session sniffer

start session sniffer

04-25 00:18:34.786: D/SHELLcommand:(19784): killall -SIGINT arpspoof
04-25 00:18:35.607: D/SHELLcommand:(19784): killall -SIGINT ettercap
04-25 00:18:35.657: D/dalvikvm(19784): GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 711K, 9% free 12995K/14152K, paused 49ms, total 50ms
04-25 00:18:35.667: D/SYSTEM(19784): Setting ipv4 forwarding to false
04-25 00:18:35.727: D/SHELLcommand:(19784): echo 0 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward
04-25 00:18:35.747: D/IPTABLES(19784): Undoing port redirection
04-25 00:18:35.807: D/SHELLcommand:(19784): iptables -t nat -F
04-25 00:18:35.867: D/SHELLcommand:(19784): iptables -F
04-25 00:18:35.917: D/SHELLcommand:(19784): iptables -t nat -D POSTROUTING -s 0/0 -j MASQUERADE
04-25 00:18:36.007: D/SHELLcommand:(19784): iptables -t nat -D PREROUTING -j DNAT -p tcp --dport 80 --to
04-25 00:18:36.017: D/IPTABLES(19784): Undoing port redirection
04-25 00:18:36.057: D/SHELLcommand:(19784): iptables -t nat -F
04-25 00:18:36.127: D/SHELLcommand:(19784): iptables -F
04-25 00:18:36.217: D/SHELLcommand:(19784): iptables -t nat -D POSTROUTING -s 0/0 -j MASQUERADE
04-25 00:18:36.307: D/SHELLcommand:(19784): iptables -t nat -D PREROUTING -j DNAT -p tcp --dport 443 --to
04-25 00:18:38.389: D/HTTPS.REDIRECTOR(19784): Stopping HTTPS redirector ...
04-25 00:18:38.389: D/HTTP.PROXY(19784): Stopping proxy ...
04-25 00:18:38.399: D/HTTP.PROXY(19784): Proxy started on /
04-25 00:18:38.410: I/Choreographer(19784): Skipped 218 frames!  The application may be doing too much work on its main thread.
04-25 00:18:38.420: D/HTTPS.REDIRECTOR(19784): HTTPS redirector started on /
04-25 00:18:38.540: D/dalvikvm(19784): GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 544K, 7% free 13550K/14476K, paused 76ms, total 79ms
04-25 00:18:38.550: D/SHELLcommand:(19784): cd /data/data/it.evilsocket.dsploit/files/tools/arpspoof && ./arpspoof -i wlan0
04-25 00:18:38.550: D/SYSTEM(19784): Setting ipv4 forwarding to true
04-25 00:18:38.640: D/SHELLcommand:(19784): echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward
04-25 00:18:39.391: D/IPTABLES(19784): Redirecting traffic from port 443 to port 8082
04-25 00:18:39.481: D/SHELLcommand:(19784): iptables -t nat -F
04-25 00:18:39.611: D/SHELLcommand:(19784): iptables -F
04-25 00:18:39.721: D/SHELLcommand:(19784): iptables -t nat -I POSTROUTING -s 0/0 -j MASQUERADE
04-25 00:18:39.811: D/SHELLcommand:(19784): iptables -P FORWARD ACCEPT
04-25 00:18:39.891: D/SHELLcommand:(19784): iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -j DNAT -p tcp --dport 443 --to
04-25 00:18:39.911: D/IPTABLES(19784): Redirecting traffic from port 80 to port 8080
04-25 00:18:39.971: D/SHELLcommand:(19784): iptables -t nat -F
04-25 00:18:40.061: D/SHELLcommand:(19784): iptables -F
04-25 00:18:40.111: D/SHELLcommand:(19784): iptables -t nat -I POSTROUTING -s 0/0 -j MASQUERADE
04-25 00:18:40.221: D/SHELLcommand:(19784): iptables -P FORWARD ACCEPT
04-25 00:18:40.292: D/SHELLcommand:(19784): iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -j DNAT -p tcp --dport 80 --to


stop session sniffer

04-25 00:20:38.518: D/SHELLcommand:(19784): killall -SIGINT arpspoof
04-25 00:20:38.628: D/SHELLcommand:(19784): killall -SIGINT ettercap
04-25 00:20:38.648: D/SYSTEM(19784): Setting ipv4 forwarding to false
04-25 00:20:38.698: D/SHELLcommand:(19784): echo 0 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward
04-25 00:20:38.708: D/IPTABLES(19784): Undoing port redirection
04-25 00:20:38.778: D/SHELLcommand:(19784): iptables -t nat -F
04-25 00:20:38.848: D/SHELLcommand:(19784): iptables -F
04-25 00:20:38.938: D/SHELLcommand:(19784): iptables -t nat -D POSTROUTING -s 0/0 -j MASQUERADE
04-25 00:20:38.998: D/SHELLcommand:(19784): iptables -t nat -D PREROUTING -j DNAT -p tcp --dport 80 --to
04-25 00:20:39.018: D/IPTABLES(19784): Undoing port redirection
04-25 00:20:39.058: D/SHELLcommand:(19784): iptables -t nat -F
04-25 00:20:39.138: D/SHELLcommand:(19784): iptables -F
04-25 00:20:39.228: D/SHELLcommand:(19784): iptables -t nat -D POSTROUTING -s 0/0 -j MASQUERADE
04-25 00:20:39.319: D/SHELLcommand:(19784): iptables -t nat -D PREROUTING -j DNAT -p tcp --dport 443 --to
04-25 00:20:39.349: D/HTTPS.REDIRECTOR(19784): Stopping HTTPS redirector ...
04-25 00:20:39.349: D/HTTP.PROXY(19784): Stopping proxy ...
04-25 00:20:39.349: D/HTTP.PROXY(19784): Proxy stopped.
04-25 00:20:39.369: I/Choreographer(19784): Skipped 54 frames!  The application may be doing too much work on its main thread.
04-25 00:20:39.509: D/HTTPS.REDIRECTOR(19784): HTTPS redirector stopped.

quit session sniffer

04-25 00:24:10.394: D/SHELLcommand:(19784): killall -SIGINT arpspoof
04-25 00:24:10.444: D/SHELLcommand:(19784): killall -SIGINT ettercap
04-25 00:24:10.474: D/SYSTEM(19784): Setting ipv4 forwarding to false
04-25 00:24:10.514: D/SHELLcommand:(19784): echo 0 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward
04-25 00:24:10.524: D/IPTABLES(19784): Undoing port redirection
04-25 00:24:10.564: D/SHELLcommand:(19784): iptables -t nat -F
04-25 00:24:10.644: D/SHELLcommand:(19784): iptables -F
04-25 00:24:10.724: D/SHELLcommand:(19784): iptables -t nat -D POSTROUTING -s 0/0 -j MASQUERADE
04-25 00:24:10.814: D/SHELLcommand:(19784): iptables -t nat -D PREROUTING -j DNAT -p tcp --dport 80 --to
04-25 00:24:10.834: D/IPTABLES(19784): Undoing port redirection
04-25 00:24:10.914: D/SHELLcommand:(19784): iptables -t nat -F
04-25 00:24:11.014: D/SHELLcommand:(19784): iptables -F
04-25 00:24:11.095: D/SHELLcommand:(19784): iptables -t nat -D POSTROUTING -s 0/0 -j MASQUERADE
04-25 00:24:11.155: D/SHELLcommand:(19784): iptables -t nat -D PREROUTING -j DNAT -p tcp --dport 443 --to
04-25 00:24:11.175: D/HTTPS.REDIRECTOR(19784): Stopping HTTPS redirector ...
04-25 00:24:11.175: D/HTTP.PROXY(19784): Stopping proxy ...





当前余额3.43前往充值 >
领取后你会自动成为博主和红包主的粉丝 规则
钱包余额 0


