or implicitly, call functions through pointers. Object-oriented languages such as C++ and Smalltalk provide programming mechanisms that simplify the implementation of COM objects, but languages such as C, Pascal, Ada, Java, and even BASIC programming environments can create and use COM objects.  
  COM defines the essential nature of a COM object. In general, a software object is made up of a set of data and the functions that manipulate the data. A COM object is one in which access to an object's data is achieved exclusively through one or more sets of related functions. These function sets are called interfaces, and the functions of an interface are called methods. Further, COM requires that the only way to gain access to the methods of an interface is through a pointer to the interface.  
  Besides specifying the basic binary object standard, COM defines certain basic interfaces that provide functions common to all COM-based technologies. It also provides a small number of API functions that all components require. COM has now expanded its scope to define how objects work together over a distributed environment, and added security features to ensure system and component integrity.
好的,以下是对您提出的术语的详细解释: 1. Database Management System:一种软件系统,用于管理和组织大量数据的存储和访问。它能够提供高效的数据检索、备份、恢复和安全性等功能。 2. Digital Camera:一种数码照相机,它使用数字技术记录图像,并将其存储在内置的存储设备中,以便后续处理和输出。 3. Digital Content Creation:一种数字内容创作技术,包括使用计算机软件和硬件工具创建数字图像、视频、音频和其他多媒体内容。 4. Digital Compact Cassette:一种数字盒式磁带,用于数字音频录音和播放。它可以提供更高的音质和更长的录音时间,与传统的模拟磁带相比,具有更好的可靠性和耐用性。 5. Directional Correlational De-interlacing:一种视频处理技术,用于将交织扫描的视频信号转换为逐行扫描的视频信号。它通过分析相邻的图像行之间的相关性来提高图像质量,并减少图像的模糊和噪点。 6. Document Content Description:一种文件内容描述语言,用于描述文本文档中的结构和内容。它可以帮助计算机程序自动识别和处理文档中的元素和信息。 7. Desktop Composition Engine:一种桌面组成引擎,用于管理计算机桌面图形界面的显示和操作。它可以提供更平滑的图形效果和更高的用户体验。 8. Dot Clock:一种电子设备的时钟信号,用于控制图像显示器每行显示的像素数和每秒显示的行数。它可以帮助确保图像显示的稳定和准确。 9. Distributing Component Object Model:一种分布式组成物体模块,用于在分布式计算环境中协调多个计算机之间的交互和通信。它可以更好地支持分布式应用程序的开发和运行。




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