iOS文件加密(Protecting Dat…

Protecting Data Using On-Disk Encryption /AdvancedAppTricks/AdvancedAppTricks.html#//apple_ref/doc/uid/TP40007072-CH7-SW11

In iOS 4 and later, apps can use the data protection feature to add a level of security to their on-disk data. Data protection uses the built-in encryption hardware present on specific devices (such as the iPhone 3GS and iPhone 4) to store files in an encrypted format on disk. While the user’s device is locked, protected files are inaccessible even to the app that created them. The user must explicitly unlock the device (by entering the appropriate passcode) at least once before your app can access one of its protected files.

Data protection is available on most iOS devices and is subject to the following requirements:

  • The file system on the user’s device must support data protection. This is true for newer devices, but for some earlier devices, the user might have to reformat the device’s disk and restore any content from a backup.

  • The user must have an active passcode lock set for the device.

To protect a file, your app must add an attribute to the file indicating the desired level of protection. Add this attribute using either theNSData class or the NSFileManager class. When writing new files, you can use the writeToFile:options:error: method of NSDatawith the appropriate protection value as one of the write options. For existing files, you can use thesetAttributes:ofItemAtPath:error: method of NSFileManager to set or change the value of the NSFileProtectionKey. When using these methods, your app can specify one of the following protection levels for the file:

If you protect a file, your app must be prepared to lose access to that file. When complete file protection is enabled, even your app loses the ability to read and write the file’s contents when the user locks the device. Your app has several options for tracking when access to protected files might change, though:

For new files, it is recommended that you enable data protection before writing any data to them. If you are using thewriteToFile:options:error: method to write the contents of an NSData object to disk, this happens automatically. For existing files, adding data protection replaces an unprotected file with a new protected version.





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