
Computer Science Conference Ranking是目前知道的唯一一个持续做计算机会议排名更新和维护的站点,这里列出了Artificial Intelligence / Machine Learning / Robotics / Human Computer Interaction方面的TOP88个会议,供参考。


Top 67 conferences are listed (701 considered):

AAAI: American Association for AI National Conference (0.99)
NIPS: Neural Information Processing Systems (0.98)
IJCAI: Intl Joint Conf on AI (0.96)
ICCV: Intl Conf on Computer Vision (0.96)
CVPR: IEEE Conf on Comp Vision and Pattern Recognition (0.96)
ICML: Intl Conf on Machine Learning (0.95)
CSSAC: Cognitive Science Society Annual Conference (0.92)
UAI: Conference on Uncertainty in AI (0.91)
ACL: Annual Meeting of the ACL - Association of Computational Linguistics (0.90)
NAACL: North American Chapter of the ACL (0.88)
GP/GECCO: Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (0.85)
AID: Intl Conf on AI in Design (0.84)
CHI: ACM SIGCHI - Computer Human Interaction (0.84)
CAIP: Intl Conf on Comp. Analysis of Images and Patterns (0.84)
IPCV: Intl Conf on Image Processing, Computer Vision, and Pattern Recognition (0.83)
IEEE/WIC Intl Joint Conf on Web Intelligence and Intelligent Agent Technology (0.82)
CoNLL: Conference on Natural Language Learning (0.82)
ICAI: (or IC-AI) International Conference on Artificial Intelligence (0.80)
EMNLP: Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing (0.79)
AIME: AI in Medicine in Europe (0.76)
AAMAS: Intl Conf on Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems (0.76)
IAAI: Innovative Applications in AI (0.76)
ICNN/IJCNN: Intl (Joint) Conference on Neural Networks (0.76)
ECML: European Conf on Machine Learning (0.76)
ICPR: Intl Conf on Pattern Recognition (0.76)
ECAI: European Conf on AI (0.76)
ICDAR: International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition (0.75)
ICTAI: IEEE conference on Tools with AI (0.74)
ANNIE: Artificial Neural Networks in Engineering (0.72)
AI-ED: World Conference on AI in Education (0.72)
DAS: International Workshop on Document Analysis Systems (0.71)
ICIP: Intl Conf on Image Processing (0.71)
ICGA: International Conference on Genetic Algorithms (0.71)
EA: International Conference on Artificial Evolution (0.70)
WACV: IEEE Workshop on Apps of Computer Vision (0.65)
COLING: International Conference on Computational Linguistics (0.64)
ECCV: European Conference on Computer Vision (0.63)
EACL: Annual Meeting of European Association Computational Linguistics (0.62)
DocEng: ACM Symposium on Document Engineering (0.61)
CAAI: Canadian Artificial Intelligence Conference (0.60)
AMAI: Artificial Intelligence and Maths (0.60)
ICRA: IEEE Intl Conf on Robotics and Automation (0.60)
WCES: World Congress on Expert Systems (0.60)
ACCV: Asian Conference on Computer Vision (0.59)
CAIA: Conf on AI for Applications (0.57)
IEA/AIE: Intl Conf on Ind. and Eng. Apps of AI and Expert Sys (0.57)
ICCBR: International Conference on Case-Based Reasoning (0.57)
ICASSP: IEEE Intl Conf on Acoustics, Speech and SP (0.57)
ASC: Intl Conf on AI and Soft Computing (0.57)
PACLIC: Pacific Asia Conference on Language, Information and Computation (0.56)
ICONIP: Intl Conf on Neural Information Processing (0.56)
IWPAAMS: Intl Workshop on Practical Appl. of Agents & Multiagent Systems (0.56)
SMC: IEEE Intl Conf on Systems, Man and Cybernetics (0.55)
CAEPIA: Conference of the Spanish Association for Artificial Intelligence (0.55)
IWANN: Intl Work-Conf on Art and Natural Neural Networks (0.55)
CIA: Cooperative Information Agents (0.55)
RANLP: Recent Advances in Natural Language Processing (0.54)
ICANN: International Conf on Artificial Neural Networks (0.54)
MLMTA: Intl Conf on Machine Learning; Models, Technologies and Applications (0.54)
NLPRS: Natural Language Pacific Rim Symposium (0.54)
ACIVS: Int抣 Conference on Advanced Concepts For Intelligent Vision Systems (0.53)
RSS: Robotics: Science and Systems Conference (0.53)
ICAPS/AIPS: Conference on Artificial Intelligence Planning Systems (0.53)
ECAL: European Conference on Artificial Life (0.53)
MAAMAW: Modelling Autonomous Agents in a Multi-Agent World (0.52)
ANTS: Ant Colony Optimization and Swarm Intelligence (0.51)
NC: ICSC Symposium on Neural Computation (0.51)





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