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嵌入式软/硬件设计 ARM/Linux FPGA

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原创 分页机制的理解

关于对分页/分段机制的理解,将本来小范围的地址扩展到更大的范围。例:假如我有10个标签,那就只能粘到10个盒子上,用来表示10个的样品。 如果我想用这10个标签表示更多的样品,那就得想办法了。比如,我们使用2个标签作为箱号,余下的8个表示样品,那样就可以出现下面的情况:                       

2015-06-26 11:44:53 436

原创 module_param_array

对module_param_array(name,type,num,perm)产生疑问,尤其对num参数的作用产生疑问,搜索得到结果如下。static int param_array[]= {0,0,0,0};static int param_array_nr;module_param_array(param_array , int ,&param_array_nr ,

2015-06-25 10:49:38 775

原创 Implementing MP3 player in C

Implementing MP3 player in CSurprised by the lack of English-written articles about MP3 decoding in C,I thought that I should put down a couple of words about that.First of all, there are many w

2015-06-24 11:13:43 784

原创 美工制作的图片在程序中如何使用呢?


2015-06-24 11:01:32 531

原创 plughw:0,0

dual-buffer to decode mp3.

2015-06-24 10:59:21 1430

原创 mp3 file format


2015-06-24 10:57:22 408

原创 sdk callback mechnism

2015-06-24 10:13:47 456

原创 gpio matrix keypad linux driver

Linuxkernel & device driver programmingCross-Referenced Linuxand Device DriverCode[ source navigation ] [diffmarkup] [ identifiersearch ] [ freetextsearch ] [ files

2015-06-24 10:11:05 2329

原创 ALSA howto

ALSA Tutorial 1 - InitializationThis tutorial assumes that you are familiar with the C++ programming language and the Linux operating system.The Advanced Linux Sound Architecture (ALSA) is the sta

2015-06-19 10:25:25 457

原创 内存池

二,实现    1,内存池的相关信息结构体点击(此处)折叠或打开struct pool_head {    void                 **free_list;        struct list_head     list;            /* list of all known pools */    in

2015-06-18 17:46:00 416

原创 线程池实例

1.线程池基本原理  在传统服务器结构中, 常是 有一个总的 监听线程监听有没有新的用户连接服务器, 每当有一个新的 用户进入, 服务器就开启一个新的线程用户处理这 个用户的数据包。这个线程只服务于这个用户 , 当 用户与服务器端关闭连接以后, 服务器端销毁这个线程。然而频繁地开辟与销毁线程极大地占用了系统的资源。而且在大量用户的情况下, 系统为了开辟和销毁线程将浪费大量的时间和资源。线程

2015-06-18 17:36:53 436

原创 简单Linux C线程池


2015-06-18 17:22:57 331

原创 可重入函数与不可重入函数


2015-06-18 16:59:58 324

原创 the difference between pcm and wav


2015-06-17 17:08:06 326

原创 分析一下github中项目的软件启动画面的实现

引用这个老外的一些资源了呀。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。看到了,很简单,就是一帧帧的png图片。下面是他的代码,就是开启一个定时器,每隔一段时间刷新出一帧新的图片,当所有图片显示完成后,启动界面结束。感觉还不如整个gif图片呢。其实这倒无所谓,反正动画(电影)也就是一帧帧的图像组成的。#ifndef LOADSPLASH_H#defi

2015-06-17 16:51:48 739

原创 qt 创建异形窗体


2015-06-17 16:12:28 1444

原创 capture-send-play

#include errno.h> #include string.h> #include unistd.h> #include stdio.h> #include stdlib.h> #include netdb.h> #include fcntl.

2015-06-17 15:44:16 574

原创 Creating a Ring Buffer

Creating a Ring BufferThis is an example of a ring buffer class in C++. A ring buffer is one of the basic building blocks of any audio engine.Since audio streams tend to be far too large t

2015-06-17 15:32:37 341

原创 About a full duplex ALSA application

The tutorials on the web don't talk too much about how to write an effect processor using ALSA. They do talk about recording program, and a playback program, but the combination is a kind of heresy. O

2015-06-17 15:21:31 903

原创 How to Properly Write Received UDP Audio Data to ALSA with C++

I have 2 Raspberry Pis and 1 of them transmits UDP frames of Audio data to the other Raspberry Pi. The UDP Packets received are 160 Bytes each. The transmitting Raspberry Pi is sending 8KHz 8-bit Mono

2015-06-17 15:10:22 511

原创 An example of how to streaming audio over network using Qt

//client.#include "mainwindow.h"#include int main(int argc, char *argv[]){    QApplication a(argc, argv);    MainWindow w;    w.show();    return a.exec();} MainWindo

2015-06-17 14:54:37 1336

原创 Audio Streaming mit UDP in C

Audio Streaming mit UDP in CAutor: Andre AdrianVersion 27.Dez.2007ZusammenfassungTCP Server und Client werden für Internet Relay Chat oder Remote Shell benutzt. Für Audio- und Video-Stream

2015-06-17 14:41:38 590

原创 Example Program: Event-Driven Simulation

11.3 Example Program: Event-Driven SimulationAn extended example will now illustrate one of the more common uses of a priority_queues, which is to support the construction of a simulation model. A

2015-06-16 11:23:44 531

原创 communication architecture design

2015-06-11 20:36:04 351

原创 Qt事件分发


2015-06-10 17:14:03 968

原创 Threads, Events and QObjects

Threads, Events and QObjects多线程程序架构线程1                              线程2                        线程3(输入消息队列)     (输入消息队列)      (输入消息队列) ==================================  全局消息队列

2015-06-10 16:42:18 568

原创 message queue & event loop

2015-06-10 16:16:05 528

原创 event-based framework 分析


2015-06-10 15:44:48 474

原创 A lightweight synchronous event framework for C++11

A lightweight synchronous event framework for C++11OverviewLike many other event frameworks, this project allows you to reduce inter-class dependencies and decouple your C++11 code by leveraging s

2015-06-10 13:58:43 517

转载 When a QThread isn't a thread...

When a QThread isn't a thread...The thread that doesn't thread...Lets say you have some background work you need to get done. The work is pretty time intensive, so you don't want to block the ma

2015-06-10 10:22:07 439

转载 "How to use QThread in the right way (Part 1)"

A short historyLong long ago, subclass QThread and reimplement its run() function is the only recommended way of using QThread. This is rather intuitive and easy to used. But when SLOTS and Qt event

2015-06-10 10:17:49 579

原创 some necessary snapshot

2015-06-08 21:43:06 404

原创 message dispatch

{HOMELINUXCODEHOBBYLIFE}Skynet之消息队列 - 消息的存储与分发2014/09/08 20:07按我的理解,消息队列是Skynet的核心,Skynet就是围绕着消息队列来工作的。这个消息队列分为两部分:全局队列和服务队列。每个服务都有一个自己的服务队列,服务队列被全局队列引用。主进程通过多个线程来不断的从全局队列中取出服务队列,然后分发服务队

2015-06-08 17:08:15 700

原创 ffmpeg work flow

2015-06-05 17:39:19 471

原创 ffmpeg compile summary

shell.albert@yantai:~/temporary/ffmpeg-2.6.3> ./configure  --enable-static --enable-libmp3lame --enable-gpl --enable-libx264--extra-cflags=-I/home/shell.albert/libx264/include 

2015-06-05 17:28:19 3261

原创 ffmpeg tutorial3

## An ffmpeg and SDL TutorialPage 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 End Prev Home Next &nbsp_place_holder;Text version## Tutorial 03: Playing SoundCode: tutorial03.c### AudioSo now we want to play sound. SDL

2015-06-05 16:07:01 453

原创 ffmpeg tutorial2

## An ffmpeg and SDL TutorialPage 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 End Prev Home Next &nbsp_place_holder;Text version## Tutorial 02: Outputting to the ScreenCode: tutorial02.c### SDL and VideoTo draw to the

2015-06-05 15:52:20 349

原创 ffmpeg tutorial1

## An ffmpeg and SDL TutorialPage 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 End Prev Home Next &nbsp_place_holder;Text version## Tutorial 01: Making ScreencapsCode: tutorial01.c### OverviewMovie files have a few basi

2015-06-05 15:32:13 625

翻译 alsa record example.c

/* A Minimal Capture Program This program opens an audio interface for capture, configures it for stereo, 16 bit, 44.1kHz, interleaved conventional read/write access. Then its reads a chunk

2015-06-04 13:35:05 1259

原创 ALSA record wave has noise

I need to capture audio data for my project,so I use ALSA library. At the start,I make a experiment at the laptop,I found the captured audio data has much noise.But the noise is little with other prof

2015-06-04 13:18:17 435


深入浅出gstreamer开发 imx6 freescale 官方实例



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