
#include <stdlib.h> #include <stdio.h> /*#include <windows.h>  */

typedef struct stuscorestruct {     char stuname[20];     int score;     struct stuscorestruct *prev;     struct stuscorestruct *next; }STUSCORESTRUCT; typedef STUSCORESTRUCT *stu_score_dlink; stu_score_dlink stu_score_dlist; stu_score_dlink head; char *stu_name[4] = {"beijing","shanghai","shenzhen","abc"}; int score_array[4] = {100,95,90,55}; int initial_stat = 0; void main(); void DrawModifyScore();

void Print_stu_score_info_dlist(stu_score_dlink head) {     do     {         head = head->next;         printf("%s's score:%d/n",head->stuname,head->score);     }while(head->next!= NULL); }

void Free_stu_score_info_dlist(stu_score_dlink head) {     stu_score_dlink pointer;     do     {         pointer = head;         head = head->next;         free(pointer);     }while(head->next != NULL); }

stu_score_dlink create_stu_score_info_dlist(stu_score_dlink head,char **stu_name,int *stu_score,int n) {     int i = 0;     stu_score_dlink pointer;     stu_score_dlink new;     if((head = (STUSCORESTRUCT *)malloc(sizeof(STUSCORESTRUCT))) == NULL)     {         printf("Memory allocated failure!/n");         exit(1);     }     head->score = 0;     memset(head->stuname,0,sizeof(head->stuname));     head->next = NULL;     head->prev = NULL;     pointer = head;     for(i = 0;i<n;i++)     {         if((new = (STUSCORESTRUCT *)malloc(sizeof(STUSCORESTRUCT))) == NULL)         {             printf("Memory allocated failure!/n");             exit(1);         }         pointer->next = new;         pointer->next->prev = pointer;         new->next = NULL;         new->score = stu_score[i];         memset(new->stuname,0x00,sizeof(new->stuname));         strcpy(new->stuname,stu_name[i]);         pointer = new;         new = new->next;     }     return head; }

/******************************************************* 把学生的姓名和分数的数据信息插入到双向链表 的尾端进行管理,如果只有姓名或者只有分数则 不能完成插入 *******************************************************/ int Insert_stu_info(stu_score_dlink head,char *stu_name,int score) {     stu_score_dlink tailnode;     if(stu_name == NULL || (score < 0 && score > 100))     {         printf("/nData is Error!/n");         return 0;     }     if((tailnode = (STUSCORESTRUCT *)malloc(sizeof(STUSCORESTRUCT))) == NULL)     {         printf("/nMemory allocated failured!");         return 0;     }     memset(tailnode->stuname,0x00,sizeof(tailnode->stuname));     strcpy(tailnode->stuname,stu_name);     tailnode->score = score;     do     {         head = head->next;     }while(head->next != NULL);

    head->next = tailnode;     head->next->prev = head;     tailnode->next = NULL;         do     {         head = head->prev;     }while(head->prev != NULL);     Print_stu_score_info_dlist(head);     return 1; }  

void DrawErrorScr() {     initial_stat = 1;     printf("input error!/n");     printf("Press any goback mainmenu./n");     getch();     main(); }

void PrintStuScore() {         initial_stat = 1;  system("cls");     Print_stu_score_info_dlist(head);     /*Free_stu_score_info_dlist(head); */     printf("Press any key to go back to main menu.");     getch();     main();     }

/************************************************ **函数说明: 遍历链表,若查找到与stu_name **              相匹配的节点,则返回1,否则 **           返回0. **************************************************/ int search_stu_info(stu_score_dlink head,char *stu_name) {         do     {         head = head->next;         if(strncmp(head->stuname,stu_name,strlen((char *)stu_name)) == 0)      {             printf("/nThe student's name is %s,score:%d/n",head->stuname,head->score);             if(head->score >= 60)       {                 printf("/nThe student's score is not failure,please check your input,press any key to continue. ");              getch();                 DrawModifyScore();       }             return 1;      }         else             continue;     }while(head->next->stuname != NULL);         return 0; }

/*在修改不及格学生成绩时,需要事先查找到该不及格学生的节点信息, 程序不支持节点信息搜索的模糊匹配*/ void DrawModifyScore() {         char stu_name[20];     int stu_score;     int found = 0;         system("cls");     initial_stat = 1;     memset(stu_name,0x00,sizeof(stu_name));         printf("/nplease input the failure student's name:");     scanf("%s",&stu_name);     printf("searching...please wait.../n");     /*Sleep(2000);*/         if ((found = search_stu_info(head,stu_name)) == 0)     {               printf("This name is not exist,please check your input and try again./nPress any key to continue.");         getch();         DrawModifyScore();           }     else     {         printf("/nPlease input the student's score you want to modify:");         scanf("%d",&stu_score);         if(stu_score < 60 || stu_score > 100)      {             printf("/nInput error!press any key to go back to mainmenu.");             getch();             main();             }         else      {          do       {                 head = head->next;                 if(strncmp(head->stuname,stu_name,strlen((char *)stu_name)) == 0)           {                     head->score = stu_score;               break;           }                    }while(head->next->stuname != NULL);             printf("/nModify succeed!the student 's info:%s's score:%d,press any key to go mainmenu.",head->stuname,head->score);             /*指针回到链首*/           do       {                 head = head->prev;             }while(head ->prev != NULL);                    getch();             main();      }           }                 getch(); }

/**************************************** 用户 输入学生姓名和成绩后,如果 选择保存,则保存到程序中,否则 则退出该界面至主菜单界面,程序未 对用户输入的分数段和数据类型进 行检测,在输入分数时请不要输入 非数字的字符 ****************************************/ void DrawInputScore() {     char stu_name[20];     int stu_score;     char choice;         system("cls");         printf("/nPlease input student's name:");     scanf("%s",&stu_name);     printf("Please input student's score:");     scanf("%d",&stu_score);     printf("/nDo you want to save this data?please select Y/N");     scanf("/n%c",&choice);     if(choice == 'Y' || choice == 'y')     {         initial_stat = 1;         if (1 == Insert_stu_info(head,stu_name,stu_score));/*save data to dlist*/         printf("/nSave succeed!press any key to continue.");         getch();         DrawInputScore();     }     else if(choice == 'N'|| choice == 'n')         main();         else     {         printf("/ninput error,this student's data is not saved!press any key to continue:");         getch();         DrawInputScore();     }   }

void Drawmainmenu() {     system("cls");

    printf("/n/n/n/n/n/n/n/n/n/n");     printf("            please select menus/n");     printf("            1:input students name and score/n");     printf("            2:modify failure student's score/n");     printf("            3:print student's score/n");     printf("            4:exit/n");


void main() {     int choice_menu;


    if(0 == initial_stat)         head = create_stu_score_info_dlist(head, stu_name, score_array, 4);             scanf("%d",&choice_menu);     switch(choice_menu)     {         case 1:             DrawInputScore();             break;         case 2:             DrawModifyScore();             break;     case 3:         PrintStuScore();         break;     case 4:  {   Free_stu_score_info_dlist(head);            exit(1);      }            break;     default:         DrawErrorScr();     }


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当前余额3.43前往充值 >
领取后你会自动成为博主和红包主的粉丝 规则
钱包余额 0


