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原创 The World's Smallest Computer Can Fit on the Tip of a Grain of Rice
The University of Michigan was salty that IBM made a smaller computer than it did, so it made an even smaller computer. In a compelling act of nerd rivalry, engineers at the University of Michigan...
2018-10-13 15:47:50 151
原创 How to transfer large data via network
1. Executive SummaryIf you have to transfer data, transfer only that which is necessary. If you unavoidably have TBs to transfer regularly, consider having your institution set up a GridFTP node.I...
2018-10-10 17:17:50 2511
原创 Ceph OSD日志分析
翻译文章简介Ceph OSD日志也是一种事务日志,它是基于文件系统的OSD的关键组成部分,提供存储系统所需的一致性保证。让我们从Ceph documentation中有关日志的描述开始:Ceph OSD使用日志有两个原因:速度及一致性。速度: 日志使得Ceph OSD Daemon进程能够快速的提交小IO。Ceph将小的随机IO顺序的写入日志,让后端文件系统有更多时间来合并I...
2018-01-12 16:05:34 2669
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