
vim(vi improved)Unix/Linux环境下最为普遍的文本编辑器,被广泛应用于Linux/Unix编程、系统管理中。如果被合理的配置(写配置文件,增加高亮、缩进的设置),VI还是一个合格的IDE。当然,现在有很多的Unix文本编辑器具有,或者超越了VI的功能,但是,作为一种Unix的基本配置软件,VI的使用依然很普遍。 笔者今天在公司系统学习了VIM的基本命令,现整理于下(为了输入方便,命令的注解将使用英文,日后如有闲暇,将转移为中文):

在命令行提示符下,输入vi test.txtvim test.txt,即可打开(若存在,如不存在则新建)test.txt。进入之后为command mode,不可以输入文本。输入I, i, A, a, O, o可以进入Input mode编辑文本;在Input mode中按Esc可以进入Command mode

I: Engage insert mode, the cursor will be positioned at the beginning of the current line.

i: Engage insert mode, the cursor will be positioned one character after the current position.

A: Engage append mode, the cursor will be positioned at the end of the current line.

a: Engage append mode, the cursor will be positioned after the current position.

O: Engage insert mode, a new line will be added before the current line.

o: Engage insert mode, a new line will be added after the current line.


Command mode下,有如下基本命令(Note: Linux is case sensitive, so the case(Hi/Low) of the commands matters)

(When I mention "current line", I actually mean the line where the cursor is currently positioned)

dd: Delete the current line.

D: Delete the content from the current cursor position to the end of the line.

(n)dd: Where (n) represents numbers like 10dd. (All the (n) in this article means the same) Deletes n line from the current line.

yy: copy the current line to the buffer.

(n)yy: copy n lines from the current line to the buffer.

cc: cut the current line to the buffer.

(n)cc: cut n lines from  the current line to the buffer.

p: paste the content of buffer after the current line.

P: paste the content of buffer before the current line.

u: Undo

(ctrl-r: Redo)

Ctrl-r is not redo, tested on HP unix.

Later I will post the Redo command once I know.

(VI/VIM allows only one step of undo/redo, it's like notepad, but not like winword)

h: Move the cursor left by one character.

l(the letter l, lower case, not number 1): Move the cursor right by one character.

j: Move the cursor up by one character.

k: Move the cursor down by one character.

w(lower case): move the cursor to the next word(word by word).

0(zero): move the cursor to the beginning of the current line(like Home in notepad).

$: move the cursor to the end of the current line(like End in notepad).

G: move the cursor to the end of the document.

ctrl-f: move forward for 1 page.

ctrl-b: move backward for 1 page.

:1(column, then the number 1): move the cursor to the beginning(the beginning of the first line) of the document.

:(n): move the cursor to the beginning of the nth line.

/keyword: search the document for the keyword and highlight them. like /tcs, /china to search for the string "tcs", "china". Then press n to move the cursor to the next one matching pattern, press N to move it to the last one matching pattern.

:%s/string1/string2/g: replace all "string1" with "string2". /g means globally. If no /g was specified, then only the first matching pattern in each line will be replaced. The editor will not look further to find more patterns.

r: replace the letter at the current cursor position with another.

R: replace(overwrite) everything from the current cursor position to the end of the current line.

cw: change(overwrite) the current word. The rest of the current line remains untouched.

:w: write the document to the current file.

:w filename1: write the document to another file, with the name "filename1".

:q: quit.(will prompt if the content is changed but not saved.)

:q!: force quit.(will not prompt and quit directly, thus will lose all changes made since last save.)

:wq: save and quit.



Simon Jo


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