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转载 iphone 表情编码

http://pukupi.com/post/1964/iPhone Emoji Decimal Character EntitiesThe complete list of iPhone emoji and their respective decimal character entities:

2011-12-13 14:24:58 3363

转载 message sent to deallocated instance 除錯

常常程式一長,哪邊就不小心多release了一次這時候編譯器就只會告訴你:BAD_ACCESS,然後程式就死了剛開始會google到去Argument加個NSZombieEnabled YES會多吐一點東西讓你把bug除掉今天遇到加了這個後error message變:[CALayer release]:message sent to deallocated instance

2011-12-12 18:02:19 7337

原创 关于 iOS设备真机调度时,设备连接导致的 Device busy问题

1. 设备连接在pc上,developer tool报告设备连接失败,请连接设备,这时拨掉,重新连接一次。2.正在设备上调试时,切记不要拨掉设备 ,应该点击IDE上的stop按钮来停止否则会带来一系列的问题:操作: 以iphone为例,如果xcode连接真机且在调试过程中,拨掉真机!结果: xcode 会经常莫名其妙的占用100% 的资源,然后没响应!给开发带来很大的麻烦,

2011-11-30 15:18:37 10094 1

原创 关于UILabel的多行显示 UILabel numberOfLines

早上做了会实验结果如下:1.N行完全自适应:        UILabel *testLabel = [[UILabel alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectMake(10, 30, 100, 21)];        NSString *txt = @"dffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff

2011-11-24 11:11:08 14447

转载 决断一个点是否在一个多边形内

Determining if a point lies on the interior of a polygonWritten by Paul BourkeNovember 1987Solution 1 (2D)The following is a simple solution to the problem often encountered in compute

2011-11-15 16:13:30 2361

转载 Launching Your Own Application via a Custom URL Scheme

TweetOne of the coolest features of the iPhone SDK is an application’s ability to “bind” itself to a custom URL scheme and for that scheme to be used to launch itself from either a browser or from

2011-11-09 12:24:12 2077

转载 关于gcc的stack size

This file gives some hints on addressing this problem on different platforms.Under Unix-like systems, programs may throw a "Segmentation Fault"error. This can be due to stack overflow, especially

2011-11-01 17:59:07 4119

转载 iphone 后台播放音乐问题

1.用avaudioplayer 类。用法见官方文档里的例子AddMusic2. 在你工程的info.plist里添加 一个数组成员UIBackgroundModes,然后为数组添加成员audio  如下:UIBackgroundModesaudio以下Notes转自:http://diwublog.com/archives/89如果音频

2011-10-23 02:06:39 3971

转载 Send a BOOL value from JavaScript to Objective-C(UIWebview interact with app)

I’m developing an iPhone app which has a built-in quiz which runs using JavaScript within a UIWebView. After a user clicks aCheck Answers bu

2011-10-10 16:38:33 2333

转载 iphone开发 地图线路

iphone开发 地图线路转自: http://hi.baidu.com/yunhuaikong/blog/item/02718e4fa46878d0d0c86a6b.html因为接触到了这么一个项目,所以进行了这个功能的深入了解,比较忙,所以把关键代码贴在这

2011-09-29 16:14:36 2384 1

转载 Google map api family


2011-09-27 16:28:34 2343 1

原创 IOS---UIWebview用法点滴

1.  load  from url:从url加载页面NSURL *url = [NSURL URLWithString:"http://stackoverflow.com"];NSString *body = @"laadeedaa";NSURLRequest

2011-09-26 14:07:50 4094

转载 通过#define 宏 连接字符串的特殊方法[转]


2011-09-20 13:49:40 2608

转载 How to create jigsaw puzzle from an image using javascript(拼图引擎)

How to create jigsaw puzzle from an image using javascripthere are several pieces to this puzzle. :)The first piece is SVG and i

2011-09-06 18:07:12 2055

原创 7 Tips for iPhone Game Sound

From:  http://www.modernbeats.com/hit-talk/7-tips-for-iphone-game-sound/7 Tips for iPhone Game SoundTweet7Share February 23,

2011-08-28 21:00:36 2193

原创 ios全景展示

panoramagl工程地址:http://code.google.com/p/panoramagl/panoramagl的使用方法,在上面的工程主页也有DEMO讲解,如果你需要详细的了解如何使用panoramagl库,你可以参考 :http://

2011-08-26 14:19:06 1988

原创 iphone chat online --xmpp protocal

刚刚开始: 参考这里http://code.google.com/p/xmppframework/wiki/iPhone  更多请参考google刚刚被折腾了半天,google project里xmppframework里代码给的https的地址,其实是http的地址,真晕。

2011-08-22 14:54:23 2267

原创 *** __NSAutoreleaseNoPool(): Object 0x6013810 of class __NSArrayI autoreleased with no pool in place

被这个问题折腾了一夜,终于找到原因了。网上大部分人说的是当perforSelectorInBackground线程里时,不要忘记手动 添加autoreleasepool(如何添加请参见main。m)我犯的错误是定义了全局变量NSArray *gFiles

2011-08-20 06:47:25 2843

转载 How to Turn Your Mac Into a Web Server

From: http://www.macinstruct.com/node/112How to Turn Your Mac Into a Web ServerWhat You Need- Mac OS 10.3 or later- Dynamic

2011-08-09 14:29:47 2497

转载 手动制作Iphone ipa软件教程

手动制作Iphone ipa软件教程1.  前提条件以下描述的所有操作,都是在MAC OS 10.5.5 上进行的。如果你使用的是windows OS或者是其他版本的MAC OS,操作步骤可能有所不同。你的手机在安装非官方ipa软件前,需要进行ipa破解工作。具体操作

2011-08-08 11:21:28 2504

转载 15 个非常值得收藏的 HTML5 资源

15 个非常值得收藏的 HTML5 资源HTML5 越来越引起人们的关注,苹果甚至将 HTML5 视为 Flash 的掘墓人。然而,作为一种尚未成型的技术,HTML5 对很多人来说仍然是陌生的。本文收集了 15 个非常值得收藏的 HTML5 资源,这些"HTM

2011-08-01 11:26:42 503

原创 Imagic应用

这个宝贝真强大,今天用到了其两条命令,一个是拆分,一个是合并:拆分:convert -crop  64x64 -geometry 64x64  paotao4-hd.png按64x64顺序切图,单个图片的大小也是64x64,即把每块单独存放,合并:montage -geometr

2011-07-29 14:19:51 702

原创 iphone开发过程中的本地化

关于这个问题网上教程无数,但实现的过程中遇到点小麻烦普通的本地化:1.在Resources分类下新建文档(右鍵/Add/New File…)2.在模板对话框中选择Other,然后再选择Strings File 或是 Empty File(我的xcode这一项跑到maxos标签下去

2011-07-28 12:01:14 7290

转载 iPhone – Wrap Text in UILabel

iPhone – Wrap Text in UILabel In UILabel, there is an adjustsFontSizeToFitWidth property which will automatically adjust the text font size

2011-07-23 14:47:47 1162

原创 分享几个iOS游戏开发的有利工具

分享几个iOS游戏开发的有利工具 1. TexturePacker和Zwoptex是一类功能,但更为强大,。。恩,是各个方面。一般情况下,Import后即可直接Publish无需任何设置Texture大小,Apply等多余操作。支持更多的格式输出。而且还支持PV

2011-07-18 13:33:59 567

原创 关于多个viewcontroller和nib文件旋转的问题

当有多个viewcontroller,且资源文件布局用nib时,旋转出了点问题。现像:一个rootviewcontroller管理所有的viewcontroller,需要里将对应的controller.view添加到rootcontroller.view上,而 windows只需要  [window addSubview:rootviewcontroller.view]结果旋转时,即便每个view

2011-07-02 10:22:58 909

原创 关于界面底侧或者左右侧出侧一条空白(statusbar的高度问题) 20 pixel blank at bottom of screen

G了半天,才找到点线索,原因:Adding the root view to your UIWindow can be complicated since the window always underlaps the status bar. The frame of your root view must therefore be reset to [[UIScreen mainScreen]

2011-07-02 10:11:53 1257

原创 iOS3.1及以上支持的字体列表:

 最近发现:[CCLabelTTF labelWithString:@"20"                                       fontName:@"Marker Felt"                                       fontSize:30];挺好用的。于是找了一下字体列表,如下: iOS3.1及以上支持的字

2011-06-21 10:42:00 1378

原创 iphone远程安装测试---被个符号链接折腾了2天, CodeResources -> _CodeSignature/CodeResources

由于开发和测试不在同一个办公室,而且是异地。iphone的测试需要一套机制:一开始用的是apple的adhoc,后来发现这玩意有时候也会失灵。 干脆把对方的机器注册成开发机,只要对方拿到你 “Development” 的build结果拖进itunes里同步既可。 遇到的两个问题: “签名不正确” (请去更新证书,最好挂好国外的代理,鬼知道GFW会把啥请求挡住)因为我

2011-06-20 12:20:00 4640

原创 Gaussian BLUR implemented in cocos2d! (5

 Gaussian BLUR implemented in cocos2d!http://www.cocos2d-iphone.org/forum/topic/6315

2011-06-14 22:31:00 1370

原创 Tile Maps 的黑线,锯齿问题。

Tile MapsTileMapAtlas gaps between tilesWhen using TileMapAtlas the tiles will always have Anti-Aliasing active, so if you dont remove the AA before using the Atlas youll see lines

2011-06-14 19:47:00 1836

原创 IPHONE - GSRegisterPurpleNamedPort SIGABRT in UIApplicationMain Before App Delegate Gets to Run Any Code

We recently put an update out for one of our apps and many users told us that they could no longer run the app because it crashed on startup.We have been able to recreate the crash by building

2011-06-14 17:28:00 1545 1

原创 让UIview帮你处理圆角

最近遇到这个需求,以为是多难的事。结果就两三行搞定。 #import  //UIView or inherited from uiview.self.layer.maksToBounds = YES;self.layer.cornerRadius = 5.0; //根据需要调整   ////官方的切圆角代码:static void add

2011-06-10 23:22:00 930

转载 iphone高分辨率 Retina Screen Display in cocos2d(>=iphone4)

Who should read thisThis guide is for those of you who want to create a RetinaDisplay game. The game might also support the low-res too.This guide is valid for cocos2d v0.99.5-rc0 or n

2011-06-09 16:07:00 1736

原创 iphone 不同分辨率的问题之一(游戏中不同分辨率显示效果相同或者不同)

默认情况下ios是用4个点表示一个实际的像素点,4:1的关系,所以图像在ios设备上运行时,看上去要比实际用像素画的比较大。文档里是这么说的。稍后追加The different resolutions only come into play if you want to use high res mode on the retina displays (iPhone 4, iPod

2011-06-09 13:13:00 803

转载 Lou's Pseudo 3d Page v0.91

这篇文章写的不错,有对伪3D有兴起的朋友可以读一下。Lous Pseudo 3d Page v0.91(C) 2010 Louis Gorenfeld, updated November 10, 2010NEW: Quickie QBasic source of a simple road demonstration

2011-06-08 10:06:00 57221

转载 Open Source iPhone Apps List – Real App Store Code Examples!

<a title="Permanent Link to Open Source iPhone Apps List – Real App Store Code Examples!" rel="bookmark" href="http://maniacdev.com/2010/06/35-open-source-iphone-app-store-apps-updated-with-10-new

2011-06-07 12:07:00 800

原创 图片的圆角的处理

今天刚好有这个需求,查了一下,网上有朋友做了免费的在线处理:http://www.iplaysoft.com/roundpic.html photo shop也能胜任此任务:http://tech.sina.com.cn/s/2008-08-01/13292366430.shtml 但最好的是有人做了软件:iRoundPic:http://dl.pconline.com

2011-06-04 23:33:00 510

转载 游戏程序员养成计划

<br />       与玩游戏相比,写游戏要复杂上千万倍,除了需要掌握通用的编程技巧以外,还要有相当的图形学,物理,数学基础,特别是在国内,由于相关资料的缺乏,更是让初学者无从下手。下面总结了一些入门方法和比较容易入手的资料。<br /><br />        首先你要精通一门高级语言,比如C++或者C#,其次,要有良好的英文阅读能力。对游戏开发者来说英文阅读能力是最重要也是最基本的工具之一,因为你遇到的大部分资源都将是英文的,不要总等着别人为你翻译。慢慢尝试着阅读英文资料,

2011-05-31 15:04:00 466

转载 How To Make A Simple Multiplayer Game with Game Center Tutorial: Part 1/2

How To Make A Simple Multiplayer Game with Game Center Tutorial: Part 1/2<br />Create a multiplayer racing game with Cocos2D and Game Center!<br />I’m experimenting with a new way of writing tutorials – by taking suggestions by you guys!<br />In the

2011-05-31 13:45:00 2035

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COCOA Programming for MacOSX (Second Edition).part1.rar


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MAC systmeOverview(苹果系概述中文版)<br>Inside Mac os X



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