ps命令 | linux 手册

PS(1) User Commands PS(1)

ps - report a snapshot of the current processes.

ps [options]

ps displays information about a selection of the active processes. If
you want a repetitive update of the selection and the displayed
information, use top(1) instead.

   This version of ps accepts several kinds of options:

   1   UNIX options, which may be grouped and must be preceded by a dash.
   2   BSD options, which may be grouped and must not be used with a dash.
   3   GNU long options, which are preceded by two dashes.

   Options of different types may be freely mixed, but conflicts can
   appear.	There are some synonymous options, which are functionally
   identical, due to the many standards and ps implementations that this
   ps is compatible with.

   Note that "ps -aux" is distinct from "ps aux".  The POSIX and UNIX
   standards require that "ps -aux" print all processes owned by a user
   named "x", as well as printing all processes that would be selected by
   the -a option.  If the user named "x" does not exist, this ps may
   interpret the command as "ps aux" instead and print a warning.  This
   behavior is intended to aid in transitioning old scripts and habits.
   It is fragile, subject to change, and thus should not be relied upon.

   By default, ps selects all processes with the same effective user ID
   (euid=EUID) as the current user and associated with the same terminal
   as the invoker.	It displays the process ID (pid=PID), the terminal
   associated with the process (tname=TTY), the cumulated CPU time in
   [DD-]hh:mm:ss format (time=TIME), and the executable name (ucmd=CMD).
   Output is unsorted by default.

   The use of BSD-style options will add process state (stat=STAT) to the
   default display and show the command args (args=COMMAND) instead of the
   executable name.	 You can override this with the PS_FORMAT environment
   variable. The use of BSD-style options will also change the process
   selection to include processes on other terminals (TTYs) that are owned
   by you; alternately, this may be described as setting the selection to
   be the set of all processes filtered to exclude processes owned by
   other users or not on a terminal.  These effects are not considered
   when options are described as being "identical" below, so -M will be
   considered identical to Z and so on.

   Except as described below, process selection options are additive.  The
   default selection is discarded, and then the selected processes are
   added to the set of processes to be displayed.  A process will thus be
   shown if it meets any of the given selection criteria.

To see every process on the system using standard syntax:
ps -e
ps -ef
ps -eF
ps -ely

   To see every process on the system using BSD syntax:
  ps ax
  ps axu

   To print a process tree:
  ps -ejH
  ps axjf

   To get info about threads:
  ps -eLf
  ps axms

   To get security info:
  ps -eo euser,ruser,suser,fuser,f,comm,label
  ps axZ
  ps -eM

   To see every process running as root (real & effective ID) in user
  ps -U root -u root u

   To see every process with a user-defined format:
  ps -eo pid,tid,class,rtprio,ni,pri,psr,pcpu,stat,wchan:14,comm
  ps axo stat,euid,ruid,tty,tpgid,sess,pgrp,ppid,pid,pcpu,comm
  ps -Ao pid,tt,user,fname,tmout,f,wchan

   Print only the process IDs of syslogd:
  ps -C syslogd -o pid=

   Print only the name of PID 42:
  ps -q 42 -o comm=

a Lift the BSD-style “only yourself” restriction, which is imposed
upon the set of all processes when some BSD-style (without “-”)
options are used or when the ps personality setting is BSD-like.
The set of processes selected in this manner is in addition to
the set of processes selected by other means. An alternate
description is that this option causes ps to list all processes
with a terminal (tty), or to list all processes when used
together with the x option.

   -A     Select all processes.  Identical to -e.

   -a     Select all processes except both session leaders (see getsid(2))
      and processes not associated with a terminal.

   -d     Select all processes except session leaders.

      Select all processes except those that fulfill the specified
      conditions (negates the selection).  Identical to -N.

   -e     Select all processes.  Identical to -A.

   g      Really all, even session leaders.	 This flag is obsolete and may
      be discontinued in a future release.  It is normally implied by
      the a flag, and is only useful when operating in the sunos4

   -N     Select all processes except those that fulfill the specified
      conditions (negates the selection).  Identical to --deselect.

   T      Select all processes associated with this terminal.  Identical
      to the t option without any argument.

   r      Restrict the selection to only running processes.

   x      Lift the BSD-style "must have a tty" restriction, which is
      imposed upon the set of all processes when some BSD-style
      (without "-") options are used or when the ps personality
      setting is BSD-like.  The set of processes selected in this
      manner is in addition to the set of processes selected by other
      means.  An alternate description is that this option causes ps
      to list all processes owned by you (same EUID as ps), or to list
      all processes when used together with the a option.

These options accept a single argument in the form of a blank-separated
or comma-separated list. They can be used multiple times. For
example: ps -p “1 2” -p 3,4

   -123   Identical to --pid 123.

   123    Identical to --pid 123.

   -C cmdlist
      Select by command name.  This selects the processes whose
      executable name is given in cmdlist.

   -G grplist
      Select by real group ID (RGID) or name.  This selects the
      processes whose real group name or ID is in the grplist list.
      The real group ID identifies the group of the user who created
      the process, see getgid(2).

   -g grplist
      Select by session OR by effective group name.  Selection by
      session is specified by many standards, but selection by
      effective group is the logical behavior that several other
      operating systems use.  This ps will select by session when the
      list is completely numeric (as sessions are).  Group ID numbers
      will work only when some group names are also specified.	See
      the -s and --group options.

   --Group grplist
      Select by real group ID (RGID) or name.  Identical to -G.

   --group grplist
      Select by effective group ID (EGID) or name.  This selects the
      processes whose effective group name or ID is in grplist.	 The
      effective group ID describes the group whose file access
      permissions are used by the process (see getegid(2)).  The -g
      option is often an alternative to --group.

   p pidlist
      Select by process ID.  Identical to -p and --pid.

   -p pidlist
      Select by PID.  This selects the processes whose process ID
      numbers appear in pidlist.  Identical to p and --pid.

   --pid pidlist
      Select by process ID.  Identical to -p and p.

   --ppid pidlist
      Select by parent process ID.  This selects the processes with a
      parent process ID in pidlist.  That is, it selects processes
      that are children of those listed in pidlist.

   q pidlist
      Select by process ID (quick mode).  Identical to -q and

   -q pidlist
      Select by PID (quick mode).  This selects the processes whose
      process ID numbers appear in pidlist.  With this option ps reads
      the necessary info only for the pids listed in the pidlist and
      doesn't apply additional filtering rules. The order of pids is
      unsorted and preserved. No additional selection options, sorting
      and forest type listings are allowed in this mode.  Identical to
      q and --quick-pid.

   --quick-pid pidlist
      Select by process ID (quick mode).  Identical to -q and q.

   -s sesslist
      Select by session ID.  This selects the processes with a session
      ID specified in sesslist.

   --sid sesslist
      Select by session ID.  Identical to -s.

   t ttylist
      Select by tty.  Nearly identical to -t and --tty, but can also
      be used with an empty ttylist to indicate the terminal
      associated with ps.  Using the T option is considered cleaner
      than using t with an empty ttylist.

   -t ttylist
      Select by tty.  This selects the processes associated with the
      terminals given in ttylist.  Terminals (ttys, or screens for
      text output) can be specified in several forms: /dev/ttyS1,
      ttyS1, S1.  A plain "-" may be used to select processes not
      attached to any terminal.

   --tty ttylist
      Select by terminal.  Identical to -t and t.

   U userlist
      Select by effective user ID (EUID) or name.  This selects the
      processes whose effective user name or ID is in userlist.	 The
      effective user ID describes the user whose file access
      permissions are used by the process (see geteuid(2)).  Identical
      to -u and --user.

   -U userlist
      Select by real user ID (RUID) or name.  It selects the processes
      whose real user name or ID is in the userlist list.  The real
      user ID identifies the user who created the process, see

   -u userlist
      Select by effective user ID (EUID) or name.  This selects the
      processes whose effective user name or ID is in userlist.

      The effective user ID describes the user whose file access
      permissions are used by the process (see geteuid(2)).  Identical
      to U and --user.

   --User userlist
      Select by real user ID (RUID) or name.  Identical to -U.

   --user userlist
      Select by effective user ID (EUID) or name.  Identical to -u and

These options are used to choose the information displayed by ps. The
output may differ by personality.

   -c     Show different scheduler information for the -l option.

      Display security context format (for SELinux).

   -f     Do full-format listing. This option can be combined with many
      other UNIX-style options to add additional columns.  It also
      causes the command arguments to be printed.  When used with -L,
      the NLWP (number of threads) and LWP (thread ID) columns will be
      added.  See the c option, the format keyword args, and the
      format keyword comm.

   -F     Extra full format.  See the -f option, which -F implies.

   --format format
      user-defined format.  Identical to -o and o.

   j      BSD job control format.

   -j     Jobs format.

   l      Display BSD long format.

   -l     Long format.  The -y option is often useful with this.

   -M     Add a column of security data.  Identical to Z (for SELinux).

   O format
      is preloaded o (overloaded).  The BSD O option can act like -O
      (user-defined output format with some common fields predefined)
      or can be used to specify sort order.  Heuristics are used to
      determine the behavior of this option.  To ensure that the
      desired behavior is obtained (sorting or formatting), specify
      the option in some other way (e.g.  with -O or --sort).  When
      used as a formatting option, it is identical to -O, with the BSD

   -O format
      Like -o, but preloaded with some default columns.	 Identical to
      -o pid,format,state,tname,time,command or -o pid,format,tname,
      time,cmd, see -o below.

   o format
      Specify user-defined format.  Identical to -o and --format.

   -o format
      User-defined format.  format is a single argument in the form of
      a blank-separated or comma-separated list, which offers a way to
      specify individual output columns.  The recognized keywords are
      described in the STANDARD FORMAT SPECIFIERS section below.
      Headers may be renamed (ps -o pid,ruser=RealUser -o
      comm=Command) as desired.	 If all column headers are empty (ps
      -o pid= -o comm=) then the header line will not be output.
      Column width will increase as needed for wide headers; this may
      be used to widen up columns such as WCHAN (ps -o pid,wchan=WIDE-
      WCHAN-COLUMN -o comm).  Explicit width control (ps opid,
      wchan:42,cmd) is offered too.  The behavior of ps -o pid=X,
      comm=Y varies with personality; output may be one column named
      "X,comm=Y" or two columns named "X" and "Y".  Use multiple -o
      options when in doubt.  Use the PS_FORMAT environment variable
      to specify a default as desired; DefSysV and DefBSD are macros
      that may be used to choose the default UNIX or BSD columns.

   s      Display signal format.

   u      Display user-oriented format.

   v      Display virtual memory format.

   X      Register format.

   -y     Do not show flags; show rss in place of addr.  This option can
      only be used with -l.

   Z      Add a column of security data.  Identical to -M (for SELinux).

c Show the true command name. This is derived from the name of
the executable file, rather than from the argv value. Command
arguments and any modifications to them are thus not shown.
This option effectively turns the args format keyword into the
comm format keyword; it is useful with the -f format option and
with the various BSD-style format options, which all normally
display the command arguments. See the -f option, the format
keyword args, and the format keyword comm.

   --cols n
      Set screen width.

   --columns n
      Set screen width.

      Include some dead child process data (as a sum with the parent).

   e      Show the environment after the command.

   f      ASCII art process hierarchy (forest).

      ASCII art process tree.

   h      No header.  (or, one header per screen in the BSD personality).
      The h option is problematic.  Standard BSD ps uses this option
      to print a header on each page of output, but older Linux ps
      uses this option to totally disable the header.  This version of
      ps follows the Linux usage of not printing the header unless the
      BSD personality has been selected, in which case it prints a
      header on each page of output.  Regardless of the current
      personality, you can use the long options --headers and
      --no-headers to enable printing headers each page or disable
      headers entirely, respectively.

   -H     Show process hierarchy (forest).

      Repeat header lines, one per page of output.

   k spec Specify sorting order.  Sorting syntax is
      [+|-]key[,[+|-]key[,...]].  Choose a multi-letter key from the
      STANDARD FORMAT SPECIFIERS section.  The "+" is optional since
      default direction is increasing numerical or lexicographic
      order.  Identical to --sort.

	      ps jaxkuid,-ppid,+pid
	      ps axk comm o comm,args
	      ps kstart_time -ef

   --lines n
      Set screen height.

   -n namelist
      Set namelist file.  Identical to N.  The namelist file is needed
      for a proper WCHAN display, and must match the current Linux
      kernel exactly for correct output.  Without this option, the
      default search path for the namelist is:

	      /boot/$(uname -r)
	      /lib/modules/$(uname -r)/

   n      Numeric output for WCHAN and USER (including all types of UID
      and GID).

   N namelist
      Specify namelist file.  Identical to -n, see -n above.

      Print no header line at all.  --no-heading is an alias for this

   O order
      Sorting order (overloaded).  The BSD O option can act like -O
      (user-defined output format with some common fields predefined)
      or can be used to specify sort order.  Heuristics are used to
      determine the behavior of this option.  To ensure that the
      desired behavior is obtained (sorting or formatting), specify
      the option in some other way (e.g.  with -O or --sort).

      For sorting, obsolete BSD O option syntax is
      O[+|-]k1[,[+|-]k2[,...]].	 It orders the processes listing
      according to the multilevel sort specified by the sequence of
      one-letter short keys k1,k2, ...	described in the OBSOLETE SORT
      KEYS section below.  The "+" is currently optional, merely
      re-iterating the default direction on a key, but may help to
      distinguish an O sort from an O format.  The "-" reverses
      direction only on the key it precedes.

   --rows n
      Set screen height.

   S      Sum up some information, such as CPU usage, from dead child
      processes into their parent.  This is useful for examining a
      system where a parent process repeatedly forks off short-lived
      children to do work.

   --sort spec
      Specify sorting order.  Sorting syntax is
      [+|-]key[,[+|-]key[,...]].  Choose a multi-letter key from the
      STANDARD FORMAT SPECIFIERS section.  The "+" is optional since
      default direction is increasing numerical or lexicographic
      order.  Identical to k.  For example: ps jax --sort=uid,-ppid,

   w      Wide output.  Use this option twice for unlimited width.

   -w     Wide output.  Use this option twice for unlimited width.

   --width n
      Set screen width.

H Show threads as if they were processes.

   -L     Show threads, possibly with LWP and NLWP columns.

   m      Show threads after processes.

   -m     Show threads after processes.

   -T     Show threads, possibly with SPID column.

–help section
Print a help message. The section argument can be one of
simple, list, output, threads, misc or all. The argument can be
shortened to one of the underlined letters as in: s|l|o|t|m|a.

   --info Print debugging info.

   L      List all format specifiers.

   V      Print the procps-ng version.

   -V     Print the procps-ng version.

      Print the procps-ng version.

This ps works by reading the virtual files in /proc. This ps does not
need to be setuid kmem or have any privileges to run. Do not give this
ps any special permissions.

   This ps needs access to namelist data for proper WCHAN display.	For
   kernels prior to 2.6, the file must be installed.

   CPU usage is currently expressed as the percentage of time spent
   running during the entire lifetime of a process.	 This is not ideal,
   and it does not conform to the standards that ps otherwise conforms to.
   CPU usage is unlikely to add up to exactly 100%.

   The SIZE and RSS fields don't count some parts of a process including
   the page tables, kernel stack, struct thread_info, and struct
   task_struct.  This is usually at least 20 KiB of memory that is always
   resident.  SIZE is the virtual size of the process (code+data+stack).

   Processes marked <defunct> are dead processes (so-called "zombies")
   that remain because their parent has not destroyed them properly.
   These processes will be destroyed by init(8) if the parent process

   If the length of the username is greater than the length of the display
   column, the numeric user ID is displayed instead.

   Commands options such as ps -aux are not recommended as it is a
   confusion of two different standards.  According to the POSIX and UNIX
   standards, the above command asks to display all processes with a TTY
   (generally the commands users are running) plus all processes owned by
   a user named "x".  If that user doesn't exist, then ps will assume you
   really meant "ps aux".

The sum of these values is displayed in the “F” column, which is
provided by the flags output specifier:

       1    forked but didn't exec
       4    used super-user privileges

Here are the different values that the s, stat and state output
specifiers (header “STAT” or “S”) will display to describe the state of
a process:

       D    uninterruptible sleep (usually IO)
       R    running or runnable (on run queue)
       S    interruptible sleep (waiting for an event to complete)
       T    stopped by job control signal
       t    stopped by debugger during the tracing
       W    paging (not valid since the 2.6.xx kernel)
       X    dead (should never be seen)
       Z    defunct ("zombie") process, terminated but not reaped by
	    its parent

   For BSD formats and when the stat keyword is used, additional
   characters may be displayed:

       <    high-priority (not nice to other users)
       N    low-priority (nice to other users)
       L    has pages locked into memory (for real-time and custom IO)
       s    is a session leader
       l    is multi-threaded (using CLONE_THREAD, like NPTL pthreads
       +    is in the foreground process group

These keys are used by the BSD O option (when it is used for sorting).
The GNU --sort option doesn’t use these keys, but the specifiers
described below in the STANDARD FORMAT SPECIFIERS section. Note that
the values used in sorting are the internal values ps uses and not the
“cooked” values used in some of the output format fields (e.g. sorting
on tty will sort into device number, not according to the terminal name
displayed). Pipe ps output into the sort(1) command if you want to
sort the cooked values.

   c     cmd	  simple name of executable
   C     pcpu	  cpu utilization
   f     flags	  flags as in long format F field
   g     pgrp	  process group ID
   G     tpgid	  controlling tty process group ID
   j     cutime	  cumulative user time
   J     cstime	  cumulative system time
   k     utime	  user time
   m     min_flt	  number of minor page faults
   M     maj_flt	  number of major page faults
   n     cmin_flt	  cumulative minor page faults
   N     cmaj_flt	  cumulative major page faults
   o     session	  session ID
   p     pid	  process ID
   P     ppid	  parent process ID
   r     rss	  resident set size
   R     resident	  resident pages
   s     size	  memory size in kilobytes
   S     share	  amount of shared pages
   t     tty	  the device number of the controlling tty
   T     start_time	  time process was started
   U     uid	  user ID number
   u     user	  user name
   v     vsize	  total VM size in KiB
   y     priority	  kernel scheduling priority

This ps supports AIX format descriptors, which work somewhat like the
formatting codes of printf(1) and printf(3). For example, the normal
default output can be produced with this: ps -eo “%p %y %x %c”. The
NORMAL codes are described in the next section.

   %C     pcpu     %CPU
   %G     group    GROUP
   %P     ppid     PPID
   %U     user     USER
   %a     args     COMMAND
   %c     comm     COMMAND
   %g     rgroup   RGROUP
   %n     nice     NI
   %p     pid      PID
   %r     pgid     PGID
   %t     etime    ELAPSED
   %u     ruser    RUSER
   %x     time     TIME
   %y     tty      TTY

   %z     vsz      VSZ

Here are the different keywords that may be used to control the output
format (e.g. with option -o) or to sort the selected processes with the
GNU-style --sort option.

   For example: ps -eo pid,user,args --sort user

   This version of ps tries to recognize most of the keywords used in
   other implementations of ps.

   The following user-defined format specifiers may contain spaces:
   args, cmd, comm, command, fname, ucmd, ucomm, lstart, bsdstart, start.

   Some keywords may not be available for sorting.


   %cpu	   %CPU	     cpu utilization of the process in "##.#" format.
		     Currently, it is the CPU time used divided by the
		     time the process has been running
		     (cputime/realtime ratio), expressed as a
		     percentage.  It will not add up to 100% unless
		     you are lucky.  (alias pcpu).

   %mem	   %MEM	     ratio of the process's resident set size  to the
		     physical memory on the machine, expressed as a
		     percentage.  (alias pmem).

   args	   COMMAND   command with all its arguments as a string.
		     Modifications to the arguments may be shown.  The
		     output in this column may contain spaces.	A
		     process marked <defunct> is partly dead, waiting
		     to be fully destroyed by its parent.  Sometimes
		     the process args will be unavailable; when this
		     happens, ps will instead print the executable
		     name in brackets.	(alias cmd, command).  See
		     also the comm format keyword, the -f option, and
		     the c option.
		     When specified last, this column will extend to
		     the edge of the display.  If ps can not determine
		     display width, as when output is redirected
		     (piped) into a file or another command, the
		     output width is undefined (it may be 80,
		     unlimited, determined by the TERM variable, and
		     so on).  The COLUMNS environment variable or
		     --cols option may be used to exactly determine
		     the width in this case.  The w or -w option may
		     be also be used to adjust width.

   blocked	   BLOCKED   mask of the blocked signals, see signal(7).
		     According to the width of the field, a 32 or
		     64-bit mask in hexadecimal format is displayed.
		     (alias sig_block, sigmask).

   bsdstart	   START     time the command started.	If the process was
		     started less than 24 hours ago, the output format
		     is " HH:MM", else it is " Mmm:SS" (where Mmm is
		     the three letters of the month).  See also
		     lstart, start, start_time, and stime.

   bsdtime	   TIME	     accumulated cpu time, user + system.  The display
		     format is usually "MMM:SS", but can be shifted to
		     the right if the process used more than 999
		     minutes of cpu time.

   c	   C	     processor utilization. Currently, this is the
		     integer value of the percent usage over the
		     lifetime of the process.  (see %cpu).

   caught	   CAUGHT    mask of the caught signals, see signal(7).
		     According to the width of the field, a 32 or 64
		     bits mask in hexadecimal format is displayed.
		     (alias sig_catch, sigcatch).

   cgroup	   CGROUP    display control groups to which the process

   class	   CLS	     scheduling class of the process.  (alias
		     policy, cls).  Field's possible values are:

			      -	  not reported
			      TS  SCHED_OTHER
			      FF  SCHED_FIFO
			      RR  SCHED_RR
			      B	  SCHED_BATCH
			      ISO SCHED_ISO
			      ?	  unknown value

   cls	   CLS	     scheduling class of the process.  (alias
		     policy, cls).  Field's possible values are:

			      -	  not reported
			      TS  SCHED_OTHER
			      FF  SCHED_FIFO
			      RR  SCHED_RR
			      B	  SCHED_BATCH
			      ISO SCHED_ISO
			      ?	  unknown value

   cmd	   CMD	     see args.	(alias args, command).

   comm	   COMMAND   command name (only the executable name).
		     Modifications to the command name will not be
		     shown.  A process marked <defunct> is partly
		     dead, waiting to be fully destroyed by its
		     parent.  The output in this column may contain
		     spaces.  (alias ucmd, ucomm).  See also the args
		     format keyword, the -f option, and the c option.
		     When specified last, this column will extend to
		     the edge of the display.  If ps can not determine
		     display width, as when output is redirected
		     (piped) into a file or another command, the
		     output width is undefined (it may be 80,
		     unlimited, determined by the TERM variable, and
		     so on).  The COLUMNS environment variable or
		     --cols option may be used to exactly determine
		     the width in this case.  The w or -w option may
		     be also be used to adjust width.

   command	   COMMAND   See args.	(alias args, command).

   cp	   CP	     per-mill (tenths of a percent) CPU usage.	(see

   cputime	   TIME	     cumulative CPU time, "[DD-]hh:mm:ss" format.
		     (alias time).

   drs	   DRS	     data resident set size, the amount of physical
		     memory devoted to other than executable code.

   egid	   EGID	     effective group ID number of the process as a
		     decimal integer.  (alias gid).

   egroup	   EGROUP    effective group ID of the process.	 This will be
		     the textual group ID, if it can be obtained and
		     the field width permits, or a decimal
		     representation otherwise.	(alias group).

   eip	   EIP	     instruction pointer.

   esp	   ESP	     stack pointer.

   etime	   ELAPSED   elapsed time since the process was started, in
		     the form [[DD-]hh:]mm:ss.

   etimes	   ELAPSED   elapsed time since the process was started, in

   euid	   EUID	     effective user ID (alias uid).

   euser	   EUSER     effective user name.  This will be the textual
		     user ID, if it can be obtained and the field
		     width permits, or a decimal representation
		     otherwise.	 The n option can be used to force the
		     decimal representation.  (alias uname, user).

   f	   F	     flags associated with the process, see the
		     PROCESS FLAGS section.  (alias flag, flags).

   fgid	   FGID	     filesystem access group ID.  (alias fsgid).

   fgroup	   FGROUP    filesystem access group ID.  This will be the
		     textual group ID, if it can be obtained and the
		     field width permits, or a decimal representation
		     otherwise.	 (alias fsgroup).

   flag	   F	     see f.  (alias f, flags).

   flags	   F	     see f.  (alias f, flag).

   fname	   COMMAND   first 8 bytes of the base name of the process's
		     executable file.  The output in this column may
		     contain spaces.

   fuid	   FUID	     filesystem access user ID.	 (alias fsuid).

   fuser	   FUSER     filesystem access user ID.	 This will be the
		     textual user ID, if it can be obtained and the
		     field width permits, or a decimal representation

   gid	   GID	     see egid.	(alias egid).

   group	   GROUP     see egroup.  (alias egroup).

   ignored	   IGNORED   mask of the ignored signals, see signal(7).
		     According to the width of the field, a 32 or 64
		     bits mask in hexadecimal format is displayed.
		     (alias sig_ignore, sigignore).

   ipcns	   IPCNS     Unique inode number describing the namespace the
		     process belongs to. See namespaces(7).

   label	   LABEL     security label, most commonly used for SELinux
		     context data.  This is for the Mandatory Access
		     Control ("MAC") found on high-security systems.

   lstart	   STARTED   time the command started.	See also
		     bsdstart, start, start_time, and stime.

   lsession	   SESSION   displays the login session identifier of a
		     process, if systemd support has been included.

   luid	   LUID	     displays Login ID associated with a process.

   lwp	   LWP	     light weight process (thread) ID of the
		     dispatchable entity (alias spid, tid).  See tid
		     for additional information.

   machine	   MACHINE   displays the machine name for processes assigned
		     to VM or container, if systemd support has been

   maj_flt	   MAJFLT    The number of major page faults that have
		     occurred with this process.

   min_flt	   MINFLT    The number of minor page faults that have
		     occurred with this process.

   mntns	   MNTNS     Unique inode number describing the namespace the
		     process belongs to. See namespaces(7).

   netns	   NETNS     Unique inode number describing the namespace the
		     process belongs to. See namespaces(7).

   ni	   NI	     nice value. This ranges from 19 (nicest) to -20
		     (not nice to others), see nice(1).	 (alias nice).

   nice	   NI	     see ni.(alias ni).

   nlwp	   NLWP	     number of lwps (threads) in the process.  (alias

   nwchan	   WCHAN     address of the kernel function where the process
		     is sleeping (use wchan if you want the kernel
		     function name).  Running tasks will display a
		     dash ('-') in this column.

   ouid	   OWNER     displays the Unix user identifier of the owner of
		     the session of a process, if systemd support has
		     been included.

   pcpu	   %CPU	     see %cpu.	(alias %cpu).

   pending	   PENDING   mask of the pending signals. See signal(7).
		     Signals pending on the process are distinct from
		     signals pending on individual threads.  Use the m
		     option or the -m option to see both.  According
		     to the width of the field, a 32 or 64 bits mask
		     in hexadecimal format is displayed.  (alias sig).

   pgid	   PGID	     process group ID or, equivalently, the process ID
		     of the process group leader.  (alias pgrp).

   pgrp	   PGRP	     see pgid.	(alias pgid).

   pid	   PID	     a number representing the process ID (alias

   pidns	   PIDNS     Unique inode number describing the namespace the
		     process belongs to. See namespaces(7).

   pmem	   %MEM	     see %mem.	(alias %mem).

   policy	   POL	     scheduling class of the process.  (alias
		     class, cls).  Possible values are:

			      -	  not reported
			      TS  SCHED_OTHER
			      FF  SCHED_FIFO
			      RR  SCHED_RR
			      B	  SCHED_BATCH
			      ISO SCHED_ISO
			      ?	  unknown value

   ppid	   PPID	     parent process ID.

   pri	   PRI	     priority of the process.  Higher number means
		     lower priority.

   psr	   PSR	     processor that process is currently assigned to.

   rgid	   RGID	     real group ID.

   rgroup	   RGROUP    real group name.  This will be the textual group
		     ID, if it can be obtained and the field width
		     permits, or a decimal representation otherwise.

   rss	   RSS	     resident set size, the non-swapped physical
		     memory that a task has used (in kiloBytes).
		     (alias rssize, rsz).

   rssize	   RSS	     see rss.  (alias rss, rsz).

   rsz	   RSZ	     see rss.  (alias rss, rssize).

   rtprio	   RTPRIO    realtime priority.

   ruid	   RUID	     real user ID.

   ruser	   RUSER     real user ID.  This will be the textual user ID,
		     if it can be obtained and the field width
		     permits, or a decimal representation otherwise.

   s	   S	     minimal state display (one character).  See
		     section PROCESS STATE CODES for the different
		     values.  See also stat if you want additional
		     information displayed.  (alias state).

   sched	   SCH	     scheduling policy of the process.	The policies
		     SCHED_DEADLINE are respectively displayed as 0,
		     1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6.

   seat	   SEAT	     displays the identifier associated with all
		     hardware devices assigned to a specific
		     workplace, if systemd support has been included.

   sess	   SESS	     session ID or, equivalently, the process ID of
		     the session leader.  (alias session, sid).

   sgi_p	   P	     processor that the process is currently executing
		     on.  Displays "*" if the process is not currently
		     running or runnable.

   sgid	   SGID	     saved group ID.  (alias svgid).

   sgroup	   SGROUP    saved group name.	This will be the textual group
		     ID, if it can be obtained and the field width
		     permits, or a decimal representation otherwise.

   sid	   SID	     see sess.	(alias sess, session).

   sig	   PENDING   see pending.  (alias pending, sig_pend).

   sigcatch	   CAUGHT    see caught.  (alias caught, sig_catch).

   sigignore   IGNORED   see ignored.  (alias ignored, sig_ignore).

   sigmask	   BLOCKED   see blocked.  (alias blocked, sig_block).

   size	   SIZE	     approximate amount of swap space that would be
		     required if the process were to dirty all
		     writable pages and then be swapped out.  This
		     number is very rough!

   slice	   SLICE     displays the slice unit which a process belongs
		     to, if systemd support has been included.

   spid	   SPID	     see lwp.  (alias lwp, tid).

   stackp	   STACKP    address of the bottom (start) of stack for the

   start	   STARTED   time the command started.	If the process was
		     started less than 24 hours ago, the output format
		     is "HH:MM:SS", else it is "  Mmm dd" (where Mmm
		     is a three-letter month name).  See also
		     lstart, bsdstart, start_time, and stime.

   start_time  START     starting time or date of the process.  Only the
		     year will be displayed if the process was not
		     started the same year ps was invoked, or "MmmDD"
		     if it was not started the same day, or "HH:MM"
		     otherwise.	 See also bsdstart, start, lstart,
		     and stime.

   stat	   STAT	     multi-character process state.  See section
		     PROCESS STATE CODES for the different values
		     meaning.  See also s and state if you just want
		     the first character displayed.

   state	   S	     see s. (alias s).

   suid	   SUID	     saved user ID.  (alias svuid).

   supgid	   SUPGID    group ids of supplementary groups, if any.	 See

   supgrp	   SUPGRP    group names of supplementary groups, if any.  See

   suser	   SUSER     saved user name.  This will be the textual user
		     ID, if it can be obtained and the field width
		     permits, or a decimal representation otherwise.
		     (alias svuser).

   svgid	   SVGID     see sgid.	(alias sgid).

   svuid	   SVUID     see suid.	(alias suid).

   sz	   SZ	     size in physical pages of the core image of the
		     process.  This includes text, data, and stack
		     space.  Device mappings are currently excluded;
		     this is subject to change.	 See vsz and rss.

   tgid	   TGID	     a number representing the thread group to which a
		     task belongs (alias pid).	It is the process ID
		     of the thread group leader.

   thcgr	   THCGR     display control groups to which the thread

   thcount	   THCNT     see nlwp.	(alias nlwp).  number of kernel
		     threads owned by the process.

   tid	   TID	     the unique number representing a dispatchable
		     entity (alias lwp, spid).	This value may also
		     appear as: a process ID (pid); a process group ID
		     (pgrp); a session ID for the session leader
		     (sid); a thread group ID for the thread group
		     leader (tgid); and a tty process group ID for the
		     process group leader (tpgid).

   time	   TIME	     cumulative CPU time, "[DD-]HH:MM:SS" format.
		     (alias cputime).

   tname	   TTY	     controlling tty (terminal).  (alias tt, tty).

   tpgid	   TPGID     ID of the foreground process group on the tty
		     (terminal) that the process is connected to, or
		     -1 if the process is not connected to a tty.

   trs	   TRS	     text resident set size, the amount of physical
		     memory devoted to executable code.

   tt	   TT	     controlling tty (terminal).  (alias tname, tty).

   tty	   TT	     controlling tty (terminal).  (alias tname, tt).

   ucmd	   CMD	     see comm.	(alias comm, ucomm).

   ucomm	   COMMAND   see comm.	(alias comm, ucmd).

   uid	   UID	     see euid.	(alias euid).

   uname	   USER	     see euser.	 (alias euser, user).

   unit	   UNIT	     displays unit which a process belongs to, if
		     systemd support has been included.

   user	   USER	     see euser.	 (alias euser, uname).

   userns	   USERNS    Unique inode number describing the namespace the
		     process belongs to. See namespaces(7).

   utsns	   UTSNS     Unique inode number describing the namespace the
		     process belongs to. See namespaces(7).

   uunit	   UUNIT     displays user unit which a process belongs to, if
		     systemd support has been included.

   vsize	   VSZ	     see vsz.  (alias vsz).

   vsz	   VSZ	     virtual memory size of the process in KiB
		     (1024-byte units).	 Device mappings are currently
		     excluded; this is subject to change.  (alias

   wchan	   WCHAN     name of the kernel function in which the process
		     is sleeping, a "-" if the process is running, or
		     a "*" if the process is multi-threaded and ps is
		     not displaying threads.

The following environment variables could affect ps:

  Override default display width.

  Override default display height.

  Set to one of posix, old, linux, bsd, sun, digital...	 (see section

  Set to one of posix, old, linux, bsd, sun, digital...	 (see section

  Force obsolete command line interpretation.

  Date format.

  Not currently supported.

  Default output format override. You may set this to a format string
  of the type used for the -o option.  The DefSysV and DefBSD values
  are particularly useful.

  Default namelist ( location.

  Default namelist ( location.

  Don't find excuses to ignore bad "features".

  When set to "on", acts as POSIXLY_CORRECT.

  Don't find excuses to ignore bad "features".

  Cancel CMD_ENV=irix non-standard behavior.

   In general, it is a bad idea to set these variables.  The one exception
   is CMD_ENV or PS_PERSONALITY, which could be set to Linux for normal
   systems.	 Without that setting, ps follows the useless and bad parts of
   the Unix98 standard.

390 like the OS/390 OpenEdition ps
aix like AIX ps
bsd like FreeBSD ps (totally non-standard)
compaq like Digital Unix ps
debian like the old Debian ps
digital like Tru64 (was Digital Unix, was OSF/1) ps
gnu like the old Debian ps
hp like HP-UX ps
hpux like HP-UX ps
irix like Irix ps
linux ***** recommended *****

   old	  like the original Linux ps (totally non-standard)
   os390	  like OS/390 Open Edition ps
   posix	  standard
   s390	  like OS/390 Open Edition ps
   sco	  like SCO ps
   sgi	  like Irix ps
   solaris2	  like Solaris 2+ (SunOS 5) ps
   sunos4	  like SunOS 4 (Solaris 1) ps (totally non-standard)
   svr4	  standard
   sysv	  standard
   tru64	  like Tru64 (was Digital Unix, was OSF/1) ps
   unix	  standard
   unix95	  standard
   unix98	  standard

pgrep(1), pstree(1), top(1), proc(5).

This ps conforms to:

   1   Version 2 of the Single Unix Specification
   2   The Open Group Technical Standard Base Specifications, Issue 6
   3   IEEE Std 1003.1, 2004 Edition
   4   X/Open System Interfaces Extension [UP XSI]
   5   ISO/IEC 9945:2003

ps was originally written by Branko Lankester ⟨⟩.
Michael K. Johnson ⟨⟩ re-wrote it significantly to
use the proc filesystem, changing a few things in the process. Michael
Shields ⟨⟩ added the pid-list feature. Charles
Blake ⟨⟩ added multi-level sorting, the dirent-style
library, the device name-to-number mmaped database, the approximate
binary search directly on, and many code and documentation
cleanups. David Mossberger-Tang wrote the generic BFD support for
psupdate. Albert Cahalan ⟨⟩ rewrote ps for full
Unix98 and BSD support, along with some ugly hacks for obsolete and
foreign syntax.

   Please send bug reports to ⟨⟩.  No subscription is
   required or suggested.

procps-ng July 2014 PS(1)

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