CodeForces_1320C World of Darkraft: Battle for Azathoth(线段树)

World of Darkraft: Battle for Azathoth

time limit per test:2 seconds
memory limit per test:512 megabytes
Problem Description

Roma is playing a new expansion for his favorite game World of Darkraft. He made a new character and is going for his first grind.

Roma has a choice to buy exactly one of n different weapons and exactly one of m m m different armor sets. Weapon i i i has attack modifier a i a_i ai and is worth c a i ca_i cai coins, and armor set j j j has defense modifier b j b_j bj and is worth c b j cb_j cbj coins.

After choosing his equipment Roma can proceed to defeat some monsters. There are p p p monsters he can try to defeat. Monster k k k has defense x k x_k xk, attack y k y_k yk and possesses z k z_k zk coins. Roma can defeat a monster if his weapon’s attack modifier is larger than the monster’s defense, and his armor set’s defense modifier is larger than the monster’s attack. That is, a monster k k k can be defeated with a weapon i and an armor set j if a i > x k a_i>x_k ai>xk and b j > y k b_j>y_k bj>yk. After defeating the monster, Roma takes all the coins from them. During the grind, Roma can defeat as many monsters as he likes. Monsters do not respawn, thus each monster can be defeated at most one.

Thanks to Roma’s excessive donations, we can assume that he has an infinite amount of in-game currency and can afford any of the weapons and armor sets. Still, he wants to maximize the profit of the grind. The profit is defined as the total coins obtained from all defeated monsters minus the cost of his equipment. Note that Roma must purchase a weapon and an armor set even if he can not cover their cost with obtained coins.

Help Roma find the maximum profit of the grind.


The first line contains three integers n, m, and p ( 1 ≤ n , m , p ≤ 2 ⋅ 1 0 5 1≤n,m,p≤2⋅10^5 1n,m,p2105) — the number of available weapons, armor sets and monsters respectively.

The following n lines describe available weapons. The i-th of these lines contains two integers a i a_i ai and c a i ca_i cai ( 1 ≤ a i ≤ 1 0 6 1≤a_i≤10^6 1ai106, 1 ≤ c a i ≤ 1 0 9 1≤ca_i≤10^9 1cai109) — the attack modifier and the cost of the weapon i.

The following m lines describe available armor sets. The j-th of these lines contains two integers b j b_j bj and c b j cb_j cbj ( 1 ≤ b j ≤ 1 0 6 1≤b_j≤10^6 1bj106, 1 ≤ c b j ≤ 1 0 9 1≤cb_j≤10^9 1cbj109) — the defense modifier and the cost of the armor set j.

The following p lines describe monsters. The k-th of these lines contains three integers x k x_k xk, y k y_k yk, z k z_k zk ( 1 ≤ x k , y k ≤ 1 0 6 1≤x_k,y_k≤10^6 1xk,yk106, 1 ≤ z k ≤ 1 0 3 1≤z_k≤10^3 1zk103) — defense, attack and the number of coins of the monster k.


Print a single integer — the maximum profit of the grind.

Sample Input

2 3 3
2 3
4 7
2 4
3 2
5 11
1 2 4
2 1 6
3 4 6

Sample Output



有n把武器,m件防具,p只怪物,每把武器有攻击值 a i a_i ai、价格 c a i ca_i cai;每件防具有防御值 b j b_j bj、价格 c b j cb_j cbj;怪物有防御值 x k x_k xk、攻击值 y k y_k yk、奖励 z k z_k zk。勇者可以(必须)选择购买一把武器和一件防具,当勇者的攻击值大于怪物的防御值且勇者防御值大于怪物攻击值,则勇者可以击杀这只怪物并获得其对应的奖励。勇者可以击杀多只怪物,每只怪物只能被击杀一次。求勇者能获得的最大收益(打怪奖励-武器价格-防具价格)。



#define dbg(x) cout<<#x<<" = "<<x<<endl;
#define INF 0x3f3f3f3f
#define eps 1e-6
using namespace std;
typedef long long LL;   
typedef pair<LL, int> P;
const int maxn = 200100;
const int mod = 1000000007;
struct node{
    int a, b, p;
}atk[maxn], def[maxn], mon[maxn];
LL b[maxn], c[maxn], p[maxn*4], lz[maxn*4];
int lisan(int n, LL a[]);
void creat(int l, int r, int k);
void pushdown(int k);
bool cmp1(node a, node b);
bool cmp2(node a, node b);
void Update(int l, int r, int al, int ar, int x, int k);

int main()
    int n, m, q, i, j, k, len;
    LL ans = -1e16;
    scanf("%d %d %d", &n, &m, &q);
        scanf("%d %d", &atk[i].a, &atk[i].p);
        scanf("%d %d", &def[i].b, &def[i].p);
        b[i] = def[i].b;
        scanf("%d %d %d", &mon[i].b, &mon[i].a, &mon[i].p);
    sort(atk+1, atk+1+n, cmp1);
    sort(mon+1, mon+1+q, cmp2);
    len = lisan(m, b);
        c[i] = -INF;
        int pos = lower_bound(b+1, b+1+len, def[i].b)-b;
        c[pos] = max(c[pos], -1LL*def[i].p);
        c[i] = max(c[i], c[i+1]);
    creat(1, len, 1);
    j = 1;
        while(j<=q && mon[j].b < atk[i].a)
            int pos = upper_bound(b+1, b+1+len, mon[j].a)-b;
            if(pos<=len)Update(1, len, pos, len, mon[j].p, 1);
        ans = max(ans, -atk[i].p+p[1]);
    printf("%I64d\n", ans);
    return 0;

int lisan(int n, LL a[])
    sort(a+1, a+1+n);
    int top = 0, i;
    a[0] = a[1]-1;
        if(a[i] != a[top])a[++top] = a[i];
    return top;

void creat(int l, int r, int k)
    lz[k] = 0;
    if(l == r){
        p[k] = c[l];
    int mid = (l+r)/2;
    creat(l, mid, 2*k);
    creat(mid+1, r, 2*k+1);
    p[k] = max(p[2*k], p[2*k+1]);

void Update(int l, int r, int al, int ar, int x, int k)
    if(l == al && r == ar){
        p[k] += x;
        lz[k] += x;
        return ;
    int mid = (l+r)/2;
    if(ar <= mid)Update(l, mid, al, ar, x, 2*k);
    else if(al>mid) Update(mid+1, r, al, ar, x, 2*k+1);
    else Update(l, mid, al, mid, x, 2*k), Update(mid+1, r, mid+1, ar, x, 2*k+1);
    p[k] = max(p[2*k], p[2*k+1]);

void pushdown(int k)
        p[2*k] += lz[k];
        p[2*k+1] += lz[k];
        lz[2*k] += lz[k];
        lz[2*k+1] += lz[k];
        lz[k] = 0;

bool cmp1(node a, node b)
    return a.a < b.a;

bool cmp2(node a, node b)
    return a.b < b.b;
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