

zhī suǒ biān zhè ge chéng shì yīn wèi biān huì àn shùn wén jiàn dāng biān wéi hán shù de diào yòng duì m a i n ( ) xiàn线 6 zhī dao shén me chōng de shì yīn wèi men hái méi yǒu dìng dào 1 0 hào xiàn线 chǎn shēng cuò wèi zhǎo dào de biāo shí

When Visual Studio 2005 gets to the actual declaration of add() on line 10, it also complains about add being redefined. This is somewhat misleading, given that it wasn’t ever defined in the first place. Later versions of Visual Studio correctly omit this additional error message.

当Visual Studio 2005到10线()实际的宣言,也抱怨将被重新定义。这是有点误导,因为它没有被定义在第一个地方。后来版本的视觉工作室正确省略此附加错误信息。

dāng V i s u a l S t u d i o 2 0 0 5 dào 1 0 xiàn线 shí de xuān yán bào yuàn jiāng bèi chóng xīn dìng zhè shì yǒu diǎn dǎo yīn wèi méi yǒu bèi dìng zài fāng hòu lái bǎn běn de shì jué gōng zuò shì zhèng què shěng lvè jiā cuò xìn

Despite the redundancy of the second error, it’s useful to note that it is fairly common for a single error to produce (often redundant) multiple compiler errors or warnings.


jǐn guǎn èr cuò de rǒng shì yǒu yòng de zhù shì xiāng dāng cháng jiàn de dān de cuò chǎn shēng tōng cháng shì duō de duō biān cuò huò jǐng gào

Rule: When addressing compile errors in your programs, always resolve the first error produced first.


guī zài chǔ chéng zhōng biān cuò shí shǐ zhōng xiān jiě jué cuò

To fix this problem, we need to address the fact that the compiler doesn’t know what add is. There are two common ways to address the issue.


yào jiě jué zhè ge wèn men yào jiě jué biān zhī dao gāi tiān jiā de shì shén me jiě jué zhè ge wèn yǒu gòng tóng de fāng

Option 1: Reorder the function calls so add() is defined before main():


#include <iostream>
int add(int x, int y)
    return x + y;
int main()
    using namespace std;
    cout << "The sum of 3 and 4 is: " << add(3, 4) << endl;
    return 0;


zhè yàng tōng guò shí jiān m a i n ( ) diào yòng biān huì zhī dao shén me shì yīn wèi zhè shì zhè yàng jiǎn dān de chéng zhè zhǒng biàn huà jiào róng rán ér zài gèng de chéng shì wèi de shì zhǎo chū xiē hán shù diào yòng de gōng néng zài shén me shùn shǐ使 men bèi shēng míng wéi shùn

Furthermore, this option is not always possible. Let’s say we’re writing a program that has two functions A and B. If function A calls function B, and function B calls function A, then there’s no way to order the functions in a way that they will both be happy. If you define A first, the compiler will complain it doesn’t know what B is. If you define B first, the compiler will complain that it doesn’t know what A is.


wài zhè xuǎn shì néng de ràng men shuō men zhèng zài biān xiě chéng yǒu 2 gōng néng B guǒ hán shù diào yòng hán shù hán shù diào yòng hán shù me yǒu méi yǒu bàn zhǒng fāng shì men jiāng shì xìng de fāng shì guǒ dìng le biān huì bào yuàn zhī dao shì shén me guǒ xiān dìng le biān huì bào yuàn zhī dao shì shén me

Function prototypes and forward declaration of functions


hán shù yuán xíng hán shù de qián xiàng shēng míng

Option 2: Use a forward declaration.


xuǎn xiàng 2 shǐ使 yòng qián xiàng shēng míng

A forward declaration allows us to tell the compiler about the existence of an identifier before actually defining the identifier.


xiàng qián shēng míng yǔn men zài shí shang dìng biāo shí zhī qián xiān xiàng biān shuō míng biāo shí de cún zài

In the case of functions, this allows us to tell the compiler about the existence of a function before we define the function’s body. This way, when the compiler encounters a call to the function, it’ll understand that we’re making a function call, and can check to ensure we’re calling the function correctly, even if it doesn’t yet know how or where the function is defined.


zài gōng néng de qíng kuàng xià zhè shǐ使 men néng gòu gào biān de gōng néng de cún zài zhī qián men dìng de gōng néng de shēn dāng biān dào hán shù tiáo yòng shí huì jiě men zhèng zài jìn xíng hán shù diào yòng bìng qiě jiǎn chá què bǎo men diào yòng gāi hán shù shǐ使 hái zhī dao dìng gāi hán shù

To write a forward declaration for a function, we use a declaration statement called a function prototype. The function prototype consists of the function’s return type, name, parameters, but no function body (the part between the curly braces). And because the function prototype is a statement, it ends with a semicolon.


yào biān xiě hán shù de qián xiàng shēng míng men shǐ使 yòng shēng míng chēng wéi hán shù yuán xíng hán shù yuán xíng bāo kuò hán shù de fǎn huí lèi xíng míng chēng cān shù dàn méi yǒu rèn hán shù kuò hào zhī jiān de fen yīn wèi hán shù yuán xíng shēng míng fēn hào jié shù

Here’s a function prototype for the add() function:


#include <iostream>
int add(int x, int y); // forward declaration of add() (using a function prototype)
int main()
    using namespace std;
    cout << "The sum of 3 and 4 is: " << add(3, 4) << endl; // this works because we forward declared add() above
    return 0;
int add(int x, int y) // even though the body of add() isn't defined until here
    return x + y;





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