
Function GetDirect(ByVal lCurrPos As Long, ByVal sSource As String, ByVal sFind As String, ByVal bPre As Boolean) As Integer

    Dim iLoop As Integer
    Dim iLength As Integer
    iLength = Len(sFind)

    Dim sTemp As String
    sTemp = ""

    While sFind <> sTemp
        sTemp = Mid(sSource, lCurrPos, iLength)
        If bPre = True Then
            lCurrPos = lCurrPos - 1
            lCurrPos = lCurrPos + 1
        End If
    End While
    GetDirect = lCurrPos

End Function
Function SubStringCount(ByVal sSource As String, ByVal sFind As String) As Integer

    SubStringCount = 0

    Dim iLenFind As Integer, iStart As Integer

    iLenFind = Len(sFind)
    iStart = 1

    Dim iPtr As Integer
    iPtr = 0

    Dim iPos As Integer
    iPos = InStr(iStart, sSource, sFind, CompareMethod.Text)
    If iPos > 1 Then
        SubStringCount = 1
        While (iPos)
            iPos = InStr(iPos + iLenFind, sSource, sFind, CompareMethod.Text)
            If iPos > 0 Then
                SubStringCount = SubStringCount + 1
            End If
        End While

    End If

End Function

Function GetTableValue(ByVal sTable As String, ByVal iRow As Integer, ByVal iCol As Integer) As String
    Dim iLoop As Integer
    Dim iPtr As Integer
    Dim iRowLeft As Integer
    Dim iRowRight As Integer
    Dim sRow As String
    Dim sCell As String

    iPtr = 1
    For iLoop = 1 To iRow
        iPtr = InStr(iPtr, sTable, "<tr", CompareMethod.Text)
        iPtr = iPtr + 3

    iRowLeft = iPtr - 3
    iRowRight = GetDirect(iRowLeft, sTable, "</tr>", False)
    sRow = Mid(sTable, iRowLeft, iRowRight - iRowLeft + 5 - 1)

    iPtr = 1
    For iLoop = 1 To iCol
        iPtr = InStr(iPtr, sRow, "<td", CompareMethod.Text)
        iPtr = iPtr + 3
    iRowLeft = iPtr - 3
    iRowRight = GetDirect(iRowLeft, sRow, "</td>", False)
    sCell = Mid(sRow, iRowLeft, iRowRight - iRowLeft + 5)

    iRowLeft = InStr(1, sCell, ">", CompareMethod.Text)
    iRowRight = InStr(iRowLeft, sCell, "</td>", CompareMethod.Text)

    sCell = Trim(Mid(sCell, iRowLeft + 1, iRowRight - iRowLeft - 1))
    GetTableValue = sCell

End Function 

20200420使用VB6.0求12选3的全组合数 最近需要求组合数(买双色球生成号码用^_) 以前在大学专门学习过VB6.0,今后会迁移到VC6.0。 预计会在2020.5.1强化一下MFC,就可以了! Option Explicit Private Sub Command1_Click() End Sub Private Sub Command2_Click() Dim h1%, h2%, h3%, h4%, h5%, h6% Dim h6sum% Dim i% Dim j% Dim temp% Dim count% Dim guangyayuan(35) As Integer Dim wutongshan(35) As Integer Dim guangyayuan6(35) As Integer Dim hong1%, hong2%, hong3%, hong4%, hong5%, hong6% Dim strWj As String For hong1 = 1 To 10 'For hong2 = hong1 To 11 For hong2 = hong1 + 1 To 11 For hong3 = hong2 + 1 To 12 'Text2 = Text2 & hong1 & "," & hong2 & "," & hong3 & "," & hong4 & vbCrLf Text2 = Text2 & hong1 & "," & hong2 & "," & hong3 & vbCrLf Next hong3 Next hong2 Next hong1 Close #2 'Open "d:\ScoreW2.txt" For Output As #1 Open "d:\Çó12Ñ¡3µÄÈ«×éºÏÊý.txt" For Output As #1 Write #1, Text2 'Write #1, strWj Close #1 End Sub 使用VB6.0求12选3的全组合数: "1,2,3 1,2,4 1,2,5 1,2,6 1,2,7 1,2,8 1,2,9 1,2,10 1,2,11 1,2,12 1,3,4 1,3,5 1,3,6 1,3,7 1,3,8 1,3,9 1,3,10 1,3,11 1,3,12 1,4,5 1,4,6 1,4,7 1,4,8 1,4,9 1,4,10 1,4,11 1,4,12 1,5,6 1,5,7 1,5,8 1,5,9 1,5,10 1,5,11 1,5,12 1,6,7 1,6,8 1,6,9 1,6,10 1,6,11 1,6,12 1,7,8 1,7,9 1,7,10 1,7,11 1,7,12 1,8,9 1,8,10 1,8,11 1,8,12 1,9,10 1,9,11 1,9,12 1,10,11 1,10,12 1,11,12 2,3,4 2,3,5 2,3,6 2,3,7 2,3,8 2,3,9 2,3,10 2,3,11 2,3,12 2,4,5 2,4,6 2,4,7 2,4,8 2,4,9 2,4,10 2,4,11 2,4,12 2,5,6 2,5,7 2,5,8 2,5,9 2,5,10 2,5,11 2,5,12 2,6,7 2,6,8 2,6,9 2,6,10 2,6,11 2,6,12 2,7,8 2,7,9 2,7,10 2,7,11 2,7,12 2,8,9 2,8,10 2,8,11 2,8,12 2,9,10 2,9,11 2,9,12 2,10,11 2,10,12 2,11,12 3,4,5 3,4,6 3,4,7 3,4,8 3,4,9 3,4,10 3,4,11 3,4,12 3,5,6 3,5,7 3,5,8 3,5,9 3,5,10 3,5,11 3,5,12 3,6,7 3,6,8 3,6,9 3,6,10 3,6,11 3,6,12 3,7,8 3,7,9 3,7,10 3,7,11 3,7,12 3,8,9 3,8,10 3,8,11 3,8,12 3,9,10 3,9,11 3,9,12 3,10,11 3,10,12 3,11,12 4,5,6 4,5,7 4,5,8 4,5,9 4,5,10 4,5,11 4,5,12 4,6,7 4,6,8 4,6,9 4,6,10 4,6,11 4,6,12 4,7,8 4,7,9 4,7,10 4,7,11 4,7,12 4,8,9 4,8,10 4,8,11 4,8,12 4,9,10 4,9,11 4,9,12 4,10,11 4,10,12 4,11,12 5,6,7 5,6,8 5,6,9 5,6,10 5,6,11 5,6,12 5,7,8 5,7,9 5,7,10 5,7,11 5,7,12 5,8,9 5,8,10 5,8,11 5,8,12 5,9,10 5,9,11 5,9,12 5,10,11 5,10,12 5,11,12 6,7,8 6,7,9 6,7,10 6,7,11 6,7,12 6,8,9 6,8,10 6,8,11 6,8,12 6,9,10 6,9,11 6,9,12 6,10,11 6,10,12 6,11,12 7,8,9 7,8,10 7,8,11 7,8,12 7,9,10 7,9,11 7,9,12 7,10,11 7,10,12 7,11,12 8,9,10 8,9,11 8,9,12 8,10,11 8,10,12 8,11,12 9,10,11 9,10,12 9,11,12 10,11,12 "




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