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原创 objective c, c, c++, java

Object C vs C vs C++ vs Java vs C#Object C dynamic binding, runtime check the param types, if param need int you pass a float, only runtime know the error(Object C implement the ob

2017-03-02 16:42:59 268

原创 xcode shortcut

Xcodeshortcutshttp://stackoverflow.com/questions/1402174/what-xcode-keyboard-shortcuts-do-you-use-regularly⌥ means option keyfind caller, calleectrl + 1find f

2017-03-02 16:42:29 489

原创 Good designer

Good Designer designer should provide all the conditions (all the actionable items path and all state machines)all the animationsall the state (clicked, taped, unchicked)all

2017-03-02 16:42:07 242

原创 Ios

IOS ramp upUI ramp upStoryboard https://www.raywenderlich.com/113388/storyboards-tutorial-in-ios-9-part-1https://developer.apple.com/library/content/referencelibrary/Gettin

2017-03-02 16:41:30 338

原创 Objective c

Object C ramp upatomic vs nonatomichttp://stackoverflow.com/questions/588866/whats-the-difference-between-the-atomic-and-nonatomic-attributes/36920240#36920240copy, assign, ret

2017-03-02 16:41:05 261

原创 iOS vs Android

IOS vs AndroidIOS view all use UI tool in storyboardIOS mapping code with UI element   in “Referencing page” by manually drag the code property with storyboard UI elementTh

2017-03-02 16:40:47 312

原创 Mac shortcut

Mac shortcutThree fingers move window (should turn on from accessibility)Four fingers left right move to another desktopcommand + whitespace, turn on app search

2017-03-02 16:40:23 638

原创 Dev leader management

From a dev perspective, receive a feature consider how to realize it in tech.From a lead perspective, receive  afeature, not consider arrange one of team member to do what part, but considerwhat can

2017-03-01 23:32:41 248

转载 IIS misc

LogControl panel->administrator tool -> event log-> windows log->application log Under Ap'smanagement logD:\data\Logs\IISLogs\LogFiles\W3SVC10000 Normal IIS log C:\inetpu\log\ IIS

2017-03-01 23:00:48 594

转载 sql server misc

Run the Software in administration(or may not hasright to connect) SQLServer Management Studio is a GUI tool included with SQL Server  Database backupDatabase(rightclick) -> task -> backup

2017-03-01 23:00:32 911

转载 Js misc

$(function(){ } 这是jquery里的,是当文档载入完毕就执行,的意思. $(function(){$("#treeDiv1").load("composer.jsp?type=list");$("#treeDiv2").load("composer.jsp?type=list2");}); 这个就是当文档加载完成,就执行$("#treeDiv1"

2017-03-01 22:50:53 453

转载 Http misc

http 204在http协议中,经常会遇到的状态码200、404、500等等,大家应该比较熟悉。但是对于这个204状态码可能就不是很了解了。204状态是指服务器成功处理了客户端请求,但服务器无返回内容。204是HTTP中数据量最少的响应状态,204的响应中没有body,而且Content-Length=0。一般情况下,我们在使用ajax提交一些数据给服务器,而不需要服务器返回的时

2017-03-01 22:47:22 389

转载 Web architecture stack

我心目中最好的框架组合是:   表示层:spring mvc 3.1 + annotation    控制层:spring 3.1    持久层:hibernate 3.6 +jdbcTemplate    后台列表控件:displaytag 1.2    Ajax框架: DWR 3    JS框架 : Jquery    缓存机制:spring 3.1 cache

2017-03-01 22:44:03 219

转载 Android misc

Android三种实现定时器的方法 Fromhttp://blog.csdn.net/yhm2046/article/details/8213629>   Android application和 main activity谁先启动?   Application context和Activitycontext的区别ApplicationConte

2017-03-01 22:34:28 2594

转载 Android architecture

3,程序框架如何设计Android程序的结构UI层数据展示与管理 用户交互 绘制 Adapter业务逻辑层持久化数据(内存中,相当于全局数据) 数据加式(数据层的数据有时候需要进行加工成UI层需要的数据)数据变化的通知机制 数据层数据访问(DB,文件,网络等)缓存(图片,文件等) 配置文件(shared per

2017-03-01 22:32:47 336

原创 Android memory leak

Android leak canarytoolhttps://corner.squareup.com/2015/05/leak-canary.html How to check memoryadb shell dumpsysmeminfo com.microsoft.cortana -dhttps://developer.android.com/studio/profile/i

2017-03-01 22:28:11 353

原创 Android NDK & JNI

Methods to build out so file Method1In gradle file  add:Default config{        ndk {          moduleName "shape-detect"            cFlags "-DANDROID_NDK -D_DEBUGDNULL=0" // Define some

2017-03-01 22:22:17 381

原创 Wearable watch product design

表的基本指示时间功能 健康监控(手环能做的手表都能做)记步心率 执行小操作(所有对界面要求低的信息展示和要求低的操作都可以放到手表)电话挂掉电话让电话静音(iphone可以接听拨打电话)发短信发邮件记笔记设置闹钟设置提醒地点人物时间日历秒表倒计时

2017-03-01 22:21:54 213

转载 Android wearable

Why google wearable service needs intent-filter? The best way to seehow to implement a WearableListenerService on Android Wear is to look at one ofthe existing samples provided by the SDK. If you

2017-03-01 21:58:38 587

转载 Android notification

GoogleCloud Messaging for Android是谷歌推出的云推送消息服务,简称GCM。之前这个服务叫C2DM(Android Cloud to Device Messaging) What's therelationship of  google play  and GCM(Google Cloud Messaging) ?GCM requires

2017-03-01 21:50:43 213

转载 Android ROM

AOSP  android  open source project   the open source of android system withoutGMS GMS  google mobileservice   mainly contain theseservices   1. google play 2.location  3. notification.  And GM

2017-03-01 21:47:35 627

原创 IDE Android studio Eclipse

Android Studiocmd + /block comment /  sometimes folder the selected code ?CTRL + ALT + L(Win/ Linux)  code formatF11bookmarkCTRL + SHIFT + N

2017-03-01 21:40:25 168

转载 Git basic commands

增删改查当前版本文件  从 XX地方作用到 XX地方 (合并两者)Gti merge Git clone  (default local folder)Git pullGit push Git pull = git fetch + git merge  修复冲突 分支的增删改查 代码生效checkinwe can

2017-03-01 21:35:08 311

转载 Embedded system

ISR中断服务程序(Interrupt Service Routines,ISR)HISR高级中断服务程序RTOS实时操作系统MMI framework Multimodal Interaction FrameworknucleusMTK CPU

2017-03-01 21:15:05 368

原创 Live site management

Respond to alert mail “ investigating….”Immediately receiving escalationsEvaluate impact to users; if it has no impactand not urgent, could postponeOwnership if not the owner, involve the partnero

2017-03-01 17:09:27 188

转载 IOS unit test

1. Focusonly on the logic of the function itself, stub all the dependences from system,not only including the network requesting, file system access, but also forsome system api call, such as Calend

2017-03-01 16:45:26 207

转载 Developer career path


2017-03-01 16:40:37 266

转载 What Architect do

但显然不是每个事情都要在架构设计阶段搞定,否则等于是被弄蒙了,这时候架构师的一个关键职责就是要能区分出哪些东西预先需要搞定,而哪些东西则要在迭代过程中解决。  一般来讲重置成本越大,牵涉的人越多的事情越应该由架构师预先搞定,否则就容易做无用功,对开发工作产生致命伤害。具体来讲这类事情由三个核心部分组成 (做什么 + 怎么做): 选定Tech Stack概要设计,确立分工

2017-03-01 16:22:54 162

原创 Science fiction list

关妖精的瓶子(夏笳,北大才女违反物理学熵增与科学家打赌的妖精) 盗圣白玉汤(夏笳,化身网络中宠物世界) 俄达伊斯卡(母子生子) 日光镇(死亡的记忆体重塑新人体) 六道众生(何夕,普朗克量子力学,离散非连续,6个平行世界) 马咦(蚂蚁集体行为产生智慧,网络产生意识,人类活动总和亦是智慧) 朝闻道(大刘,外星人传授知识,以死为

2017-03-01 16:08:02 281

原创 Ensure the quality of product

Codebase managementFork a branch from develop do feature,  name it as "name/feature"Keep the linear check in historybeforepull request your work branch, rebase the current develop branchsq

2017-03-01 15:44:03 718

原创 How to open bug

Scopebuildversionreleasebuild / release candidate / dev builddevicename and version (eg: xiaomi 5s)systemversion  (eg: android 5.0)everytime repro / random issue / transient issue

2017-03-01 15:34:59 364

转载 Write dev design spec

Background:Why we need to dothis? You can also reference to the PM spec if there is. Goal:What is the goal toachieve in short. Scope:[optional] When the goal is blur andpeople may think

2017-03-01 15:18:18 284

转载 Connect with Manager

Connect form which includes three sections Core Priorities, Looking Back, Going Forward.Invite others to give you feedback and provide feedback to others.Core Priorities -Distill y

2017-03-01 15:12:11 198

原创 Effectively use email

Outlook basic settingsView by conversionThesame conversion will only show in one mail View by groupEg:group by date,Theemail will be grouped by today ,yesterday, week Move and ru

2017-03-01 15:08:05 253

原创 Vim 概述

Vim: (Vi improved)gVim: (gui vim)vim的设计理念是命令的组合*快捷键设置和正则表达式类似,可以辅助记忆; ^ $ w 等*Vim gVim 区别*:* 颜色 gvim可以显示24bit色 vim受限于终端 最多256色 有个css颜色预览的插件会受影响. * FocusGained FocusLost 这两个au

2014-03-16 14:36:36 245



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