Bugzulla TestRunner安装心得:
Bugzilla版本:2.20.2 / 2.20.1 现在未测试2.20(可能在该版本不会出现我所说的问题)
TestRunner版本:testrunner-0.7.zip(在该版本下还没有2.22的patch) 下载地址:http://sourceforge.net/projects/testrunner/
Perl tr_testRunner.pl
l 需要将bugzilla数据库中groups表中的last_change字段改为可以允许为空。(可能2.20的版本中就不存在该问题)
l 将C:/bugzilla/tr_testrunner下的create_db_mysql.sql文件手动执行,这么在bugs数据库中就创建了testrunner的表了。
Test Runner: Test | Manage | Search Test Cases | Manual
其中第一个Test 运行时会出现,还不知道如何解决。但已经不影响使用了。
Software error:
DBD::mysql::st execute failed: Unknown column 'l.id' in 'on clause' [for Statement "select r.summary, r.start_date, pr.name, r.product_version, r.rep_platform, r.op_sys, p.name, r.test_run_id, p.plan_id, p.product_id from test_cases_log l, test_runs r, test_plans p, products pr left outer join test_cases_log_testers a on a.case_log_id=l.id where l.test_run_id=r.test_run_id and r.status='running' and r.plan_id=p.plan_id and pr.id=p.product_id and l.status='idle' and (l.isprivate=0 or a.userid=2) group by r.test_run_id order by 2 desc"] at Bugzilla/DB.pm line 84
Bugzilla::DB::SendSQL('select r.summary, r.start_date, pr.name, r.product_version, r...') called at C:/bugzilla/tr_currenttestruns.cgi line 63
main::getTestRuns() called at C:/bugzilla/tr_currenttestruns.cgi line 93
Posted By: gregaryh
Date: 2006-03-10 09:57
Summary: New Project Roadmap
With the release of Bugzilla 2.22 just around the corner, we have begun working on bringing Testrunner up to the same standards as used in Bugzilla itself. We think this is an excellent opportunity to add some new functionality as well as make the system easier to use.
What this has amounted to is almost a complete redesign from the ground up. In part to make it compatable with the new objects used in Bugzilla 2.22, make it Postgres compliant, and MySQL 5 compliant, and address a number of bugs and security issues in the current version.
Some of the major changes being proposed are:
* Allow runs to consist of selected test cases, and allow test cases to be added or removed from runs on the fly.
* Extend tags to test plans and test runs
* Allow runs to define a detailed test environment
* Apply Bugzilla group controls to testcases
* Add attachment support to test cases and test plans
* Increased reporting capabilities
* Track changes to test cases and plans beyond the text fields
* Add more fine grain access controls
* Support dependencies in testcases
Additionally we are:
* Streamlining the UI to make it easier to navigate the system.
* Converting all UI to templates
* Adding objects in code (Perl modules) to represent the major entities (test cases, plans etc)
* Better integration with Bugzilla to optimize system performance.
We hope these are in line with the requested features and expectations of our users. We would like to have more feedback from you, are users and developers. Come visit us in IRC at irc://irc.mozilla.org/testrunner and let us know what changes you would like to see.
What is Bugzilla Test Runner?
Bugzilla Test Runner (BTR in short) is an add-on for the Bugzilla bug-tracking system.
Bugzilla, as you probably know, if you are reading this, allows you to collect and manage information about bugs found in your software. It does not however provide any features to run your tests according to a plan.
What BTR can do for you?
Test plan in BTR consists of the following base elements;
- plan document
- list of test cases to perform
- list of testers
Each test plan is associated with one of the products defined in Bugzilla database.
A test document is a place where you input information such as: test aim, scope, hardware and software requirements for test etc. You DO NOT enter test cases here.
Test cases can be created and modified through WWW interface. This is nice for few test cases, but for a real-life test plan, it can be awkward. BTR supports export and import of test cases to and from HTML files. This way of entering test cases will probably be more convenient for larger sets of test cases.
When creating a test plan, you select from the list of Bugzilla users who will perform the test.
When your test plan is ready, you can run it. Once you choose to run the test plan, BTR creates a new set of entities in its database called "test run". The test plan can have several test runs. A test run contains a copy of the plan document and its test cases, and list of assigned testers and test case logs.
Testers are provided with a web interface to process test cases. When a test case is completed, the tester can mark it as "passed" or "failed". When the test case fails, the tester can (and should) enter the bug id of the bug which caused the case to fail. The Bug is then, of course, inserted into the Bugzilla system.
The person managing the test run has instant view of test progress; percentage of done test cases, number of failed cases and so on. Testers can change their test case log as long as test run status is "running". When all testers have processed all test cases or another condition has taken place (probably a deadline), test run is marked as "stopped". When you stop test run, the test case log cannot be updated. You can however, start and stop the test-run many times.
What BTR is NOT?
The list below, shows some things that BTR is definitely NOT:
- It is not a complete solution for your QA problems.
- It is not a Project-Management system.
- It does not run the tests automatically
- It has no support for automated regression tests
- Currently, it does not handle software requirements in a decent way
2.1 Requirements.
- Bugzilla 2.18 or higher.
- MySQL database.
- HTML::Parser and Text::Diff Perl modules.
Bugzilla Test Runner, as its name suggests, requires Bugzilla installed and running. No excuses, don't even dare to install BTR before you have tested that your Bugzilla is up and running fine.
Currently, BTR can be run only on MySQL database. It uses MySQL-specific features, which prevent it from working with other SQL databases. Bugzilla aims toward compatibility with other RDBMS and BTR will probably follow. For now, the only choice is MySQL.
BTR installation procedure is now tested on Windows platforms. Mind that the Windows install is very recent and hasn't been around for as long as the Linux version.
- Back up the content of your Bugzilla directory and the Bugzilla database.
- Install required modules. From the command prompt run:
ppm install Text::Diff
ppm install HTML::Parser - Unzip the BTR zip distribution file you downloaded to your Bugzilla folder. Use the tool of your preference for this task.
- Add the bin folder of your MySql installation to your path. The install script you are going to run on the next step won't work if it cannot find mysql.exe.
- From the command prompt, go to your Bugzilla folder and run the installation script:
perl tr_install.pl
This script tries to figure out the right patch needed according to the Bugzilla version detected. In case of problems it stops the installation and offers some diagnosis.
Notice that the script must be executed from Bugzilla folder. - Assign permissions. Initially, no Bugzilla users other than members of the admin group have permissions to edit test cases or manage test plans. Go to the 'users' page at Bugzilla and grant access to the 'edittestcases' and 'managetestplans' groups as needed.
Installation should now be complete. If something went awry, please take your time and review every step on the detailed instructions, file a bug to BTR, or contact the BTR maintainers.
2.3.6 Granting access to users.
Initially none of the Bugzilla's users other than members of the admin group have permission to edit test cases or manage test plans. Go to the 'users' page on Bugzilla and grant access to the 'edittestcases' and 'managetestplans' groups as needed.