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转载 cocoapods安装步骤详解
1.移除现有Ruby默认源$gem sources --remove https://rubygems.org/2.使用新的源$gem sources -a https://ruby.taobao.org/3.验证新源是否替换成功$gem sources -l4.安装CocoaPods(1) $sudo gem install cocoapo
2016-01-05 10:53:38 264
原创 关于xcode中提示"_OBJC_CLASS_$_ClassName", referenced from"错误的解决方法
错误提示: "_OBJC_CLASS_$_ClassName", referenced from: objc-class-ref in main.old: symbol(s) not found for architecture x86_64clang: error: linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to se
2015-10-24 23:11:39 1155
原创 关于 switch 语句的执行过程
int num;scanf("%d",&num); switch(num){default: 默认语句break;case 1: 语句一break;case 2:语句二break;case 3:语句三case 4: 语句四case 5: 语句五break;}
2015-10-12 13:50:34 4926
原创 command line tools for OS X的安装
1、打开终端,输入“xcode-select --install”;2、在弹出的对话框中,未安装Xcode则点击对应图标进行Xcode的安装 若已安装,则点击对话框中的“安装”按钮进行command line tools的安装。3、安装完毕,在终端命令行输入“gcc -v”进行安装验证测试。之后可能会跳出以下语句:xcrun: error: active developer path
2015-10-01 16:24:59 807
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