What every programmer should know about memory (Part 1) 译

What Every Programmer Should Know About Memory
Ulrich Drepper
Red Hat, Inc.
November 21, 2007


As CPU cores become both faster and more numerous, the limiting factor for most programs is now, and will be for some time, memory access. Hardware designers have come up with ever more sophisticated memory handling and acceleration techniques–such as CPU caches–but these cannot work optimally without some help from the programmer. Unfortunately, neither the structure nor the cost of using the memory subsystem of a computer or the caches on CPUs is well understood by most programmers. This paper explains the structure of memory subsystems in use on modern commodity hardware, illustrating why CPU caches were developed, how they work, and what programs should do to achieve optimal performance by utilizing them.

1 Introduction

In the early days computers were much simpler. The various components of a system, such as the CPU, memory, mass storage, and network interfaces, were developed together and, as a result, were quite balanced in their performance. For example, the memory and network interfaces were not (much) faster than the CPU at providing data.

This situation changed once the basic structure of computers stabilized and hardware developers concentrated on optimizing individual subsystems. Suddenly the performance of some components of the computer fell significantly behind and bottlenecks developed. This was especially true for mass storage and memory subsystems which, for cost reasons, improved more slowly relative to other components.

The slowness of mass storage has mostly been dealt with using software techniques: operating systems keep most often used (and most likely to be used) data in main memory, which can be accessed at a rate orders of magnitude faster than the hard disk. Cache storage was added to the storage devices themselves, which requires no changes in the operating system to increase performance. {Changes are needed, however, to guarantee data integrity when using storage device caches.} For the purposes of this paper, we will not go into more details of software optimizations for the mass storage access.

Unlike storage subsystems, removing the main memory as a bottleneck has proven much more difficult and almost all solutions require changes to the hardware. Today these changes mainly come in the following forms:

  • RAM hardware design (speed and parallelism).
  • Memory controller designs.
  • CPU caches.
  • Direct memory access (DMA) for devices.

For the most part, this document will deal with CPU caches and some effects of memory controller design. In the process of exploring these topics, we will explore DMA and bring it into the larger picture. However, we will start with an overview of the design for today’s commodity hardware. This is a prerequisite to understanding the problems and the limitations of efficiently using memory subsystems. We will also learn about, in some detail, the different types of RAM and illustrate why these differences still exist.

This document is in no way all inclusive and final. It is limited to commodity hardware and further limited to a subset of that hardware. Also, many topics will be discussed in just enough detail for the goals of this paper. For such topics, readers are recommended to find more detailed documentation.

When it comes to operating-system-specific details and solutions, the text exclusively describes Linux. At no time will it contain any information about other OSes. The author has no interest in discussing the implications for other OSes. If the reader thinks s/he has to use a different OS they have to go to their vendors and demand they write documents similar to this one.

One last comment before the start. The text contains a number of occurrences of the term “usually” and other, similar qualifiers. The technology discussed here exists in many, many variations in the real world and this paper only addresses the most common, mainstream versions. It is rare that absolute statements can be made about this technology, thus the qualifiers.

1.1 Document Structure

This document is mostly for software developers. It does not go into enough technical details of the hardware to be useful for hardware-oriented readers. But before we can go into the practical information for developers a lot of groundwork must be laid.

To that end, the second section describes random-access memory (RAM) in technical detail. This section’s content is nice to know but not absolutely critical to be able to understand the later sections. Appropriate back references to the section are added in places where the content is required so that the anxious reader could skip most of this section at first.

The third section goes into a lot of details of CPU cache behavior. Graphs have been used to keep the text from being as dry as it would otherwise be. This content is essential for an understanding of the rest of the document. Section 4 describes briefly how virtual memory is implemented. This is also required groundwork for the rest.

Section 5 goes into a lot of detail about Non Uniform Memory Access (NUMA) systems.

Section 6 is the central section of this paper. It brings together all the previous sections’ information and gives programmers advice on how to write code which performs well in the various situations. The very impatient reader could start with this section and, if necessary, go back to the earlier sections to freshen up the knowledge of the underlying technology.

Section 7 introduces tools which can help the programmer do a better job. Even with a complete understanding of the technology it is far from obvious where in a non-trivial software project the problems are. Some tools are necessary.

In section 8 we finally give an outlook of technology which can be expected in the near future or which might just simply be good to have.

因为cpu core变得更快和越来越多,现在更多时候程序运行的限制因素是内存存取.硬件设计师已经提出了很多复杂的内存处理和类似cpu缓冲加速技术,但是如果在没有程序员的帮助下,这些技术仍然不能最佳的工作.不幸的,对于很多的程序员来说,他们不能深入的理解架构/电脑内存子系统/cpu缓存的消耗, 这篇文章阐述了内存子系统的架构在现代商用硬件中的使用,说明了为什么cpu缓存技术会发展,他们是如何工作的,程序应该做什么才能利用他们实现最佳的性能.





RAM 硬件设计(速度和并发)








第三节 关于Cpu缓冲行为的许多细节,使用图形以防文章太枯燥.这部分内容对于文章的其余部分是十分的重要.

第四节 简短的描述了虚拟内存的实现.这也是背景知识之一.

第五节 提到了NUMA系统的细节

第六节 文章的中心,这里汇集了之前章节的信息并且给了程序员一些意见关于如何写出在不同情况下鲁棒性更好的代码.非常心急的读者可以从本章开始阅读.必要的时候去回顾一下基础知识.

第七节 介绍了一些能够帮助程序员去更好完成工作的工具.

第八节 展望在不久的未来我们期望出现的或者好用的技术.

评论 1




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