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原创 linux下tomcat作为daemon运行

<br />在linux下如果想让tomcat在开机时自启动,可以将启动代码写到/etc/rc.local里面。但是,这样的话,tomcat将以root权限运行,这是不安全的。因此,要想办法让tomcat以非特权身份作为daemon运行。<br />要将tomcat作为linux的daemon运行,需要commons-daemon工程的jsvc工具,tomcat的bin目录里已经自带了这个工具的源码。<br />解压commons-daemon-native.tar.gz,进入unix子目录,然后confi

2010-08-02 11:33:00 11765

原创 为已编译的apache2添加mod_proxy模块

查看apache支持的模块:        httpd -l     查看apache载入的模块:        httpd -t -D DUMP_MODULES    使用apache扩展工具apxs可以为apache编译和安装扩展模块。新安装的模块将作为动态共享对象提供给apache,因此,apache运行的平台必须支持DSO特性,并且httpd必须内建mod_so模块。这样才能使用mod_so提供的LoadModule指令在运行时将模块加载到apache服务器中。    要为已运行的apach

2010-08-01 19:28:00 12921

Google云计算经典论文 GFS BigTable MapReduce

We have designed and implemented the Google File Sys- tem, a scalable distributed file system for large distributed data-intensive applications. It provides fault tolerance while running on inexpensive commodity hardware, and it delivers high aggregate performance to a large number of clients. While sharing many of the same goals as previous dis- tributed file systems, our design has been driven by obser- vations of our application workloads and technological envi- ronment, both current and anticipated, that reflect a marked departure from some earlier file system assumptions. This has led us to reexamine traditional choices and explore rad- ically different design points. The file system has successfully met our storage needs. It is widely deployed within Google as the storage platform for the generation and processing of data used by our ser- vice as well as research and development efforts that require large data sets. The largest cluster to date provides hun- dreds of terabytes of storage across thousands of disks on over a thousand machines, and it is concurrently accessed by hundreds of clients. In this paper, we present file system interface extensions designed to support distributed applications, discuss many aspects of our design, and report measurements from both micro-benchmarks and real world use.


《Java Servlet编程(第二版)》英文版 chm (含源码)

Since I wrote the first edition of this book, servlets and the server-side Java platform have grown in popularity beyond everyone's wildest expectations. Adoption is pervasive. Web server vendors now offer servlet support as a standard feature. The Java 2, Enterprise Edition (J2EE), specification has included servlets as a core component, and application server vendors wouldn't be caught dead without a scalable servlet implementation. It's more than just vendor-driven hype too. Servlets have become the basis for JavaServer Pages (JSP) and other frameworks, and servlet technology now supports such high-traffic sites as ESPN.com and AltaVista.com. Not surprisingly, the servlet landscape looks somewhat different today than it did when the first edition went to print. The Servlet API has undergone two revisions, with a third revision on the way. The familiar startup companies Live Software and New Atlanta that once made money selling the JRun and ServletExec servlet engines (now called servlet containers) have gotten themselves noticed and were purchased by larger web-focused companies, Allaire and Unify, respectively. They now offer features above and beyond basic servlet support in an effort to differentiate themselves. Amazingly, the official javax.servlet and javax.servlet.http packages have been the first Java classes to be officially released as open source. They were transferred to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) and now reside at http://jakarta.apache.org. The packages continue to follow the Servlet API specification, but bug fixes and specification updates can now be handled by a set of trusted open source developers—including yours truly, who recently had the chance to fix a bug to improve conditional GET request handling in HttpServlet. In addition, the server that acts as the Servlet API reference implementation was also transferred to the ASF and made available as open source under the name Apache Tomcat. Tomcat has since become one of the most popular servlet containers. For more information, see http://opensource.org. The servlet world has changed, and this book brings you up-to-date. It explains everything you need to know about Java servlet programming, from start to finish. The first five chapters cover the basics: what servlets are, what they do, and how they work. The following 15 chapters are where the true meat is—they explore the things you are likely to do with servlets and the tools you're likely to use. You'll find numerous examples, several suggestions, a few warnings, and even a couple of true hacks that somehow made it past technical review.



内容简介回到顶部↑本书介绍了标准C++以及由C++所支持的关键性编程技术和设计技术。标准C++较以前的版本功能更强大,其中许多新的语言特性,如名字空间、异常、模板、运行时类型声明等使得新技术得以直接应用。本书围绕语言及库功能来组织,内容涉及C++的主要特征及标准库,并通过系统软件领域中的实例解释说明一些关键性的概念与技术。   本书的目的就是帮助读者了解C++是如何支持编程技术的,使读者能从中获得新的理解,从而成为一名优秀的编程人员和设计人员。适合做高校面向对象编程课程的教科书,也可作为C++爱好者的参考书。 [center] [a href=http://www.china-pub.com/main/sale/c%2B%2Btb.htm target=_blank]C++之父Bjarne Stroustrup博士专访[/a] [a href="http://www.is.pku.edu.cn/%7Eqzy/cpp.htm" target="_blank"]《C++程序设计语言》程序的更正和更新[/a] [a href="http://www.china-pub.com/temporary/list/cooperate/zipdownload/zg.zip" target="_blank"]本书忠告[/a] [/center]


Emacs_User's_Guide_ 中文版

GNU EMACS 是 GNU 计划下的第一个产品 EMACS 为 Editor MACros 的缩写 Richard Stallman 於 1975 年在 MIT 首次 撰写 EMACS editor 目前 GNU EMACS 已发展到 19.28 版 本文所讨论的 GNU EMACS 也以 19.28 版为主 GNU EMACS 秉持著 GNU 的精神 它依然是 free 的 任何人都可以 “anonymous ftp” 的方式至 prep.ai.mit.edu 这个 site 取得 GNU EMACS 的 原始码 GNU EMACS 不是 public domain 的产物 它有版权也有使用上的限制 那就是任何得 到它的人都不可以将其视为私有的财产 修改过的 GNU EMACS 也不可以作为商品来牟利 金钱 交易的行为是绝对被禁止


ISO_IEC 9899:1999(E)--Programming Languages--C.pdf

c99标准 ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) and IEC (the International Electrotechnical Commission) form the specialized system for worldwide standardization. National bodies that are member of ISO or IEC participate in the development of International Standards through technical committees established by the respective organization to deal with particular fields of technical activity. ISO and IEC technical committees collaborate in fields of mutual interest. Other international organizations, governmental and non-governmental, in liaison with ISO and IEC, also take part in the work.


GNU Coding Standards

GNU 的编程标准 The GNU Coding Standards were written by Richard Stallman and other GNU Project volunteers. Their purpose is to make the GNU system clean, consistent, and easy to install. This document can also be read as a guide to writing portable, robust and reliable programs. It focuses on programs written in C, but many of the rules and principles are useful even if you write in another programming language. The rules often state reasons for writing in a certain way



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