Today I done the OS AIX backup and restore test as below steps:
1: login into HMC
Enter the Nim server and test_lpar system:
login to the Nim server
Create a location to place the backup file:
Cd /backup
Mkdir test_p
Chmod 755 test_p
2: create the NFS file system for the network connection:
In nim server:
Smit mknfsexp
2.1: First enter the backup file location path: /backup/test_p
2.2: input the test_lpar hostname in the below allow host field: “ Host
1: login into HMC
Enter the Nim server and test_lpar system:
login to the Nim server
Create a location to place the backup file:
Cd /backup
Mkdir test_p
Chmod 755 test_p
2: create the NFS file system for the network connection:
In nim server:
Smit mknfsexp
2.1: First enter the backup file location path: /backup/test_p
2.2: input the test_lpar hostname in the below allow host field: “ Host