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今天下午考了六级, 考完了已经对英语已经没有什么希望了,可是官方文档还得看呐 ,闲着没事想从官方文档上翻译一点东西。 小弟不才,不周到之处请批评指正。

package Contains high-level classes encapsulating the
overall Android application model.

An Android application is defined using one or more of Android’s four
core application components. Two such application components are
defined in this package: Activity and Service. The other two
components are from the android.content package: BroadcastReceiver and

An Activity is an application component that provides a screen with
which users can interact in order to do something, such as dial the
phone, take a photo, send an email, or view a map. An activity can
start other activities, including activities that live in separate

A Service is an application component that can perform long-running
operations in the background without a user interface. For example, a
service can handle network transactions, play music, or work with a
content provider without the user being aware of the work going on.

The Fragment class is also an important part of an application’s
design—especially when designing for large screen devices, such as
tablets. A fragment defines a distinct part of an activity’s behavior,
including the associated UI. It has its own lifecycle that is similar
to that of the activity and can exist alongside other fragments that
are embedded in the activity. While an activity is running, you can
add and remove fragments and include each fragment in a back stack
that’s managed by the activity—allowing the user to navigate backwards
through the fragment states, without leaving the activity.

This package also defines application utilities, such as dialogs,
notifications, and the action bar.

For information about using some the classes in this package, see the
following documents:

Contains high-level classes encapsulating the overall Android application model.
包含高级别的类 整体封装到安卓应用模型中

An Android application is defined using one or more of Android’s four core application components. Two such application components are defined in this package: Activity and Service. The other two components are from the android.content package: BroadcastReceiver and ContentProvider.
一个安卓应用程序 被定义使用四大组件中的一个或者多个, 其中有两个这么的组件被定义在了这个包里边 : 有 Activity 和 Service .其他的那两个组件在android.content 包里边定义 ,这两个个组件是 BroadcastReceiver 和 ContentProvider .

An Activity is an application component that provides a screen with which users can interact in order to do something, such as dial the phone, take a photo, send an email, or view a map. An activity can start other activities, including activities that live in separate applications.
一个 Activity 是一个应用程序的组件 这个组件提供带有用户能够交互的屏幕,就好像拨打手机,拍照,发照片发邮箱,后者看地图。一个 activity 能够 开启其他的activity 其中包括那些长在其他应用程序里边的activity(远程activity)

A Service is an application component that can perform long-running operations in the background without a user interface. For example, a service can handle network transactions, play music, or work with a content provider without the user being aware of the work going on.
一个服务是一个应用组件,它能够脱离用户接口 表现的长期运行在后台中。例如: 一个服务能够 处理(handle) 联网的事务,播放音乐, 或者和 contentProvider 内容服务者共同工作, 当用户可以不关心这个工作是否还在运行的时候。

The Fragment class is also an important part of an application’s design—especially when designing for large screen devices, such as tablets. A fragment defines a distinct part of an activity’s behavior, including the associated UI. It has its own lifecycle that is similar to that of the activity and can exist alongside other fragments that are embedded in the activity. While an activity is running, you can add and remove fragments and include each fragment in a back stack that’s managed by the activity—allowing the user to navigate backwards through the fragment states, without leaving the activity.
一个Fragment 类 同样也是一个应用重要组成部分的一个设计, 尤其当设计大屏设备的时候用到, 例如 平板电脑(tablets) 一个fragments (一个片段)定义了不同的活动的(behavior)行为的一部分,包括相关的UI。 它有一个像活动一样的 自己的生命周期 并能与其他fragment 镶嵌(embedded)到活动中, 当一个 活动 正在运行中, 你能够 添加删除 碎片, 包括每个片段的回堆栈由activity-allowing管理用户通过片段州向后导航,不离开。

This package also defines application utilities, such as dialogs, notifications, and the action bar.
这个包还定义了一些应用程序工具, 例如 对话框,通知, 并且工具栏。

For information about using some the classes in this package, see the following documents:Activities, Services, Fragments, Using the Action Bar, Creating Dialogs, and Notifying the User.
寻求更多有关于使用android.app包里的这些类的信息请看: Activities, Services, Fragments, Using the Action Bar, Creating Dialogs, and Notifying the User. 这些类 。

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