GoogleCloud Messaging for Android是谷歌推出的云推送消息服务,简称GCM。之前这个服务叫C2DM(Android Cloud to Device Messaging)
What's therelationship of google play and GCM(Google Cloud Messaging) ?
GCM requires devices running Android 2.2 or higher that also have the GooglePlay Store application installed,
For pre-3.0 devices,this requires users to set up their Google account on their mobile devices. AGoogle account is not a requirement on devices running Android 4.0.4 or higher.
ANH (azure notification hubs) which support google, nokia, amazon and baidu
ANH needs to talk to GCM to deliver the notifications where theAndroid clients registered with.
1. 省电省流量(用户体验上)
2. 网络连接稳定性(3G,EDGE,2G,WI-Fi及电信,移动,联通网络环境下)
3. 推送功能(单推,组推,群推,推送后打开网页,弹框等)
4. 推送消息发送速度,到达率
5. 推送相关功能支持(报表提供)
6. SDK接入成本(专门技术支持,及时响应)
Wandoujia or any app market such "GMS安装器" , make sure your phone's version is suitable, install
Smartisan T1
Go to Smartisan T1 app store, install "谷歌服务下载器" install
Xiao Mi3
Go to"wandoujia" download "谷歌下载器" version 2.0.2 install
Never use Xiao mi Store's "谷歌下载器"which version is 2.0.0, after installfinished, you can login in your google account, it prompt connection error
进入vivo手机的应用商店(软件商店),下载并安装“Google服务框架”、“Google Play 商店”、“Google Play服务”这三个应用。