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转载 css 水平的垂直文字菜单

#vertical {width:15em;padding:0;margin:0 auto;list-style-type:none;font-size:1.4em;font-family:georgia, "times new roman", serif;}#vertical li {float:left;border:0.2em solid #eee;margin:0.1em;}#vertic

2006-11-19 22:52:00 367

转载 平滑圆角水平菜单

#pointermenu{border-top: 7px solid black; /*optional border across top*/margin: 0;padding: 0;}#pointermenu ul{margin: 0;margin-left: 15px; /*菜单距离窗口左边的距离*/float: left;padding-left: 8px;font: bold 13px

2006-11-19 22:49:00 332

转载 斜边水平CSS菜单

#slantedmenu{font-weight: bold;font-size: 90%;}#slantedmenu:after{ /*在FF中增加菜单末尾的边距*/content: ".";display: block;height: 0;clear: both;visibility: hidden;}#slantedmenu ul{text-indent: 10px;padding: 3px

2006-11-19 22:45:00 592

转载 css 可爱的圆角菜单

/*定义菜单的主框架*/#outer ul {margin:3em; padding:0; list-style-type:none; background:transparent; height:3em;}/*菜单选项向左浮动,达到水平效果*/#outer li {display:block; float:left;}/*这个outer是外面灰色的div部分,可以改成别的颜色*/#outer {

2006-11-19 22:42:00 560

转载 css 非常酷的渐变水平菜单

#stylefour{position:relative;display:block;height:39px;font-size:11px;font-weight:bold;background:transparent url(media/bgOFF.gif) repeat-x top left;font-family:Arial,Verdana,Helvitica,sans-serif;bord

2006-11-19 22:36:00 406

转载 css 固定垂直边栏

*{margin:0;padding:0;}html,body{ background:#F0DFDB; height:100%; width:100%; overflow:hidden}#wrap{ height:100%; overflow:auto; overflow-x:hidden; width:100%}h3{ font-size:18px; }p{ padding:20px; }#h

2006-11-19 22:21:00 374

转载 三行(三列:内容+2边栏)内容处于两边栏上方(100%)

#header去掉默认的样式:*,html,body{margin:0; padding:0;}#header:#header{ width:100%; background:#A94E38; color:#F0DFDB;}#content#content{ width:100%; float:left; background:#fff; }放在两bar的前面左浮动

2006-11-19 22:20:00 305

转载 三行(三列:内容+2边栏) 100%宽,bar| content | bar

#header去掉默认的样式:*,html,body{margin:0;padding:0;}#header:#header{ width:100%; background:#A94E38; color:#F0DFDB;}注意:要针对IE的DIV下掉问题,可以在float的DIV里加上overflow:hidden来解决。 #bar-l#bar{width:30%; flo

2006-11-19 22:19:00 317

转载 三行(两列:边栏+内容) 780px固定宽,靠左

#header首先将*,html,body的margin换成了margin:0 auto 0 0;这样基本所包含的元素都能自动靠左。接下来限制下#wrap的宽度,换成780px;那么包含在里面的元素依然可以使用百分比宽度,只不过是相对于#wrap的宽度而已。#wrap{ width:780px; }#header{ width:100%; background:#A94E38; color

2006-11-19 22:16:00 342

转载 三行(两列:边栏+内容) (1)

#header#header{ width:100%; background:#A94E38; color:#F0DFDB;} 高度自动,宽度100% 提示:先去掉html的初始样式 *,html,body{margin:0;padding:0;}#bar#bar{width:30%; float:left; background:#eee }左浮动,宽30%

2006-11-19 22:11:00 316

转载 三行(一列:内容)(2)

#header{ width:780px; background:#A94E38; color:#F0DFDB} 高度自动,宽度780px 提示:先去掉body的初始样式,并将margin设置为0 auto便可实现居中 *,html,body{margin:0 auto;padding:0;}#content#content{ width:780px; background

2006-11-19 22:10:00 265

转载 三行(一列:内容)(1)

#header{ width:100%; background:#A94E38; color:#F0DFDB} 高度自动,宽度100% 提示:先去掉body的初始样式 *,html,body{margin:0;padding:0;}#content#content{ width:100%; background:#fff} 只是定义了宽度为100%,背景为白色与body色加

2006-11-19 22:09:00 344

转载 HTTP状态消息

When a browser requests a service from a web server, an error might occur.当浏览器向web服务器请求服务的时候可能会产生错误This is a list of HTTP status messages that might be returned:下面是所有这些错误所返回的HTTP状态消息列表1xx: 信息

2006-11-19 21:01:00 429


HTML and XHTML uses standard 7-BIT ASCII when transmitting data over the Web.HTML与XHTML都是使用标准的7-位 ASCII码来进行页面间数据的传输的7-BIT ASCII represents 128 different character values (0-127).7-位ASCII码代表了128个不同的字

2006-11-19 21:00:00 633

转载 XHTML 标准属性

HTML tags can have attributes. The special attributes for each tag are listed under each tag description. The attributes listed here are the core and language attributes that are standard for all tags

2006-11-19 20:58:00 302

转载 XHTML 事件属性

New to HTML 4.0 was the ability to let HTML events trigger actions in the browser, like starting a JavaScript when a user clicks on an HTML element. Below is a list of attributes that can be inserted

2006-11-19 20:58:00 208

转载 XHTML 标签列表

Ordered Alphabetically按字母排序 NN: indicates the earliest version of Netscape that supports the tag表示Netscape支持该标签的最早版本 IE: indicates the earliest version of Internet Explorer that supports

2006-11-19 20:57:00 252

转载 XHTML 属性

XHTML tags can have attributes. The special attributes for each tag are listed under each tag description. The attributes listed here are the core and language attributes that are standard for all tag

2006-11-19 20:56:00 222

转载 XHTML 事件

New to HTML 4.0 was the ability to let HTML events trigger actions in the browser, like starting a JavaScript when a user clicks on an HTML element. Below is a list of attributes that can be inserted

2006-11-19 20:56:00 206

转载 XHTML 模块

Why XHTML Modularization?为什么XHTML会模块化?XHTML is a simple, but large language. XHTML contains most of the functionality a web developer will need.XHTML语言既简单又庞大语言。其函盖了WEB开发人员所需的所有功能For some purpose

2006-11-19 20:55:00 284

转载 XHTML 校验

怎样转换成 XHTML XHTML 模块 An XHTML document is validated against a Document Type Definition.依靠文档类型定义来校验XHTML文档。Validate XHTML With A DTD通过DTD校验XHTMLAn XHTML document is validated against a Docum

2006-11-19 20:54:00 242


XHTML 语法 怎样转换成 XHTML The XHTML standard defines three Document Type Definitions.XHTML标准制订了三种文档类型定义The most common is the XHTML Transitional.使用最普遍的是XHTML过渡型类型 Is Mandatory必须得有An XHTML docu

2006-11-19 20:53:00 372

转载 怎样转换成 XHTML

XHTML DTD XHTML 校验 怎样转换成XHTMLTo convert a Web site from HTML to XHTML, you should be familiar with the XHTML syntax rules of the previous chapters. The following steps were executed (in the ord

2006-11-19 20:53:00 261

转载 XHTML 语法

XHTML 对比 HTML XHTML DTD Writing XHTML demands a clean HTML syntax.XHTML要求书写整洁的HTML语法Some More XHTML Syntax Rules:更多XHTML语法规则: Attribute names must be in lower case 属性名称必须小写 Attr

2006-11-19 20:52:00 418


为什么使用 XHTML XHTML 语法 You can prepare yourself for XHTML by starting to write strict HTML.你可以开始通过书写严密的HTML代码来为你的XHML之旅做好准备How To Get Ready For XHTML怎样为XHTML做好准备XHTML is not very different fr

2006-11-19 20:51:00 360

转载 XHTML 介绍

XHTML is a stricter and cleaner version of HTMLXHTML是更严密代码更整洁的HTML版本 .What Is XHTML? 什么是XHTML? XHTML stands for EXtensible HyperText Markup Language XHTML是具有延伸性的超文本标记语言 XHTML is aimed

2006-11-19 20:50:00 307

原创 xhtml 和 css 检验地址

检验页面是否符合XHTML标准  http://validator.w3.org/check?uri=要检验的地址检验页面是否符合css标准 http://jigsaw.w3.org/css-validator/validator?uri= 要检验的地址

2006-11-16 23:27:00 347

转载 DOM Window

Window ObjectThe Window object represents the browser window. A Window object is created automatically with every instance of a or tag.IE: Internet Explorer, F: Firefox, N: Netscape, W3C: World

2006-11-16 23:11:00 266

转载 DOM Textarea 对象

Textarea ObjectThe Textarea object represents a text-area in an HTML form. For each instance of an HTML tag in a form, a Textarea object is created.You can access a Textarea object by indexing th

2006-11-16 23:08:00 308

转载 DOM TableHeader 对象

TableHeader 对象The TableHeader object represents an HTML table header element. For each instance of an HTML tag in a document, a TableHeader object is created.TableHeader对象代表了HTML表格的header元素。每当HTML文

2006-11-16 23:07:00 281

转载 DOM TableData 对象

DOM Table 对象 DOM TableHeader 对象 Add cells to a table row为表格行增加单元格Align the cell content in a table row对表格行里单元格的内容进行对齐Vertical align the cell content in a table row表格行单元格内容的垂直对齐Align the cel

2006-11-16 23:06:00 270

转载 DOM Table 对象

Table 对象The Table object represents an HTML table. For each instance of an HTML tag in a document, a Table object is created.Tbale对象代表了HTML表格。每当HTML文档中出现标签,就有一个Table对象建立起来了IE: Internet Explorer,

2006-11-16 23:02:00 368

转载 DOM Style 对象

Style 对象The Style object represents an individual style statement. The Style object can be accessed from the document or from the elements to which that style is applied.Style对象可代表一个单独的style声明。Style

2006-11-16 23:01:00 376

转载 DOM Select 对象

Select 对象The Select object represents a drop-down list in an HTML form. For each instance of an HTML tag in a form, a Select object is created.Select对象代表HTML表单中的下拉列表。每当表单中出现标签就有Select对象被建立起来You c

2006-11-16 23:00:00 389

转载 DOM Option 对象

Option 对象The Option object represents a selectable option in a drop-down list in an HTML form. For each instance of an tag in an HTML form, an Option object is created.Option对象代表HTML表单中的可选项。HTML表单中

2006-11-16 22:59:00 280

转载 DOM Screen 对象

Screen 对象The Screen object is an object that can be accessed through the screen property of the Window object.Screen对象可通过window对象的screen属性来访问到The Screen object contains information about the clien

2006-11-16 22:59:00 333

转载 DOM 对象

Object 对象The Object object represents an HTML object element. The object element is used to place executable content on a page.Object对象可代表一个HTML的object元素。object元素常放置在可执行的内容页上。IE: Internet Explorer

2006-11-16 22:58:00 219

转载 DOM Meta 对象

Meta 对象The Meta object represents an HTML meta element. Meta对象代表了HTML的meta元素IE: Internet Explorer, F: Firefox, N: Netscape, W3C: World Wide Web Consortium (Internet Standard).Meta Object Propert

2006-11-16 22:57:00 238

转载 DOM Navigator 对象

Navigator 对象The Navigator object is an object that can be accessed through the navigator property of the Window object.Navigator 对象可通过window对象的navigator属性来访问到 The Navigator object contains informa

2006-11-16 22:57:00 259

转载 DOM Link 对象

Link 对象The Link object represents an HTML link element. The link element can only be used within the tag.Link对象代表HTML中的link元素。link元素只能在标签中使用IE: Internet Explorer, F: Firefox, N: Netscape, W3C: Wo

2006-11-16 22:56:00 246

C#网页源码查看器 源码树形结构显示html,可以参考开发

C#网页源码查看器 源码+树形结构显示html,可以空参考开发


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桌面版的小程序 Json 阅读器(105KB),绿色版 点击直接可用, exe文件


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