String 源码解读

1.  字符串连接 + 的实现原理

String concatenation is implemented through the {@code StringBuilder}(or {@code StringBuffer}) class and its {@code append} method.

// 连接操作是通过 sb.append() 实现的

2.  字符串的格式:UTF-16

3.   replace 不是只替换第一个,也是全部匹配替换,只是查找时不处理转义,单纯匹配

      replaceAll 按照正则匹配查找

     * Replaces each substring of this string that matches the given <a
     * href="../util/regex/Pattern.html#sum">regular expression</a> with the
     * given replacement.
     * <p> An invocation of this method of the form
     * <i>str</i>{@code .replaceAll(}<i>regex</i>{@code ,} <i>repl</i>{@code )}
     * yields exactly the same result as the expression
     * <blockquote>
     * <code>
     * {@link java.util.regex.Pattern}.{@link
     * java.util.regex.Pattern#compile compile}(<i>regex</i>).{@link
     * java.util.regex.Pattern#matcher(java.lang.CharSequence) matcher}(<i>str</i>).{@link
     * java.util.regex.Matcher#replaceAll replaceAll}(<i>repl</i>)
     * </code>
     * </blockquote>
     * Note that backslashes ({@code \}) and dollar signs ({@code $}) in the
     * replacement string may cause the results to be different than if it were
     * being treated as a literal replacement string; see
     * {@link java.util.regex.Matcher#replaceAll Matcher.replaceAll}.
     * Use {@link java.util.regex.Matcher#quoteReplacement} to suppress the special
     * meaning of these characters, if desired.
     * @param   regex
     *          the regular expression to which this string is to be matched

     * @param   replacement
     *          the string to be substituted for each match
     * @return  The resulting {@code String}
     * @throws  PatternSyntaxException
     *          if the regular expression's syntax is invalid
     * @see java.util.regex.Pattern
     * @since 1.4
     * @spec JSR-51
    public String replaceAll(String regex, String replacement) {
        return Pattern.compile(regex).matcher(this).replaceAll(replacement);

     * Replaces each substring of this string that matches the literal target
     * sequence with the specified literal replacement sequence. The
     * replacement proceeds from the beginning of the string to the end, for
     * example, replacing "aa" with "b" in the string "aaa" will result in
     * "ba" rather than "ab".
     * @param  target The sequence of char values to be replaced
     * @param  replacement The replacement sequence of char values
     * @return  The resulting string
     * @since 1.5
    public String replace(CharSequence target, CharSequence replacement) {
        return Pattern.compile(target.toString(), Pattern.LITERAL).matcher(

         replaceFirst 只替换第一个,使用正则

     * Replaces the first substring of this string that matches the given <a
     * href="../util/regex/Pattern.html#sum">regular expression</a> with the
     * given replacement.
     * <p> An invocation of this method of the form
     * <i>str</i>{@code .replaceFirst(}<i>regex</i>{@code ,} <i>repl</i>{@code )}
     * yields exactly the same result as the expression
     * <blockquote>
     * <code>
     * {@link java.util.regex.Pattern}.{@link
     * java.util.regex.Pattern#compile compile}(<i>regex</i>).{@link
     * java.util.regex.Pattern#matcher(java.lang.CharSequence) matcher}(<i>str</i>).{@link
     * java.util.regex.Matcher#replaceFirst replaceFirst}(<i>repl</i>)
     * </code>
     * </blockquote>
     * Note that backslashes ({@code \}) and dollar signs ({@code $}) in the
     * replacement string may cause the results to be different than if it were
     * being treated as a literal replacement string; see
     * {@link java.util.regex.Matcher#replaceFirst}.
     * Use {@link java.util.regex.Matcher#quoteReplacement} to suppress the special
     * meaning of these characters, if desired.
     * @param   regex
     *          the regular expression to which this string is to be matched

     * @param   replacement
     *          the string to be substituted for the first match
     * @return  The resulting {@code String}
     * @throws  PatternSyntaxException
     *          if the regular expression's syntax is invalid
     * @see java.util.regex.Pattern
     * @since 1.4
     * @spec JSR-51
    public String replaceFirst(String regex, String replacement) {
        return Pattern.compile(regex).matcher(this).replaceFirst(replacement);

4.  String 内部是通过一个 char 数组保存字符串的

 String str = "abc";


char data[] = {'a', 'b', 'c'};

String str = new String(data);

5.  String 的 length 是整型,因此最大长度不超过 Integer 的范围,StringBuffer、StringBuilder 长度也在整型范围





当前余额3.43前往充值 >
领取后你会自动成为博主和红包主的粉丝 规则
钱包余额 0


