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原创 《算法导论》第四版 电子版 全网第一时间发布eBookhub

2022年4月 《算法导论》第4版发布!! 用的是金色封面。同时第4版给大家准备了一份极为丰厚的礼物,也就是全书算法的Python代码,并附有测试。 还有第三版的官方MIT出版的教师手册(也就是习题答案)!!

2022-11-01 13:06:27 3091 1

原创 Database

Classic textbooks of Database ManagementReadings in Database Systems, 4th Edition, January 2005      Edited by Joseph M. Hellerstein and Michael StonebrakerAuthors' website (supplemental materia

2011-11-06 14:43:00 551 1

原创 numeric questions

count the number of bit 1 in a integer    stackoverflow   Hamming weight     n & (n - 1)Is Power of 2A non-negative binary integer value x is a power of 2 iff (x&(x-1)) is 0 using 2's complement arithmetic.Position of least significant bit that is set 

2011-05-26 11:48:00 421

原创 Interview Questions

Given a binary search tree, design an algorithm which creates a linked list of all the nodes at each depth (eg, if you have a tree with depth D, you’ll have D linked lists).    link

2011-04-14 23:00:00 747

原创 Famous people in C++

Scott Meyers   link

2011-03-30 19:17:00 431

原创 Algorithms Collection and Implementation

binary search tree (BST)   C++Stacks And Queues (Array Stack, Linked List Stack,Linked List Queue)  C++

2011-03-28 22:39:00 428

原创 VI

<br />learning the vi and vim editors  互动<br /> <br /> 

2011-03-28 20:36:00 296

原创 Linker and Loader

<br />Linkers and Loaders | Linux Journal      link<br /> <br />Assemblers, Linkers & Loaders    pdf<br /> <br />COMPILER, ASSEMBLER, LINKER AND LOADER: A BRIEF STORY    link<br /> <br />Linker (computing)    Wikipedia<br /> <br /> <br /><linker and loader

2011-03-21 20:12:00 431

原创 Python

Python  Wikipedia   homebook

2011-03-15 20:43:00 381

原创 Lisp

Lisp  Wikipedia       Today, the most widely known general-purpose Lisp dialects are Common Lisp, Scheme, and Clojure.An Introduction and Tutorial for Common LispResources, references, tutorials, and books on Common Lisp.Books:       On Lisp      P

2011-03-15 19:57:00 474

原创 Books to be buyed

优先级高: 算法设计手册(第2版)(英文影印版)  link  深入理解计算机系统   要不 Algorithms in C++还是不要买了,直接看SGI STL源代码吧。以后买的: The Practice of Programming/程序设计实践(英文版)

2011-03-12 23:01:00 727

原创 Online Judge

<br />UVa Online Judge  home    <br />                    the best training resource and has a section coresponding to <Programming Challenges><br /> <br /> <br /> <br />Personally, I need a more gentle introduction to algorithmic problems -- none of my

2011-03-12 19:04:00 460

原创 VC

<br />首先VC是一个软件(IDE集成开发环境)(编译、编辑、调试) <br /> <br />VC的灵魂:MFC(微软基础类库) <br /> <br /> <br />Microsoft Visual C++ (often abbreviated as MSVC or VC++) is a commercial, non-freeintegrated development environment (IDE) product from Microsoft

2011-03-11 00:51:00 353

原创 to be ruled from Windows Space (some textbooks)

Computer ArchitectureComputer Organization and Design, Fourth Edition, Fourth Edition: The Hardware/Software Interface  --- Amazon                                  This textbook provides a basic introduction to the fundamentals of current computer design

2011-03-02 21:14:00 868

原创 to be ruled from Windows Space (others)

Sites related to Open SourceFreshmeat  -- Wikipedia OpenWrt  -- Wikipedia  -- https://dev.openwrt.org/some sites about Design Patterns Computers: Programming: Methodologies: Patterns and Anti-Patterns  dmoz Computers > Programming > ... > Patterns an

2011-03-02 21:12:00 1356

原创 to be ruled from Windows Space about C++

<br /> C++: A Dialog  -- beginner tutorial  --  recommended by The Art of UNIX Programming<br /><br />Qt (toolkit) -- Wikipedia Computers: Programming: Languages: C++ -- dmoz Computers > Programming > Languages > C++ -- googe directory<br /><br /><br /

2011-03-02 21:07:00 603

原创 Practice Algorithms

Resources and tutorials to get started on algorithmsProject Euler  link   ACM - International Collegiate Programming Contest (ICPC)    link    files can be downloadedValladolid Online Judge - Problem Set Archive   link Valladolid Online Judge - Con

2011-03-01 00:12:00 775

原创 C++源码

Code::Blocks   link    written in C++Open source project for c++ developer?  linkOpen Source C++ projects for beginners linkBoost is the first project one can think about. It is a library, but very well written, so you will learn a lot.   这个还可以,比较出名,也易

2011-02-25 23:52:00 1132

原创 firefox源码分析 (还是不建议用余学习C++)

Source code directories overview  link理解Firefox - 序言<br />不知道楼主还会不会回来看,我来说说我自己的一些看法吧。<br />想看FF的SRCCODE,你首先有些下列的基础。<br />1 COM 的基本的思想,然后再去看看XPCOM不过有了COM的基础后再看XPCOM就会很快的。<br />2 你要有相当的C++水平,要不然看起来会不怎么顺利的。<br />3 对JAVASCRIIPT有一些了解。<br /><br

2011-02-25 23:38:00 9599 82

原创 C++ 学习方法汇总

Re: 请教:如何学好C++语言呢?<br />发信站: 南京大学小百合站 (Fri May 2 18:25:45 2003)<br /><br />(1)、入门级别(3本):概观C++程序设计语言、Essential C++、C++编程思想<br />(2)、基础级别(3本):C++ Primer、The C++ Programming Language、C++标准程序库<br />(3)、进阶级别(6本):Effective STL、Effective C++、More Effect

2011-02-22 21:15:00 1368

原创 C++杂志

C++ View、Guru Of The Week、编程技术、CUJ、DDJ

2011-02-22 21:09:00 657

原创 Popular software written in C++

FireFox   and many pulg-in such as birdthunderOpenOfficewxWidgets is a C++ library.Google Chromenotepad++

2011-02-22 20:54:00 292

原创 C++ Words

The C++ Standards Committee - link<br />C++ Technical Report 1 (TR1) is the common name for ISO/IEC TR 19768, C++ Library Extensions, which is a document proposing additions to the C++ standard library. The additions include regular expressions, sm

2011-02-22 19:56:00 373

原创 C++ STL

SGI's STL Programmer's GuideStandard Template Library - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 欲买的书:C++ Coding Standards: 101 Rules, Guidelines, and Best PracticesModern C++ Design: Generic Programming and Design Patterns AppliedAccelerated C++: Practical Prog

2011-02-21 21:05:00 492

原创 Algorithms on the Internet

经典算法研究系列  --link

2011-02-15 21:48:00 388

原创 c++

C++ 多线程系统编程精要   -- link

2011-02-15 21:42:00 527

原创 Introduction to Algorithms

【转】用random(0,1)来实现random(a,b)(2010-06-08 11:10:31)转载标签:it 分类: 算法及CReference : Introduction to Algorithms (Second Edition). Exercises: 5.1-2. Describe an implementation of the procedure RANDOM(a, b) that only makes calls to R

2011-01-15 13:46:00 535

原创 体验Unix

<br />Unix-Center.Net

2010-12-22 19:16:00 467

原创 Cloud Computing

Cloud computing -- WikipediaSalsesforce -- home   the biggest cloud computing company       force.com -- home - Wikipedia Amazon AWS -- home - WikipediaThe Amazon Web Services (AWS)

2010-12-08 19:48:00 379


OG是ETS(出托福的机构)的官方指南,叫做《新托福考试官方指南》 Offial Guide to the New TOEFL ibt,也就是简称OG.Delta是《新托福考试备考策略与模拟试题》 Delta's Key to the Next Generation TOEFL Test.Barron同样是托福考试的参考书,叫做《新托福考试全真模考与精解》ETS是出托福的机构,叫做Educational Testing Service,美国教育考试服务中心。TPO是ETS给出的在线模拟题,在

2010-12-08 19:19:00 304

原创 java books

Head First Java, 2nd Edition  2005年  不知等一下有无新版本出来<br /><br /> <br />The Java EE 6 Tutorial

2010-12-03 23:58:00 395

原创 一些好的站点

Wikipedia in English     Wikipedias Portals  求职百科

2009-08-05 19:34:00 220

Accelerated C++

Accelerated C++ Practical Programming by Example by Andrew Koenig and Barbara E. Moo Addison-Wesley, 2000 ISBN 0-201-70353-X Pages 336 Second Printing


Dive Into Python 5.4

Dive Into Python is a Python book for experienced programmers.


sas 9.2 验证码

sas sid 需要将你电脑的系统时间改小一年


Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning

Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning


Advanced Bash-Scripting Guide (English Version 5.5.02 2008,12,1)

Advanced Bash-Scripting Guide



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