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原创 i'll be there
You and I must make a pact We must bring salvation back Where there is love Ill be there Ill reach out my hand to youI have faith in all you do Just call my name And Ill be there Ill be there to c
2010-04-05 23:28:00 392
转载 做人的礼仪
人的基本礼仪,看看吧,保你学会不少东西 1, 别人给倒水时,不要干看着,要用手扶扶,以示礼貌。 2,别人对你说话,你起码要能接话,不能人家说了上句,你没了下句,或者一味的说着啊啊啊,是是是。 3,有人盯着你看的时候不要直视对方,假装没注意到。 4,心情不好,再好的护肤品和化妆品也补救不了皮肤。 5,睡眠不好,会使人说话语无伦次,反应迟钝,黑眼圈突出。 6,
2010-03-26 21:46:00 404 1
转载 This is it
This is it, here I standIm the light of the world, I feel grandGot this love I can feelAnd I know yes for sure it is realAnd it feels as though Ive seen your face a thousand timesAnd you
2009-11-30 15:21:00 257
转载 We've had enough
[歌词翻译]We’Ve Had Enough[center]Weve Had Enough我们已受够了Love was taken from a young life 一个年轻的生命永失所爱And no one told her why 却无人能解原因何在Her direction has a dimlight 前途暗淡,看不到未来From one more violent c
2008-12-17 16:57:00 791
原创 Erlang [1] 两台主机通信实现
两台主机间实现分布式计算,通信,配置过程记录如下: 环境: 两台windows xp sp3主机,在一个大的局域网,地址10.1.16.*和10.22.5.*过程: 1.在一台主机上使用Simple DNS Plus配置dns服务器,dns名称www,对应主机名与地址为hp.www->10.1.16.*和lib.www->10.22.5*;主机名设置
2008-11-24 00:25:00 878 2
原创 奶奶讲的故事,呵呵,励志故事
这个故事听了多遍,今天突然想起来,果然baidu到了,有小小不同,下面是奶奶的版本:)《山海经(中次十一经)》有载 瑲(其实是" 王仓")琅好像是山海经里说得,除凤凰之外的又一个神鸟, 叫声如犬吠,飞起有火光,衔灵芝为巢,下蛋四方生四方蛋的鸟 话说从前有弟兄俩人,大哥守着祖宗留下来的家产,一刻不停的劳作着。弟弟却两耳不闻窗外事,一心只读圣贤书。
2008-05-23 14:34:00 838
原创 我的购书单
[1] c++编程思想(Thinking in C++ 英文第二版). Bruce Eckel 著. 机械工业出版社. 2007.10.27. 购于宏图书店[2] Windows环境下32位汇编语言程序设计(第二版). 罗云彬 编著. 电子工业出版社. 2008.1.14. 购于宏图书店[3]深入浅出MFC(第二版). 侯俊杰 著. 华中科技大学出版社.[4]C程序设计语言(The C Progr
2008-05-23 13:34:00 483
原创 heal the world
Thers a place in your heartAnd I know that it is loveAnd this place could be much brighter than tomorrowAnd if you really tryYoull find theres no need to cryIn this place youll feel theres no hur
2008-05-20 18:35:00 415
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