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原创 git子模块及仓库操作
git 添加子模块 git submodule add module git 删除子模块 git submodule deinit module git rm module rm -rf .git/modules/module git 子模块初始化及更新 git submodule init git submoudle upda
2017-05-11 18:50:53 825
原创 不同server间共用邀请码
2017-03-23 20:25:52 575
原创 记录一则线上bug
最近线上出现一次崩溃事故,core在了dynamic_cast类型转化上面,之前一直跑的好好的,第一反应是存在野指针了。void RoomHandler::KickAllPlayersInRoom(Room* room){ vector<IPlayer*> players = room->GetPlayers(); for (size_t i=0; i<players.size()
2017-03-07 20:41:57 615
原创 69.Sqrt(x)
Implement int sqrt(int x).Compute and return the square root of x.求一个数的平方根,比较容易的方法是采用二分法不断逼近,不过比较有意思的是牛顿迭代法,这里有一个比较清晰的解释。
2017-03-05 17:56:10 251
原创 63. Unique Paths II
Follow up for “Unique Paths”:Now consider if some obstacles are added to the grids. How many unique paths would there be?An obstacle and empty space is marked as 1 and 0 respectively in the grid.
2017-03-05 16:11:04 234
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