the Internet of Things (IoT) can be regarded as a network in which various things are connected to each other through a common platform. Just visualise a scenario in which every device at home and the workplace is connected, and a world where the air-conditioning in a room automatically lowers its temperature when the outside temperature rises up, when the number of people in any public gathering is easily known, and when one’s health parameters can be monitored on a daily basis. This is the possible impact of the Internet of Things.
The current state of the Internet of Things is very fragmented. There are different companies and organisations that are building their own platforms for either their customers or their individual needs. But a common platform on which all the devices, irrespective of their company, can be connected with each other via a user friendly interface, is still missing.
Is a database necessary for IoT?
1) Size, scale and indexing
2) Effectiveness while handling a huge amount of data
3) User-friendly schema
4) Portability
5) Query languages
6) Process modelling and transactions
7) Heterogeneity and integration
8) Time series aggregation
9) Archiving
10) Security and cost