中国计算机学会推荐国际期刊和会议2011 - ref

十、 A类
序号 刊物简称 刊物全称 出版社 网址
1.  TODS ACM Transactions on Database Systems ACM
2.  VLDBJ VLDB Journal Springer-Verlag

3.  TOIS ACM Transactions on Information and Systems ACM

4.  IEEE TKDE IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering IEEE Computer Society

十一、 B类
序号 刊物简称 刊物全称 出版社 网址
1.  TKDD ACM Transactions on Knowledge Discovery from Data ACM

2.  DMKD Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery Springer-Verlag
3.  Bioinformatics Bioinformatics Oxford Journals
4.  DKE Data and Knowledge Engineering Elsevier
5.  DPD Distributed and Parallel Databases Springer Netherlands
6.  IS Information Systems Elsevier
7.   World Wide Web Journal O'Reilly and Associates
8.  JASIST Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology American Society for Information Science and Technology 
9.  KIS Knowledge and Information Systems Springer Netherlands
10.   Information Retrieval Springer
11.  JWS Journal of Web Semantics Elsevier

12.  EJIS European Journal of Information Systems The OR Society

13.  IPM Information Processing and Management Elsevier
14.  JDM Journal of Database Management IGI-Global

15.  AEI Advanced Engineering Informatics Elsevier

16.  IJCIS International Journal of Cooperative Information Systems World Scientific Publishing
17.   Information Sciences Elsevier
序号 刊物简称 刊物全称 出版社 网址
14.  JIIS Journal of Intelligent Information Systems Springer Netherlands

15.  JCIS Journal of Computer Information Systems The International Association of Computer Information Systems
16.  JSIS Journal of Strategic Information Systems Elsevier
17.  IPL Information Processing Letters Elsevier
18.  IJIS International Journal of Intelligent Systems John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
19.   Computing and Informatics Institute of Informatics, Slovakia 
20.  ITAL Information Technology and Libraries Library and Information Technology Association
21.   Statistical Analysis and Data Mining John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
22.   IEEE Data Engineering Bulletin IEEE Computer Society
23.  JGITM Journal of Global Information Technology Management Information Resources Management Association
24.  ITM Information Technology and Management Springer Netherlands
25.  I&M Information and Management Elsevier
26.  DATA BASE DATA BASE for Advances in Information Systems ACM
27.  JOLA Journal of Library Automation American Library Association
28.  IJKM International Journal of Knowledge Management IGI
29.  IJGIS International Journal of Geographical Information Science Taylor & Francis Journals
30.  GeoInformatica GeoInformatica Springer Netherlands

31.   SIGMOD Record ACM

序号 会议简称 会议全称 出版社 网址
4.  SIGMOD ACM Conference on Management of Data ACM

5.  VLDB International Conference on Very Large Data Bases Morgan Kaufmann/ACM

6.  ICDE IEEE International Conference on Data Engineering IEEE Computer Society

7.  SIGKDD ACM Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining ACM
序号 会议简称 会议全称 出版社 网址
1.  WWW International World Wide Web Conferences W3C

2.  PODS ACM SIGMOD Conference on Principles of DB Systems ACM

3.  EDBT International Conference on Extending DB Technology Springer  LNCS

4.  SIGIR International Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval ACM
5.  ICDT International Conference on Database Theory Springer
6.  ICDM IEEE International Conference on Data Mining IEEE Computer Society

7.  CIKM ACM International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management ACM

8.  PKDD European Conference on Principles and Practice of Knowledge Discovery in Databases Springer-Verlag LNAI
9.  ER International Conference on Conceptual Modeling Lecture Notes in Computer Science

10.  SDM SIAM International Conference on Data Mining Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics
序号 会议简称 会议全称 出版社 网址
1.  DEXA Database and Expert System Applications Springer  LNCS

2.  NLDB Applications of Natural Language to Data Bases Springer  LNCS

3.  WAIM International Conference on Web Age Information Management Springer  LNCS
4.  APWeb The Asia Pacific Web Conference Springer LNCS
5.  WebDB International ACM Workshop on Web and Databases ACM
6.  MobiDE International Workshop on Data Engineering for Wireless and Mobile Access ACM
7.  MDM International Conference on Mobile Data Management IEEE
8.  CIDR International Conference on Innovation Database Research Online Proceedings

9.  SSDBM International Conference on Scientific and Statistical DB Management IEEE Computer Society

10.  WISE Web Information Systems Engineering Lecture Notes in Computer Science

11.  SSTD International Symposium on Spatial and Temporal Databases
12.  PAKDD Pacific-Asia Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining Springer-Verlag LNCS/LNAI

13.  DASFAA Database Systems for Advanced Applications Springer  LNCS

14.  ECIR European Conference on IR Research Springer

十二、 A类
序号 刊物简称 刊物全称 出版社 网址
1.  TOG ACM Transactions on Graphics ACM
2.  TMM IEEE Transactions on Multimedia  IEEE
3.  TVCG IEEE Transactions On Visualization and Computer Graphics  IEEE
4.  TOCHI ACM Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction ACM
十三、 B类
序号 刊物简称 刊物全称 出版社 网址
1.  CAD Computer-Aided Design Elsevier
2.  CAGD Computer Aided Geometric Design Elsevier
3.  CGF Computer Graphics Forum Blackwell Ltd.,
4.  C&G Computers & Graphics Elsevier
5.  GM Graphical Models Elsevier
6.  TVC The Visual Computer Springer
序号 刊物简称 刊物全称 出版社 网址
32.   Multimedia Systems Springer
33.  MTA Multimedia Tools and Applications Springer
34.   Discrete & Computational Geometry Springer
35.  IJCGA International Journal of Computational Geometry & Applications World Scientific
5.   CAVW Computer Animation and Virtual Worlds  John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
序号 会议简称 会议全称 出版社 网址
9.  IEEE Vis IEEE Visualization IEEE
10.  Multimedia ACM International Conference on Multimedia ACM
序号 会议简称 会议全称 出版社 网址
1.  EG EUROGRAPHICS Computer Graphics Forum, Blackwell Ltd.
2.  PG PACIFIC GRAPHICS Computer Graphics Forum, Blackwell Ltd.
3.  ACM SPM ACM Solid and Physical Modeling Symposium ACM
4.  SGP Eurographics Symposium on Geometry Processing Eurographics, A K Peters
5.  EGSR Eurographics Symposium on Rendering Eurographics
6.  UIST ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology ACM
7.  SCA ACM/Eurographics Symposium on Computer Animation ACM
8.  EuroVis Eurographics/IEEE-VGTC Symposium on Visualization ACM
9.  ICME IEEE International Conference on Multimedia & Expo  IEEE
10.  ICMI International Conference on Multimodal Interface   ACM
十四、 C类
序号 会议简称 会议全称 出版社 网址
1.  PBG Point-Based Graphics  IEEE/Eurographics
2.  GMP Geometric Modeling and Processing LNCS 
3.  i3D ACM Symposium on Interactive 3D Graphics ACM
4.  CGI Computer Graphics International The Visual Computer, Spinger -
5.  GD SIAM Conference on Geometric Design & Computing SIAM Activity Group on Geometric Design
6.  SMI IEEE International Conference on Shape Modeling and Applications IEEE
7.  GI Graphics Interface A K Peters.
8.  ISMAR IEEE and ACM International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality IEEE, ACM
9.  PacificVis IEEE Pacific Visualization Symposium
10.  PCM Pacific-Rim Conference on Multimedia
11.  CASA Computer Animation and Social Agents John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

十五、 A类
序号 刊物简称 刊物全称 出版社 网址
5.  TOSEM ACM Transactions on Software Engineering Methodology ACM

6.  TSE IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering IEEE Computer Society

7.  TOPLAS ACM Transactions on Programming Languages & Systems ACM

十六、 B类
序号 刊物简称 刊物全称 出版社 网址
1.   Automated Software Engineering Springer

2.   Formal Methods in System Design Springer Netherlands

3.   Empirical Software Engineering Springer

4.  ASE Annals of Software Engineering Springer
5.   Formal Aspects of Computing Springer London

6.   IEE Proceedings – Software the Institution of Engineering and Technology

7.   Journal of Software Maintenance: Research and Practice John Wiley & Sons, Ltd

8.  SPE Software: Practice and Experience John Wiley & Sons, Ltd

9.  IJSEKE International Journal on Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering World Scientific

10.  JSS Journal of Systems and Software Elsevier Science

11.  JPL Journal of Programming Languages Chapman & Hall

12.  SCP Science of Computer Programming Elsevier Science
13.  RE Requirements Engineering Journal Springer

序号 刊物简称 刊物全称 出版社 网址
36.   ACM SIGSOFT Software Engineering Notes ACM

37.  FGCS Future Generations Computer Systems Elsevier Science

38.  HOSC Higher-Order and Symbolic Computation Springer Netherlands

39.  SEJ Software Engineering Journal Institution of Electrical Engineers (IEE)

40.  STTT International Journal on Software Tools for Technology Transfer Springer Berlin/Heidelberg

41.  JFLP Journal of Functional and Logic Programming The MIT Press

42.   Journal of Logic and Computation Oxford University Press

43.  SoSyM Software and System Modeling Springer

44.   Software Quality Journal Springer US
45.  STVR Software Testing, Verification and Reliability John Wiley & Sons, Ltd

46.   International Journal of Agent-Oriented Software Engineering InderScience Publishers
47.  JFP Journal of Functional Programming Cambridge University Press

48.   Information and Software Technology Elsevier Science

49.   Computer Languages, Systems and Structures Elsevier Science
序号 会议简称 会议全称 出版社 网址
12.  ICSE International Conference on Software Engineering ACM SIGSOFT and IEEE TCSE

13.  FSE ACM Conference on the Foundations of Software Engineering (inc: ESEC-FSE when held jointly) ACM

14.  POPL ACM SIGPLAN - SIGACT Symposium on Principles of  Programming Languages ACM SIGPLAN - SIGACT

15.  OOPSLA OO Programming Systems, Languages and Applications ACM

序号 会议简称 会议全称 出版社 网址
1.  PEPM ACM SIGPLAN Symposium on Partial Evaluation and Semantics Based Programming Manipulation ACM SIGPLAN

2.  PLDI ACM SIGPLAN Symposium on Programming Language Design & Implementation ACM SIGPLAN

3.  ICFP International Conf on Function Programming ACM

4.  FM Formal Methods, World Congress FME

5.  LICS IEEE Symposium on Logic in Computer Science IEEE

6.  ASE International Conference on Automated Software Engineering IEEE/ACM

7.  ECOOP European Conference on Object-Oriented Programming AITO

8.  COLING International Conference on Computational Linguistics ICCL

9.  MoDELS International Conference on Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems ACM, IEEE

10.  SAS International Static Analysis Symposium Springer

11.  RE IEEE International Requirement Engineering Conference IEEE
12.  CONCUR International Conference on Concurrency Theory ACM SIGACT
13.  ISSTA International Symposium on Software Testing and Analysis ACM SIGSOFT
14.  ICSM International. Conference on Software Maintenance IEEE
15.  CC International Conference on Compiler Construction Springer
16.  COMPSAC International Computer Software and Applications Conference IEEE
17.  ESEC European Software Engineering Conference ACM
18.  ICSR International Conference on Software Reuse Springer

十七、 C类
序号 会议简称 会议全称 出版社 网址
1.  ICECCS IEEE International Conference on Engineering of Complex Computer Systems IEEE

2.  SEKE International Conference on Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering KSI

3.  IWSSD International Workshop on Software Specifications & Design IEEE

4.  FoSSaCS International Conference on Foundations of Software Science and Computation Structures Springer

5.  EMSOFT International Conference on Embedded Software ACM

6.  CAiSE International Conference on Advanced Information Systems Engineering Springer

7.  CP International Conference on Principles and Practice of Constraint Programming Springer

8.  LOPSTR International Symposium on Logic-based Program Synthesis and Transformation Springer
9.  RTA International Conference on Rewriting Techniques and Applications Springer

10.  ICFEM International Conference on Formal Engineering Methods Springer
11.  TACAS International Conference on Tools and Algorithms for the Construction and Analysis of Systems Springer
12.  SPIN International SPIN Workshop on Model Checking of Software Springer
13.  CAV Computer Aided Verification Springer
14.  ESOP European Symposium on Programming Springer
15.  TOOLS International Conference on Objects, Models, Components, Patterns Springer
16.  SCAM IEEE International Working Conference
on Source Code Analysis and Manipulation IEEE

17.  APSEC Asia-Pacific Software Engineering Conference Conference Publishing Services (CPS)

18.  PASTE ACM SIGPLAN-SIGSOFT Workshop on Program Analysis for Software Tools and Engineering ACM
19.  FATES International Workshop on Formal Approaches to Testing of Software Springer
20.  QSIC International Conference on Quality Software IEEE

十八、 A类
序号 刊物简称 刊物全称 出版社 网址
1.  TALG ACM Transactions on Algorithms ACM
2.  SICOMP SIAM Journal on Computing Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics
十九、 B类
序号 刊物简称 刊物全称 出版社 网址
1.  TOCL ACM Transactions on Computational Logic ACM
2.   Information & Computation Elsevier
3.  TIT IEEE Transactions on Information Theory IEEE
4.  TCS Theoretical Computer Science Elsevier
5.   Formal Aspects of Computing  Springer
6.   Acta Informatica Springer
7.  MSCS Mathematical Structures in Computer Science Cambridge University
8.   Algorithmica  Springer
9.   Computational Complexity Springer
10.   Journal of Complexity Birkhäuser Basel 
11.  JSL Journal of Symbolic Logic Association for Symbolic Logic
12.  APAL Annuals of Pure and Applied Logic  Elsevier
13.   Discrete Applied Mathematics Elsevier
14.  JSC Journal of Symbolic Computation Elsevier
 LMCS Logical Methods in Computer Science
序号 刊物简称 刊物全称 出版社 网址
1.  IJFCS International Journal of Foundations of Computer Science World Scientific
2.   Discrete Event Dynamic Systems – Theory and Applications Springer
3.   Formal Methods in System Design Springer
4.  HOSC Higher-Order and Symbolic Computation Springer
5.   Archive for Mathematical Logic Springer
序号 会议简称 会议全称 出版社 网址
1.  STOC ACM Symposium on Theory of Computing ACM
2.  FOCS IEEE Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science IEEE
序号 会议简称 会议全称 出版社 网址
1.  LICS IEEE Symposium on Logic in Computer Science IEEE
2.  ICALP International Colloquium on Automata, Languages and Programming European Association for Theoretical Computer Science (EATCS)
3.  SCG ACM Symposium on Computational Geometry ACM
4.  SODA ACM/SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms SIAM
5.  SPAA ACM Symposium on Parallel Algorithms and Architectures ACM
6.  CCC IEEE Conference on Computational Complexity IEEE
7.  CSFW IEEE Computer Security Foundations Workshop IEEE
8.  DATE IEEE/ACM Design, Automation & Test in Europe Conference IEEE/ACM
9.  ISIT IEEE Symposium on Information Theory IEEE
10.  CP International Conference on Principles & Practice of Constraint Programming Springer
11.  TACAS Tools and Algorithms for the Construction and Analysis of Systems Springer
12.  RTA Rewriting Techniques and Applications Springer
13.  TLCA Typed Lambda Calculi and Applications Springer
14.  CSL Computer Science Logic Springer
15.  MFPS Mathematical Foundations of Programming Semantics  Elsevier
16.  TCS IFIP International Conference on Theoretical Computer Science  Springer Science and Business Media
17.  STACS International Conference on Theoretical Aspects of Computer Science   Springer
18.  MFCS Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science  Springer
19.  FCT International Symposium Fundamentals of Computation Theory    Springer
20.  FSTTCS Conference on Foundations of Software Technology and Theoretical Computer Science IARCS, the Indian Association for Research in Computing Science
21.  ICLP International Conference on Logical Programming Springer
二十、 C类
序号 会议简称 会议全称 出版社 网址
26.  CGO International Symposium on Code Generation and Optimization IEEE/ACM
27.  PEPM Partial Evaluation and Program Manipulation ACM
28.  CSB IEEE Computational Systems Bioinformatics Conference IEEE
29.  FoSSaCS International Conference on Foundations of Software Science and Computation Structures Springer
30.  iFM integrated Formal Methods Springer
31.  APLAS Asian Symposium on Programming Languages and Systems Springer
32.  ATVA International Symposium on Automated Technology for Verification and Analysis Springer
33.  TAMC Theory and Applications of Models of Computation Springer
34.  FORMATS International Conference on Formal Modeling and Analysis of Timed Systems Springer
35.  HSCC International Conference on Hybrid Systems: Computation and Control ACM, Springer
36.  CIAA International Conference on Implementation and Application of Automata Springer
37.  SPIN International SPIN Workshop on Model Checking Software Springer
38.  VMCAI International Conference on Verification, Model Checking, and Abstract Interpretation Springer
39.  FMCO International Symposium on Formal Methods for Components and Objects Springer
40.  FMOODS International Conference on Formal Methods for Open Object-based Distributed Systems Springer
41.  MEMOCODE ACM/IEEE International Conference on Formal Methods and Models for Co-Design IEEE

二十一、 A类
序号 刊物简称 刊物全称 出版社 网址
1.  AI Artificial Intelligence ELSEVIER
2.  TPAMI IEEE Trans on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence    IEEE
3.  JMLR Journal of Machine Learning Research MIT Press
4.  IJCV International Journal of Computer Vision Springer
二十二、 B类
序号 刊物简称 刊物全称 出版社 网址
1.   Machine Learning Springer
2.   Neural Computation MIT Press
3.   Computational Linguistics MIT Press
4.  JAIR Journal of AI Research  AAAI
5.  TEC IEEE Trans on Evolutionary Computation IEEE
6.   Computational Intelligence Blackwell
7.   Cognitive Science Elsevier
8.  TNN IEEE Trans on Neural Networks IEEE
9.   Evolutionary Computation  MIT Press
10.   IEEE Transaction on Speech and Audio Processing IEEE
11.   Pattern Recognition ELSEVIER
12.  CVIU Computer Vision and Image Understanding ELSEVIER
13.  IS IEEE Intelligent Systems IEEE
14.   Artificial Intelligence Review Springer
15.   Neural Networks ELSEVIER
16.   Machine Translation Springer
17.  T-RA IEEE Trans on Robotics and Automation IEEE
18.  IJAR International Journal of Approximate Reasoning ELSEVIER
19.  KER Knowledge Engineering Review Cambridge
20.  DKE Data and Knowledge Engineering ELSEVIER
21.  TCBB IEEE/ACM Trans on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics IEEE
22.  T-ITB IEEE Transactions on Information Technology in Biomedicine IEEE

23.  TFS IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems IEEE
24.  TSLP ACM Transactions on Speech and Language Processing ACM
25.  TALIP ACM Transactions on Asian Language Information Processing ACM
26.   Journal of Automated Reasoning Springer
27.  AICom AI Communications IOS
序号 刊物简称 刊物全称 出版社 网址
1.  IDA Intelligent Data Analysis ELSEVIER
2.   Applied Intelligence  Springer
3.  SMC IEEE Trans on Systems, Man, & Cybernetics, Part A & B & C IEEE
4.  NLE Natural Language Engineering Cambridge University
5.  AMAI Annals of Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence Springer,11855,5-147-70-35674745-0,00.html
6.  IJDAR International Journal of Document Analysis and Recognition Springer
7.  KBS Knowledge-Based Systems ELSEVIER
8.   Neurocomputing ELSEVIER
9.  NCA Neural Computing & Applications Springer
10.  NPL Neural Processing Letters Springer
11.  PRL Pattern Recognition Letters ELSEVIER
12.  PAA Pattern Analysis and Applications Springer 103609/
13.   Connection Science Taylor & Francis
14.  AIM Artificial Intelligence in Medicine Elsevier
15.  DSS Decision Support Systems Elsevier
16.  IVC Image and Vision Computing ELSEVIER
17.   Machine Vision and Applications Springer
18.   Medical Image Analysis Elsevier
19.   Natural Computing Springer
20.   Soft Computing Springer
21.  ESWA Expert Systems with Applications ELSEVIER
22.  EAAI Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence ELSEVIER
23.   Expert Systems Blackwell
24.  IJPRAI International Journal of Pattern Recognition & Artificial Intelligence World Scientific
25.  IJIS International Journal of Intelligent Systems Wiley InterScience
26.  IJNS International Journal of Neural Systems World Scientific
27.  AAI Applied Artificial Intelligence Taylor & Francis
28.   Cybernetics and Systems Taylor & Francis
29.   Speech Communications ELSEVIER
30.   Computer Speech and Language ELSEVIER
31.  WIAS Web Intelligence and Agent Systems IOS
32.   Fuzzy Sets and Systems ELSEVIER
33.   IEE Proceedings: Vision, Image and Signal IEEE
34.  IJCIA International Journal of Computational Intelligence and Applications World Scientific
35.  JETAI Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Artificial Intelligence Taylor & Francis
36.   International Journal of Uncertainty, Fuzziness and KBS World Scientific
37.  IJAES International Journal of Applied Expert Systems  Taylor Granham
38.   Artificial Life MIT Press
39.  AAMAS Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems Springer
序号 会议简称 会议全称 出版社 网址
1.  IJCAI International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence Morgan Kaufmann

2.  ICCV International Conference on Computer Vision IEEE
3.  ICML International Conference on Machine Learning ACM
4.  CVPR IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition IEEE
5.  AAAI AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence AAAI

序号 会议简称 会议全称 出版社 网址
6.  NIPS Annual Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems MIT Press

7.  KR International Conference on Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning Morgan Kaufmann
8.  ACL Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics ACL
11.  AAMAS International Joint Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multi-agent Systems Springer
12.  ECCV European Conference on Computer Vision Springer
13.  ECML European Conference on Machine Learning Springer
14.  ECAI European Conference on Artificial Intelligence IOS Press
15.  COLT Annual Conference on Computational Learning Theory Springer
16.  UAI International Conference on Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence AUAI
17.  ICAPS International Conference on Automated Planning and Scheduling AAAI
18.  ICCBR International Conference on Case-Based Reasoning Springer
19.  COLING International Conference on Computational Linguistics ACM
20.  ALT International Conference on Algorithmic Learning Theory Springer

21.  ILP International Conference on Inductive Logic Programming Springer
22.  ICRA IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation IEEE
23.  CogSci Cognitive Science Society Annual Conference Psychology Press
24.  IJCAR International Joint Conference on Automated Reasoning  
25.  EMNLP Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing ACL
二十三、 C类
序号 会议简称 会议全称 出版社 网址
26.  PRICAI Pacific Rim International Conference on Artificial Intelligence Springer
27.  NAACL The Annual Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics NAACL
21.  ACCV Asian Conference on Computer Vision Springer
22.  IJCNN International Joint Conference on Neural Networks IEEE
23.  ICASSP IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and SP IEEE
24.  DS International Conference on Discovery Science Springer
25.  ICTAI IEEE International Conference on Tools with Artificial Intelligence IEEE
26.  ICANN International Conference on Artificial Neural Networks Springer
27.  ICDAR International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition IEEE
28.  GECCO Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference ACM
29.  CEC IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation IEEE
30.  FUZZ-IEEE IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems IEEE
31.  IJCNLP International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing ACL
32.  ICONIP International Conference on Neural Information Processing Springer
33.  CVIR International Conference on Content based Image and Video Retrieval ACM 
34.  FGR International Conference on Face and Gesture Recognition IEEE 
35.  ICB International Conference on Biometrics IEEE 
36.  CoNLL Conference on Natural Language Learning CoNLL
37.  KSEM International conference on Knowledge Science, Engineering and Management Springer

38.  ICPR International Conference on Pattern Recognition IEEE
39.  COSIT International Conference on Spatial Information Theory  

二十四、 A类
序号 刊物简称 刊物全称 出版社 网址
5.   Proceedings of the IEEE IEEE
6.   Journal of the ACM ACM

二十五、 B类
序号 刊物简称 刊物全称 出版社 网址
7.   中国科学(F辑) 中文版中国科学杂志社
英文版 Springer
8.  JCST Journal of Computer Science and Technology SCIENCE PRESS
9.   The Computer Journal Oxford University Press





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