Step 1
You need to modify /etc/sysconfig/vncservers
Here you would put the desktop number and name. The name is a user on
the system.
Step 2 run chkconfig and make sure vncserver is enabled and on the
levels you wanted it to run on.
Step 3
As root
su - someuser
Run vncpasswd and generate a vnc password
Start vnc
service vncserver start
来自: http://linux.derkeiler.com/Mailing-Lists/RedHat/2005-03/0545.html
过程:上述4步后、vnc启动成功;但还是连不上,提示failed to connect..开始以为看 /var/log/messages可以搞定,但完全没用,其他log目录下的内容也看了,一样没用;再后来:ps -ef|grep v