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原创 OpenWFE 1.7.3pre0【最新修改版】

 OpenWFE FAQ什么是OpenWFEOpenWFE是一个java写的开源工作流引擎。它由四个组件(服务器)组成:一个引擎、一个工作列表、一个反应器(自动参与者的容器)、一个web客户端(一个通用的web应用的例子)。OpenWFE需要什么样的运行环境JDK1.4.0或者更高版本。如果你只是运行引擎或工作列表,那么只需要一个JRE就足够了。而web客户端和droflo则需要JDK的环

2007-08-09 13:59:00 3920 14

原创 终于解决了TNS问题!

刚刚开始使用Oracle,觉得好麻烦啊!一堆的工具,各种各样的配置。。。都快要吐了【%…&¥&×发泄一下先】 本来可以使用其最基本的数据库的。然后,终于。。。我在企业管理器中加了个新的数据库就挂了。。不停地报错,刚开始只是找不到对象等等。我就的搜索,百度。。。发现原来还有Net Configuration Asistant这东东。。就瞎填了一把,瞎删了一把。竟然发现原来的LTY『数据库』也不能

2007-07-18 21:53:00 1252

转载 解决: ERROR:ORA-12154:TNS:无法处理服务器名

ODP.NET 使用教程http://www.oracle.com/technology/obe/net11gobe/building.net/vs_otn2.htmhttp://www.oracle.com/technology/global/cn/sample_code/tech/windows/odpnet/index.html错误现象:ERROR:ORA-12154:TNS:无法处理服务器

2007-07-18 21:28:00 3541 2

转载 毕业后的五年拉开大家差距的原因在哪里

    有人工作,有人继续上学,大家千万不要错过这篇文章,能看到这篇文章也是一种幸运,真的受益匪浅,对我有很大启迪,这篇文章将会改变我的一生,真的太好了,希望与有缘人分享,也希望对有缘人有所帮助!看完之后有种“相见恨晚”的感觉,特别激动,希望大家好好的珍藏这篇文章,相信多年以后,再来看这篇文章,一定有不同的感觉。        正如"打工皇帝"唐骏说:"

2010-03-10 23:05:00 537

原创 关联规则重要概念

v/:* {behavior:url(#default#VML);}o/:* {behavior:url(#default#VML);}w/:* {behavior:url(#default#VML);}.shape {behavior:url(#default#VML);} Normal 0 7.8 磅 0 2

2008-09-06 16:12:00 832

转载 Xp:目前访问网站的用户过多的解决办法

  问题背景: 服务器经常出现下面的情况,该如何解决 ----------------------------------------------------------------------

2007-09-07 16:09:00 2785

转载 OpenWFE项目分析

  OpenWFE项目分析1 OpenWFE项目简介OpenWFE是John Mettraux所领导的项目组开发的一套符合WFMC标准的工作流管理系统组件。项目使用JAVA语言编写,具有功能完善、通用型好、扩展能力强等特点。其除了能够为各种开发环境提供一个符合要求的工作流引擎之外,也能够直接作为一个完整有效的工作流管理系统进行使用。其主要功能模块包括:1)         Engine

2007-08-25 23:12:00 4330 2

原创 安装部署Web程序2

来源:VS2005专业教程网 作者:VS2005专业教程网 添加:admin 三、建立数据库并初始化数据。前提是:你已经在本地的SQL Server服务器中建立了一个数据库,并已经初始化好了数据。1、选择Server Configuration下的SQLScripts节点2、右键点击中间列表的SQL Scripts节点,选择Database import wizard...,出现数

2007-08-25 16:20:00 920

原创 安装部署Web程序1

使用InstallShield11.5部署Web程序日期:2007年07月21日 来源:VS2005专业教程网 作者:VS2005专业教程网 添加:admin 得分:3.00 难度:看完本文章后,你应该可以用InstallShield建立一个安装包,这个安装包可以实现以下功能:1、检查服务器是否安装Microsoft.Net Framework 2.0,如果安装,自动安装。2、在I

2007-08-25 16:16:00 878

原创 NH的配置信息

作为一种通用的持久层框架,NH可以通过配置来指定所使用的数据库类型,并且可根据不同的数据库调整NH的运行参数。这些配置信息通常保存在配置文件中,当数据库配置发生改变时,我们只需要修改配置文件即可,不需要修改代码和编译。主要内容:1、NH支持的配置参数2、设置NH配置参数的若干方法 一、NH支持的配置参数NH初始化NHibernate.Cfg.Configuration对

2007-08-14 20:39:00 709

转载 菜鸟安装NetBPM记录

转自:http://blog.csdn.net/voyager512NetBPM的安装还是比较简单的,有比较详细的文档。1.当然是先下载运行程序了, netbpm- ,官方网站:http://www.netbpm.org;2.然后解压后自己看 Install.pdf文档,呵呵~~ ,写的很详细哦,我这儿简单翻译一下,懒人可以不用看原文了     1)环境         

2007-08-14 16:56:00 898

转载 NetBPM工作流的架构设计及实现浅析

 目录NetBPM组件接口       定义组件(Definition Component)       运行组件(Execution Component)       组织架构组件(Oorganization Component)       日志组件(Log Component)       任务调度组件(Scheduler Component)       管

2007-08-14 16:54:00 1832

原创 用Ajax技术让IE Web Control Tree View实现大数据量读取 【原文】

 用Ajax技术让IE Web Control Tree View实现大数据量读取 相信不少人都用过微软提供的一款控件: IEControl, 其中的TreeView使用比较广泛。在我参与的一个项目中,一个名为UNSPSC的模块将频繁使用这个控件。这个控件在一般情况下相当好用(节点小于200个),但当节点数比较多时将使客户端长时间等待,大数据量时会让客户端超时以至于读取失败。本模块在进行压

2007-08-09 20:41:00 1035

原创 .net1.1采用Ajax动态加载TreeView

文章见http://www.cnblogs.com/dingsea/archive/2005/10/26/262220.html安装问题:对此文中源代码下载之后,进行安装。 发现ajaxTest必须放在WWWROOT下面才可以。。。。-应该是SLN的问题。 将其设为网站,用vs2003打开,将其引用重新添加(主要是BorgWorX.Web.Core.Ajax.dll与Mi

2007-08-09 17:14:00 1658 1

转载 WF调试器(修改版)

 WF调试器(修改版) 转自项目文件说明使用流程设计器设计一个工作流设计完后保存为wxd.xoml启动引擎运行上步设计的工作流运行结果监视结果再次打开设计器,修改流程再在引擎中创建一组实例,运行,结果已为新的流程结果源文件下载http://www.cnblogs.com/Files/foundation/wxwinter.rar

2007-07-26 20:27:00 989

原创 PetShop3.0 Useage

System Requirements• Windows 2000 (Windows 2003 recommended)· Internet Information Services• Either Microsoft SQL Server or Oracle Database· Oracle client software on application server for Oracle v

2007-07-20 11:08:00 628

转载 【转】数据库连接类

【转自】http://www.cnblogs.com/volnet/archive/2007/01/22/627190.aspx[Oracle]ASP.NET+Oracle连接类conn.cs GoDotNet社区下的:http://www.cnblogs.com/Files/volnet/DataLayer.zip大家看这个吧我这个当个反面教材就好了。嗨,辛苦地写了半天~~~

2007-07-20 10:39:00 889

转载 OracleHelper.cs源码

 using System;using System.Configuration;using System.Data;using System.Data.OracleClient;using System.Collections;namespace PetShop.DBUtility ......{    /**//**//**////     /// A helper class use

2007-07-20 10:30:00 2432 1

转载 SQLHelper.cs 文件

SQLHelper.cs 文件  //=================================================================================================// This file is based on the Microsoft Data Access Application Block for .NET// Fo

2007-07-20 10:26:00 871 1

转载 一个工作流引擎的例子

一个工作流引擎的例子 有不少朋友问我如何在ASPNET中实现工作流,其实很多时候我并不关心客户端是什么。看一下这个例子吧,或许对准备设计工作流系统的朋友有些帮助系统结构说明WFtest项目:一个用于测试的工作流模板,功能是对输入的结果,每步都进行累加WFEngine项目:工作流引擎WFServer项目:一个Win服务项目,作为工作流引擎的宿主开启Remoting服务,以便远程调用WFw

2007-07-17 16:26:00 894

转载 zz程序员少走弯路的十条忠告

刚刚走上社会的年轻人,充满了蓄势待发的豪情、青春的朝气、前卫的思想,梦想着丰富的待遇和轰轰烈烈的事业。可是,社会毕竟是一所包罗万象、喧嚣复杂的大学校,这里没有寒暑假,拒绝虚假和肤浅,更拒绝空想和庸碌,难以预告何时开课何时放学。   如何在涉世之初少走弯路,有一个好的开端,开始一番成功的事业?以下是一些先行者积累的10条有益的涉世忠告。好好地遵循、把握这些忠告和建议吧,比起所学的课堂课程来,它毫

2007-05-29 15:04:00 512

一阶逻辑 First-Order Logic (PPT)

Outline 1.Why FOL? 2.Syntax and semantics of FOL 3.Using FOL 4.Wumpus world in FOL 5.Knowledge engineering in FOL



1. Introduction 1.1. Background Work Flow Management is a fast evolving technology which is increasingly being exploited by businesses in a variety of industries. Its primary characteristic is the automation of processes involving combinations of human and machine-based activities, particularly those involving interaction with IT applications and tools. Although its most prevalent use is within the office environment in staff intensive operations such as insurance, banking, legal and general administration, etc, it is also applicable to some classes of industrial and manufacturing applications . Many software vendors have WFM products available today which involve WFM technology and there is a continual introduction of more products into the market. The availability of a wide range of products within the market has allowed individual product vendors to focus on particular functional capabilities and users have adopted particular products to meet specific application needs. However, there are, as yet, no standards defined to enable different WFM products to work together, which is resulting in incompatible "islands" of process automation. The WFM Coalition is a grouping of companies who have joined together to address the above situation. It has been recognised that all work flow management products have some common characteristics, enabling them potentially to achieve a level of interoperability through the use of common standards for various functions. The WFM Coalition has been established to identify these functional areas and develop appropriate specifications for implementation in workflow products. It is intended that such specifications will enable interoperability between heterogeneous workflow products and improved integration of workflow applications with other IT services such as electronic mail and document management, thereby improving the opportunities for the effective use of workflow technology within the IT market, to the benefit of both vendors and users of such technology. 1.2. Purpose The purpose of this document is to provide a framework to support the development of the various specifications described above. It provides a common "Reference Model" for workflow management systems identifying their characteristics, terminology and components, enabling the individual specifications to be developed within the context of an overall model for workflow systems. The detailed specifications will be developed as separate documents. 1.3. Scope This document covers the concepts, terminology, general structure of a workflow management system, its major functional components and the interfaces and information interchange flows between them. It identifies the areas appropriate for standardisation and illustrates the potential interoperability scenarios which may be supported through the use of common standards. It also discusses, where appropriate, the applicability of existing standards to workflow management systems and their integration with other standard IT services. It does not cover wider aspects of business process engineering which lie outside the use of information technology to support the business process. 1.4. Audience The intended audience of this document is the work flow coalition membership as well as others that are interested in the efforts of the coalition and wish to understand the top level technical architecture which underpins the work of the Coalition. The document is intended for a moderately technical audience but extensive prior knowledge of workflow systems is not assumed. 1.5. How to read this document Chapter 2 provides a general introduction to the concepts of workflow systems technology, its evolution, the business context and background on the types of systems which may incorporate this type of technology. If you are unfamiliar with workflow technology you should start here; if you are already familiar with workflow management systems, consider starting at Chapter 3. Chapter 3 discuses the internal structure of workflow systems, the major functional components and the nature of their interactions. It introduces the top level architecture and identifies the various interfaces which may be used to support interoperability between different system components and integration with other major IT infrastructure components. Chapter 4 provides a general overview of the workflow application programme interface (WAPI), comments on the necessary protocol support for open interworking and discusses the principles of conformance to the specifications. It identifies those aspects of the specifications which are required to support various classes of interoperability. The detailed WAPI specifications are published as separate specification documents (see cross references below).



Title:Windchill Workflow System Overview Outline of Windchill workflow capabilities Workflow Systems Architecture Overview of basic functionality Life cycle integration R5 Features delivered R6 Features planned Demo






有色Petri网教程【PPT】【CPN】 是英文版的, 内容还可以的



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【PDF】Business Process Management and WS-BPEL 2.0

Business Process Management and<br>WS-BPEL 2.0 <br><br>INTRODUCTION <br>Customer business processes span services and human activities; these processes <br>need to be orchestrated in an agile fashion with end-to-end control, visibility, and <br>rich exception management. <br>Business Process Execution Language, commonly known as BPEL or WS-BPEL, is <br>an XML based standard markup language that is emerging as the answer to process <br>orchestration requirements. BPEL has very rich and comprehensive orchestration <br>semantics, is based on wide industry participation, and is broadly accepted. <br>Oracle believes that BPEL provides an important building block for Service <br>Oriented Architectures (SOA). Oracle was an early adopter of the standard and <br>provides one of the most mature, comprehensive, and scalable implementation. <br>Since 2003, Oracle has been working with other industry players to evolve BPEL <br>and its related standards. <br>Oracle’s strategy lowers total cost of ownership and reduces risk for customers<br>through knowledge portability and increased interoperability.



说到数据库,我认为不能不先谈数据结构。1996 年,在我初入大学学习计算机编程时,<br>当时的老师就告诉我们说:计算机程序=数据结构+算法。尽管现在的程序开发已由面向过<br>程为主逐步过渡到面向对象为主,但我还是深深赞同8 年前老师的告诉我们的公式:计算机<br>程序=数据结构+算法。面向对象的程序开发,要做的第一件事就是,先分析整个程序中需<br>处理的数据,从中提取出抽象模板,以这个抽象模板设计类,再在其中逐步添加处理其数据<br>的函数(即算法),最后,再给类中的数据成员和函数划分访问权限,从而实现封装。<br>数据库的最初雏形据说源自美国一个奶牛场的记账薄(纸质的,由此可见,数据库并不<br>一定是存储在电脑里的数据^_^),里面记录的是该奶牛场的收支账目,程序员在将其整理、<br>录入到电脑中时从中受到启发。当按照规定好的数据结构所采集到的数据量大到一定程度<br>后,出于程序执行效率的考虑,程序员将其中的检索、更新维护等功能分离出来,做成单独<br>调用的模块,这个模块后来就慢慢发展、演变成现在我们所接触到的数据库管理系统<br>(DBMS)——程序开发中的一个重要分支。



一个成功的管理系统,是由:[50% 的业务 + 50% 的软件] 所组成,而 50% 的成功软件又有 [25% 的数据库 + 25% 的程序] 所组成,数据库设计的好坏是一个关键。如果把企业的数据比做生命所必需的血液,那么数据库的设计就是应用中最重要的一部分。有关数据库设计的材料汗牛充栋,大学学位课程里也有专门的讲述。不过,就如我们反复强调的那样,再好的老师也比不过经验的教诲。所以我归纳历年来所走的弯路及体会,并在网上找了些对数据库设计颇有造诣的专业人士给大家传授一些设计数据库的技巧和经验。精选了其中的 60 个最佳技巧,并把这些技巧编写成了本文,为了方便索引其内容划分为 5 个部分:<br>第 1 部分 - 设计数据库之前<br>这一部分罗列了 12 个基本技巧,包括命名规范和明确业务需求等。 <br>第 2 部分 - 设计数据库表<br>总共 24 个指南性技巧,涵盖表内字段设计以及应该避免的常见问题等。 <br>第 3 部分 - 选择键<br>怎么选择键呢?这里有 10 个技巧专门涉及系统生成的主键的正确用法,还有何 时以及如何索引字段以获得最佳性能等。 <br>第 4 部分 - 保证数据完整性<br>讨论如何保持数据库的清晰和健壮,如何把有害数据降低到最小程度。 <br>第 5 部分 - 各种小技巧<br>不包括在以上 4 个部分中的其他技巧,五花八门,有了它们希望你的数据库开发工作会更轻松一些。 <br>









C#完全手册(破除密码版)<br/>还是很经典的 新手必备



这是chm格式,下载后看不了尝试: 右键点击chm文档,查看属性,可以看到“安全”提示:此文件来自于其它计算机,可能被阻止以帮助保护该计算机,提示后面有一个“解除锁定”的按钮。选择解除,然后保存修改。 JavaScript权威指南,著名的犀牛书:) This Fifth Edition is completely revised and expanded to cover JavaScript as it is used in today's Web 2.0 applications. This book is both an example-driven programmer's guide and a keep-on-your-desk reference, with new chapters that explain everything you need to know to get the most out of JavaScript, including: Scripted HTTP and Ajax XML processing Client-side graphics using the <canvas> tag Namespaces in JavaScript--essential when writing complex programs Classes, closures, persistence, Flash, and JavaScript embedded in Java applications Part I explains the core JavaScript language in detail. If you are new to JavaScript, it will teach you the language. If you are already a JavaScript programmer, Part I will sharpen your skills and deepen your understanding of the language. Part II explains the scripting environment provided by web browsers, with a focus on DOM scripting with unobtrusive JavaScript. The broad and deep coverage of client-side JavaScript is illustrated with many sophisticated examples that demonstrate how to: Generate a table of contents for an HTML document Display DHTML animations Automate form validation Draw dynamic pie charts Make HTML elements draggable Define keyboard shortcuts for web applications Create Ajax-enabled tool tips Use XPath and XSLT on XML documents loaded with Ajax And much more Part III is a complete reference for core JavaScript. It documents every class, object, constructor, method, function, property, and constant defined by JavaScript 1.5 and ECMAScript version 3. Part IV is a reference for client-side JavaScript, covering legacy web browser APIs, the standard Level 2 DOM API, and emerging standards such as the XMLHttpRequest object and the <canvas> tag. More than 300,000 JavaScript programmers around the world have made this their indispensable reference book for building JavaScript applications. "A must-have reference for expert JavaScript programmers...well-organized and detailed." -- Brendan Eich, creator of JavaScript Java Script是一种功能强大的基于对象的脚本语言。Java Script程序可以直接嵌入HTML页面。与Web浏览器定义的文档对象模型(DOM)一起使用时,JavaScript可以创建动态HTML(DHTML)内容,允许用户与客户端的Web应用程序交互。 JavaScript语法以流行的程序设计语言C、C 和Java为基础,因此,经验丰富的程序设计人员可以很快地熟悉和掌握。此外,JavaScript是一种解释性脚本语言,提供了比其他语言更加灵活、更加宽松的程序设计环境,程序设计新手在这种环境中能够很快适应。 《JavaScript权威指南》全面介绍了JavaScript语言的核心,以及Web浏览器中实现的遗留和标准的DOM。它运用了一些复杂的例子,说明如何处理验证表单数据、使用cookie、创建可移植的DHTML动画等常见任务。本书还包括详细的参考手册,涵盖了JavaScript的核心API、遗留的客户端API和W3C标准DOM API,记述了这些API中的每一个JavaScript对象、方法、性质、构造函数、常量和事件处理程序。 这本最畅销的JavaScript参考书的第四版已经进行了全面的更新,其中涵盖JavaScript 1.5(ECMAScript Version 3)的详细介绍。它还提供了W3C DOM标准(1级和2级)的完整内容,为了向后兼容,本书保持了遗留的O级DOM的资料。 《JavaScript权威指南》是JavaScript程序设计者的完整指南和参考手册。对于使用最新的、遵守标准的Web浏览器(如Internet Explorer 6、Netscape 6和Mozilla)的开发者,它尤其有用。HTML作者可以从中学习如何用JavaScript创建动态网页。经验丰富的程序设计者可以从中快速地找到编写复杂JavaScript程序需要的信息。本书对所有JavaScript程序设计者来说都是绝对必要的。



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