开发神器soho-mybatis(开源框架) -- 接口使用文档示例

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附上项目地址: 点击下载

附上项目CRUD代码生成器平台地址: https://www.cartoonai.com/



Cnd sql = new SQLCnd().eq("username", "zhangsan").gt("age", 18);
// 获取多条记录
List<RbacUser> rbacUsers = rbacUserService.findByCnd(sql);
// 获取单条记录
RbacUser rbacUser = rbacUserService.findOneByCnd(sql);

Preparing: select id, username, password, uid, utype, areacode, mobile, sex, age, headimg, nickname, realname, idno, email, wxcat, alipay, password2, level, ctime, utime, state from rbac_user WHERE username = ? AND age > ?
Parameters: zhangsan(String), 18(Integer)



Cnd sql = new SQLCnd().between("ctime", 1531843200000l, 1531929600000l).notnull("email");
List<RbacUser> rbacUsers = rbacUserService.findByCnd(sql);

Preparing: select id, username, password, uid, utype, areacode, mobile, sex, age, headimg, nickname, realname, idno, email, wxcat, alipay, password2, level, ctime, utime, state from rbac_user WHERE ( ctime BETWEEN ? AND ? ) AND email IS NOT NULL
Parameters: 1531843200000(Long), 1531929600000(Long)



Cnd sql1 = new SQLCnd().eq("username", "zhangsan").gt("age", 18);
        Cnd sql2 = new SQLCnd().between("ctime", 1531843200000l, 1531929600000l).notnull("email");
Cnd sql3 = new SQLCnd().or(sql1, sql2).in("state", 1, 2, 3);
List<RbacUser> rbacUsers = rbacUserService.findByCnd(sql3);

Preparing: select id, username, password, uid, utype, areacode, mobile, sex, age, headimg, nickname, realname, idno, email, wxcat, alipay, password2, level, ctime, utime, state from rbac_user WHERE ( ( username = ? AND age > ? ) OR ( ( ctime BETWEEN ? AND ? ) AND email IS NOT NULL ) ) AND state IN ( ? , ? , ? )
Parameters: zhangsan(String), 18(Integer), 1531843200000(Long), 1531929600000(Long), 1(Integer), 2(Integer), 3(Integer)



Cnd sql = new SQLCnd().between("ctime", 1531843200000l, 1531929600000l).notnull("email").limit(1,10);
List<RbacUser> rbacUsers = rbacUserService.findByCnd(sql);

Preparing: select count(1) from (select id, username, password, uid, utype, areacode, mobile, sex, age, headimg, nickname, realname, idno, email, wxcat, alipay, password2, level, ctime, utime, state from rbac_user WHERE ( ctime BETWEEN ? AND ? ) AND email IS NOT NULL) as x
Parameters: 1531843200000(Long), 1531929600000(Long)

Preparing: select id, username, password, uid, utype, areacode, mobile, sex, age, headimg, nickname, realname, idno, email, wxcat, alipay, password2, level, ctime, utime, state from rbac_user WHERE ( ctime BETWEEN ? AND ? ) AND email IS NOT NULL limit 0,10
Parameters: 1531843200000(Long), 1531929600000(Long)



Cnd sql = new SQLCnd().fields("a.id as id", "a.name as name", "a.code as code").from("rbac_role a").join(new Join(MODE.LEFT, "rbac_user_role b").on("a.id", "b.roleId")).join(new Join(MODE.LEFT, "rbac_user c").on("b.userId", "c.id")).eq("c.id", 1l);
List<RbacRole> rbacRoles = rbacUserService.findMapByCnd(sql, RbacRole.class);

Preparing: select a.id , a.name , a.code from rbac_role a LEFT JOIN rbac_user_role b ON a.id = b.roleId LEFT JOIN rbac_user c ON b.userId = c.id WHERE c.id = ? 
Parameters: 1(Long)



// 新增数据
RbacUser rbacUser = new RbacUser();
// 更新数据



Cnd sql = new SQLCnd().addUpdateKeyValue(new String[]{"age", "email"}, 15, "124010356@qq.com").between("ctime", 1531843200000l, 1531929600000l).notnull("email");



Cnd sql = new SQLCnd().fields("sum(id) id").gt("age", 18);
RbacUser rbacUser = rbacUserService.findOneByCnd(sql);



Cnd sql = new SQLCnd().fields("id").gt("age", 18).groupby("id");
List<RbacUser> rbacUsers = rbacUserService.findByCnd(sql);



Cnd sql = new SQLCnd().fields("id").gt("age", 18).groupby("id").orderby("id", SortBy.D);
List<RbacUser> rbacUsers = rbacUserService.findByCnd(sql);




    // =
    public Cnd eq(String key, Object value);

    // <>
    public Cnd noteq(String key, Object value);

    // <
    public Cnd lt(String key, Object value);

    // <=
    public Cnd lte(String key, Object value);

    // >
    public Cnd gt(String key, Object value);

    // >=
    public Cnd gte(String key, Object value);

    // is null
    public Cnd isnull(String key);

    // is not null
    public Cnd notnull(String key);

    // between x and y
    public Cnd between(String key, Object value1, Object value2);

    // not between x and y
    public Cnd notbetween(String key, Object value1, Object value2);

    // in
    public Cnd in(String key, Object... values);

    // in
    public Cnd in(String key, Object values);

    // not in
    public Cnd notin(String key, Object... values);

    // not in
    public Cnd notin(String key, Object values);

    // like
    public Cnd like(String key, Object value);

    // not like
    public Cnd notlike(String key, Object value);

    // or
    public Cnd or(Cnd... cnds);

    // 分页方法(根据数据库方言)
    public Cnd limit(Integer pageNo, Integer pageSize);

    // 分页方法(根据数据库方言)
    public Cnd limit(Integer pageNo, Integer pageSize, boolean spilled);

    // 分页方法(根据数据库方言)
    public Cnd limit(Integer pageSize);

    // distinct
    public Cnd distinct(String... keys);

    // group by
    public Cnd groupby(String... keys);

    // order by
    public Cnd orderby(String key, SortBy sortBy);

    // 获取指定字段
    public Cnd fields(String... keys);

    // 指定更新字段
    public Cnd addUpdateKeyValue(String[] keys, Object... values);

    // 指定更新对象(自定义sql时使用)
    public Cnd addUpdateObj(Object obj);

    // 传递额外参数(自定义sql时使用)
    public Cnd addOther(String key, Object value);

    // from table1 a(连表查询使用)
    public Cnd from(String table);

    // left(right,inner) join table1 b(连表查询使用)
    public Cnd join(Join join);

    // 复制条件
    public Cnd copy(Cnd cnd);
     * 保存实体信息
     * @param entity
     * @return int
     * @throws BizErrorEx
    public int insert(E entity) throws BizErrorEx;

     * 保存实体集合信息
     * @param entities
     * @return int
     * @throws BizErrorEx
    public int insert(List<E> entities) throws BizErrorEx;

     * 更新实体信息
     * @param entity
     * @return int
     * @throws BizErrorEx
    public int update(E entity) throws BizErrorEx;

     * 更新实体信息
     * @param cnd
     * @return int
     * @throws BizErrorEx
    public int update(Cnd cnd) throws BizErrorEx;

     * 通过对象删除实体信息
     * @param entities
     * @return int
     * @throws BizErrorEx
    public int delete(E... entities) throws BizErrorEx;

     * 通过对象删除实体信息
     * @param entity
     * @return int
     * @throws BizErrorEx
    public int delete(E entity) throws BizErrorEx;

     * 通过PK删除实体信息
     * @param ids
     * @return int
     * @throws BizErrorEx
    public int delete(ID... ids) throws BizErrorEx;

     * 通过PK删除实体信息
     * @param id
     * @return int
     * @throws BizErrorEx
    public int delete(ID id) throws BizErrorEx;

     * 通过Cnd删除实体信息
     * @param cnd
     * @return int
     * @throws BizErrorEx
    public int delete(Cnd cnd) throws BizErrorEx;

     * 通过PK查询实体信息
     * @param id
     * @return E
     * @throws BizErrorEx
    public E findById(ID id) throws BizErrorEx;

     * 通过Cnd条件对象查询实体数目
     * @param cnd
     * @return int
     * @throws BizErrorEx
    public int countByCnd(Cnd cnd) throws BizErrorEx;

     * 查询实体数目
     * @return int
     * @throws BizErrorEx
    public int countAll() throws BizErrorEx;

     * 通过Cnd条件对象查询实体集合
     * @param cnd
     * @return List<E>
     * @throws BizErrorEx
    public List<E> findByCnd(Cnd cnd) throws BizErrorEx;

     * 查询实体集合
     * @return List<E>
     * @throws BizErrorEx
    public List<E> findAll() throws BizErrorEx;

     * 通过Cnd条件对象查询实体
     * @param cnd
     * @return E
     * @throws BizErrorEx
    public E findOneByCnd(Cnd cnd) throws BizErrorEx;

     * 通过Cnd条件对象分页查询实体
     * @param cnd
     * @return PagingResult<E>
     * @throws BizErrorEx
    public Pagination<E> pagingByCnd(Cnd cnd) throws BizErrorEx;

     * 获取多个MAP数据
     * @param cnd
     * @return List<Map<String, Object>>
     * @throws BizErrorEx
    public List<Map<String, Object>> findMapByCnd(Cnd cnd) throws BizErrorEx;

     * 获取多个MAP数据
     * @param cnd
     * @return List<T>
     * @throws BizErrorEx
    public <T> List<T> findMapByCnd(Cnd cnd, Class<T> clazz) throws BizErrorEx;

     * 获取单个MAP数据
     * @param cnd
     * @return Map<String, Object>
     * @throws BizErrorEx
    public Map<String, Object> findMapOneByCnd(Cnd cnd) throws BizErrorEx;

     * 获取单个MAP数据
     * @param cnd
     * @return T
     * @throws BizErrorEx
    public <T> T findMapOneByCnd(Cnd cnd, Class<T> clazz) throws BizErrorEx;

     * 获取单独的字段单条集合
     * @param cnd
     * @param clazz
     * @return T
     * @throws BizErrorEx
    public <T> T findFieldOneByCnd(Cnd cnd, Class<T> clazz) throws BizErrorEx;

     * 获取单独的字段集合
     * @param cnd
     * @param clazz
     * @return List<T>
     * @throws BizErrorEx
    public <T> List<T> findFieldByCnd(Cnd cnd, Class<T> clazz) throws BizErrorEx;







评论 2




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