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原创 C# command line output
Today I'm coding an application for monitoring the running status of a bat script just like what I did for a exe
2014-08-25 18:49:48 1193
原创 Errors when compiling cross gcc
When I use below commands to compile cross
2014-07-30 20:24:34 1264
原创 Reset the forgotten root password on Ubuntu
1. Push and hold the"Shift" button when booting into to the OS to
2014-07-25 17:58:54 910
原创 Install VirtualBox on Ubuntu 12.10
First, follow the instructions in the official link:
2014-06-25 16:17:32 1069
原创 注释HTML文本不能含有验证控件~
否则下面那句话就会出script错误:if (typeof(val.evaluationfunction) == "string") 假若不想删掉注释的HTML,只需要将所有runat="server"改掉就行,看别人都改成runXat="server",很简单~
2008-03-26 16:50:00 989 1
原创 Windows Excel Service
Control Panel -> Administrator Tools -> Component Services -> Component Services -> Computers -> My Computer -> DCOM Config -> Microsoft Excel Application -> Properties -> Security -> Customsize all t
2008-03-06 09:16:00 859
原创 固定的背景
background-attachment : scroll | fixed 参数: scroll : 背景图像是随对象内容滚动 fixed : 背景图像固定
2008-01-09 14:58:00 725
原创 类中的各式各样的Path
在一个网站中,在App_Code中的类得到的路径 Directory.GetCurrentDirectory() "D://Program Files//Microsoft Visual Studio 8//Common7//IDE" string Directory.GetDirectoryRoot(".") "D://" string System.Web.HttpContext.C
2007-12-14 10:57:00 1043 1
原创 换显卡,还有内存不兼容引发的问题
2007-06-09 03:13:00 5542 1
原创 如何清理桌面右键菜单的Groove Folder Synchronization?
打开注册表(开始---运行----输入regedit) 依次展开HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT/Directory/Background/shellex/ContextMenuHandlers/ 保留"NEW"这一项,其他的全部删除掉. PS: 是在"ContextMenuHandlers"下面,不是右边.
2007-06-08 10:48:00 4880
原创 在逻辑层快速获取一个表的结构
某些时候要制造一个空的只有表结构的DataTable,但一列一列添加进去会显得特别麻烦,用下面SQL可简单获取select * from table1 where 11
2007-06-08 10:39:00 881
原创 删除模板列
asp:ButtonColumn HeaderStyle-Width="5%" HeaderText="Delete" ButtonType="LinkButton" CommandName="Delete" Text="<div onclick="return confirm(确定要删除吗?)">删除</div>">asp:ButtonCo
2007-06-08 10:31:00 902
原创 将DataTable导出到Excel
引用http://www.cnblogs.com/chwkai/archive/2005/10/08/250426.html的代码 public static void DataTable2Excel(System.Data.DataTable dtData) ...{ System.Web.UI.WebControls.Data
2007-05-23 15:30:00 2389
原创 如何在后台代码获取控制EditItemTemplate的控件
Protected Sub dgLimit_ItemDataBound()Sub dgLimit_ItemDataBound(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Web.UI.WebControls.DataGridItemEventArgs) Handles dgLimit.ItemDataBound If e.Item.
2007-05-10 18:57:00 1858
原创 VB.NET中的不等于Nothing
下面代码等效:If (cbl Is Nothing) ThenElse dosomething()End If If Not (cbl Is Nothing) Then dosomething()End If If (cbl IsNot Nothing) Then do
2007-05-10 18:38:00 7730
Programming the Microsoft Windows Driver Model(Source)
[驱动好书]Programming the Microsoft Windows Driver Model(chm)
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